When he finally arrived at the royal capital,  he was only worried. It had been a long time since   past life memories had been awakened.

It had been half a year since his duel with Siegfried,  protagonist of Destiny 48. However, Leolde did not feel any emotion at the royal capital that he had not seen in a long time.

(If that true, I should be more than happy,  to be been summoned by His Majesty.)

The letter said something about giving a reward , but honestly, he  don't need it.

(Let's finish this as soon as possible and return to Ze'at.)

" Master . We'll head straight for the royal castle."

"What? Aren't we going to meet  my father and mother?"

"We'll have an audience with the King first. I've already made contact with them, so all that's left is for you to make your way to the castle."

"I see. ......"

Leolde was surprised when Gilbert explained to him while he was going through the procedures to enter the royal capital.

I never thought I would head straight to the royal castle. Leold sighs, thinking he was going to show his face to his parents first.

The carriage carrying  him went straight down the street and headed for the royal castle that stood at the end of the street. Leolde looked out of the carige window and admired the cityscape and the people walking around.

The streets were more beautiful than Ze'at, and the large number of people reminded Leolde  once again that he was back in the royal capital.

Eventually, the number of people dwindled and he looked up and saw the castle. The thought of entering that castle made  himfeel sick to  his stomach.

(Ugh, I want to go home!)

It didn't matter how much he screamed, he couldn't go home However, if  he want to return with  his head and body separated,  he can.

Leolde  does not have the courage to do so.

In the meantime, the carriages proceeded to the royal castle, and  he made up  his mind that it was time to go.

The fear and nervousness of the possibility of having his head chopped off in the event of a mishap caused him to tremble both physically and mentally.

In reality, it is impossible for him to be beheaded unless he has done something wrong, but the combination of  past life memory and Leolde's memory is making him paranoid.

Eventually, the carriage stopped and the door opened. The person outside must have been the guide.  he got out of the carriage and stepped into the castle with Gilbert and Sheria.

While stopping to admire the opulence of the castle's interior, he walked quickly to avoid being left behind by the guides who were moving forward.

On the way, he was separated from Gilbert, the butler, and Shelia, the servant, while Leolde, alone behind the guide and tormented by loneliness, made his way to the throne room.

The person he was about to face was the most powerful person in the kingdom, His Majesty the King. In Lelde's memory, he is a good friend of his father's, but in  his past life memory, he is a fearsome person who cannot be traced.

The king himself has no combat skills at all, but in politics, he shows his tremendous talent without reserve.

Unfortunately, the untrained eye cannot understand what is going on.

Finally,  he arrived at the entrance of the throne room. After a brief explanation by the guide,  he straightened his collar.

The huge door overwhelmed him, but he tilted his head as he looked up at the door.

(Why are the doors of these places so big?  Is it to show their dignity?_

After the guide finished explaining to Leolde, he entered the throne room through a small door separate from the huge one. Leolde smiled, wondering if that small door was the  entrance.

After a while, a huge door opened with a loud bang. Leolde  waited until the huge door was fully open, as explained by the guide.

Then, when the huge doors leading to the throne room were fully open, Leolde  walked forward. Standing on both sides of the door are famous noblemen, and behind them is an elite troop of knights.

Leolde, whose every move attracts attention, trembles inwardly as he makes his way to the king sitting on the throne in the center of the room.

When he reached the king, he dropped to one knee and hung his head with his hand on his chest.

Then, a voice rang out in the throne room, which had been dominated by silence.

"I now present to you, Leolde  Harvest, a reward for your great contribution to this monster panic!"

Leolde Harvest, raise your head."


The Prime Minister, an elderly man standing beside the King, unfolded a piece of paper and read it out.

He talked about  his accomplishments.

He mentioned that he and his knights had defended Fort Ze'at, which had become the front line  for the monster panic.

When the Prime Minister read out the report on the paper, the King nodded his head in satisfaction and asked Leorde.

"Leolde. Are you  heard about this report?

"With all due respect, Your Majesty. I was only following the words of my father, the head of the Harvest family. I believe that all the credit for this achievement belongs to the Order."

"So, for someone like me, I'm satisfied with what His Majesty has to say."

"Hmm. I see. I understand what you are saying. But words alone are not enough."

In any case,  he wanted to get it over with and go home. Therefore, he despised himself and tried to satisfy the king, turning his insufficient head desperately to arrange his words.

"I'm sure that's true, but if you go back in history, your mistake is a  big one one. However, I can't forgive you for trying to get someone else fiancée hurt ."


Dully, Leolde  begins to sweat. To be honest, he even wanted to get down on his knees, cry out, and leave the place immediately.

He didn't think he would be able to bear the thought of continuing to argue with the king in the presence of so many nobles and his father.

He had to get out of here as soon as possible, so he tried his best to use all the circuits in his brain to speak.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's too much for me. ......"

(I can't do this anymore. My brain short-circuited. I can't think of anything better to say.)

Leolde  involuntarily turned his face down to avert his eyes.


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