Leolde, now completely useless, could only bow head and wait for the king's word.

He  wondered how much time had passed. The time he was experiencing was so out of whack that he had no idea.

Sweat trickled down from his chin to the floor, forming stains.

As he counted the stains, he waited for the king's words. In a way, he feels like a prisoner waiting for his death sentence. he  wonder if he has risen gray hair.

"Rise up, Leordo."


Leolde, who was sweating unpleasantly, looked up as the king spoke, disgusted by the feeling of his clothes sticking to his back.

Leorde looked up and saw the king's face, as if he was looking at something smiling. Leorde swallowed her saliva, wondering what was going on.

He wonder if this is a death sentence or not.

But the king's inner thoughts were different. The king is pleased with the difference between him and his past self . As the son of a friend, he had met him many times and knew his personality well.

So he was surprised to see the change in  him , but also happy to see him grow as a person.

Although they are not father and son,  his  friend's son, who was regarded as a trash by the world, has grown up to be a fine person.

"I understand your point of view, , but I still have to reward you."

"You have saved the lives of many knights. The story has reached me. You   put the knights of Zeato together and helped them deal with the monster panic.

So, Leolde. You have the right to receive. Now, shut up and take your reward."

"It's ...... yes. It's an honor."

but He  know that  he is not going to die. However, he is puzzled by the unexpected compliment. Hurriedly, but out of politeness,  hee bows his head.

Then, the king's turn was over, and the vizier who was waiting beside him talked about Leolde reward .

He said that he would give Leolde 30 million B.

B-bane is the currency used in the Kingdom of Algabane in Destiny 48. One B is one Japanese yen.

In other words, Leordo would receive a sum of money that would be enough to build a house .

Basically, Destiny 48 has a medieval European worldview, but since the producers are Japanese, there are parts of the world that are close to Japan.

Leorde  is not very happy about the large sum of money he is going to receive. It is true that in Japan, 30 million would be enough to raise your hands in joy, but Leolde is a member of a duke's family.

30 million is not enough to make him happy. However, this money will be Leolde's personal property. So, when he finds out about it, he will be happy, but for now, he is not happy because he does not know yet.

In this way, the audience with the king ended and the meeting was dismissed. Leolde went to the room he was led to and joined Gilbert and Shelia who were waiting for  him .

"I'm so nervous! I was nervous to death!"

As soon as he came back, he let out a big sigh and unbuttoned his clothes to make himself comfortable. Then he sits down on the sofa, stretches his legs and looks up at the ceiling.

As he did so, Shelia prepared a cup of tea for him, taking care of his tiredness. Leolde  took a sip of the tea and looked up at the ceiling again.

"Ah~~~, yummy~~~""

"That  master Leolde-?"

"Hmm? What is it?

"Is an audience really that nerve-wracking?"

" Master Leolde is a duke, so I'm sure he's met His Majesty the King many times before."

"Well, that's true, but ...... you see, I've done a lot of things, haven't I?"

"Oh~......, yes."

"It was  his first audience since  he was imprisoned in Ze'at, so  he was very nervous. not going to lie,  he  felt like  he  was being sentenced to death.

In contrast, Shelia's face was tense as she laughed.  She  somehow understood the feeling.

The reason why  she  understood was because  she  remembered when  she  was told that the three of  them , Leolde and Gilbert, were going to Ze'at.

Shelia smiled desperately to avoid being recognized.

As Leolde was drinking the tea that Shelia had made for him, Gilbert spoke to him.

". Master Leolde . Today's lunch is the first time in a long time that your  mother  has asked to eat together as a family."



Shelia was surprised to see Leolde  spewing tea out of his nose with great force.

" She already booked a table at the restaurant, so when the time comes, come to the restaurant. Also, she said not to be late."

"'Oh, ......, mother told you that, didn't she?"

"Yes. We still have some time left, what should we do?"

"Well, ...... I want to rest for a while, so I think I'll stay here."

Oh, and Shelia. You can buy some souvenirs for the servants waiting for  us in Ze'at."

Gil, give Shelia the money for the souvenirs.""

""What? Are you sure?"

"I don't mind. Is that all right, Gil?"

"Yeah, no problem. It's good to have something like that once in a while."

"That's what I meant. Oh, and for  Barbaroto  please.

"Yes, Master ! I'll choose something that will meet your expectations!"

"You don't have to get too worked up about it."

Gilbert quieted the excited Shelia and then handed her the money for the souvenirs. After receiving the money, Shelia was even more motivated than usual because of her sense of duty .

While Shelia was out shopping, Leolde and Gilbert were talking about nothing in particular.

"Speaking of which, are you sure you want  her to go alone?"

Leolde asked Gilbert, worried about Shelia, who had gone shopping alone.

"No need to worry. This is the royal capital, and since Sheria is dressed as a servant for a nobleman, she won't be caught by any strange people."

"I hope you're right. ......"

After all, Leolde  seems to be a little worried. Shelia existed as a sub-heroine in Destiny 48, and although she wasn't much of a character, she was just plain cute.

It's really cute. Leolde , who has memories of  past life , thinks that Shelia has enough beauty to make it as an idol in modern Japan.

He can't help but worry about her because she's out shopping alone. Gilbert is relieved that she is in the royal capital, but it is precisely because it is the royal capital that there are strange people.

"Gil. Why don't you go with Sheria now, instead of worrying about me?"

"The Master is a worrier."

Leolde 's prediction came true. He had no way of knowing it at the time, though.

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