
Shelia was walking around a famous shopping street in the royal capital. She seemed to be in a very good mood, humming as she walked along.

At any rate, Leolde gave  her some money  to buy souvenirs .

"Ah! These sweets are new! Looks delicious!"

Shelia stopped to examine the sweets on display at the store. Not only Sheria, but many people were looking at the sweets. It seemed to be famous sweets.

"Hmmm... Which one should I choose?"

Shelia twisted her head in extravagant worry, "I like that one, I like this one too."

The amount of money that  she was given was more than enough to buy a souvenir for Barbaroto and servants who works at  his house.

Normally, it would be wrong to waste the money, but Shelia was sure that Leolde won't be angry.

So, after much worrying, Shelia got a little greedy. She bought more than enough for herself.

Satisfied that she had done her business, she returned to Leolde and Gilbert .

However, there was a problem here. Just as she was about to leave, she was blocked by a group of three men.

The three men, who were looking at her with smirks and disgusting smiles, approached her step by step.

" ?"

"Huh? Don't you think that servant-like person can't talk 


"I'm the third son of a baronial family. . A servant like you can do whatever you want  if i tell my father.

"Wow, I'm a servant of the Duke of Harvest!"

"Huh~. Is that it?"

"So what? Didn't you hear me!"

I'm the Duke of Harvest--"

"But you're just a servant, aren't you?"


"It's not that I want to eat you, you know. I'm just trying to get you to play with us."

The three of them have been staring at her breasts and legs for a while now. She is aware of their gazes and  and trying to find a way   to  escape.

Even though there are a lot of people on the street, people on the street see her but do not help her. No one wanted to get involved in the trouble.

Moreover, the clothes the three men were wearing looked like something a nobleman would wear, not a commoner. There was no telling what would happen if they got involved.

That's why no one would help  her even if they were watching.

"Hey . You should come while we're being nice. Do you understand?"

"Ugh. ......"

The trio was starting to get annoyed with Shelia's attitude. Shelia looks to passersby for help, but they all look away.

When she realizes that no one is going to come to her aid, she begins to tremble with fear.

"Oh, and just so you know, if you try to scream, we don't know what we'll do."


There was no way to escape. Her mind blank with despair, 

She had just been happily picking out souvenirs and was excited about eating sweets when she got home, but how this turn ou like this?

If she  know such thing will happen   se was would   come with her grandfather, Gilbert.

"Hey, what are you doing?'



Shelia was about to give up, when she heard a rescuing voice.

The three men who had been tangling with Sheria suddenly turned to the person who had called out to them.

"Who the hell are you? We're in the middle of something good, so don't interrupt us."

"Is that so?""

The person who called out to the trio was Siegfried. He was the  protagonist of Destiny 48. Siegfried had a strong sense of justice, and when he saw Shelia in fear, he couldn't  just paas by .

"No, ! These people forced  me to--"

"Aah! What are you talking about?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Hey! You're scaring her! Aren't you ashamed to be around one girl?"

"Shut up! Would you be able to say the same thing if you knew I was the third son of a baron?"

"Baroness?  What about it? Your father is the one who's important, not you. Besides, I'm a member of a baronial family."

"What?  you are a baron?. Dont messing with me You're just commoner !

"I'm not lying. . I'm Siegfried Zexia, a legitimate son of Baron Zexia.

"What? Zexia?"

The Baron of Zexia is a famous aristocrat nowadays. In any case,  they became famous when Zeke defeated Leolde, the eldest son of the Duke of Harvest, in a duel held at the school.

"Oh, you're Siegfried. ......"

"Yes, I am."

"Oh, ugh. ...... Shit! Come on, let's go!"

The three men left as if they were running away from  him , as if the situation was getting worse.  After confirming that the three are gone, Zeke approaches Sheria, who was frightened and unable to move.

"Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine! Thank you for your help!"

"No need to thank me. I couldn't leave you alone.

"Thank you so much! I don't know what would have happened to me if you hadn't  help me . ....."

"I want to thank you at least in some way!"

"Oh, you can take this candy if you want!"

In order to thank  him for her help, Sheria handed Zeke the sweets she had bought to eat later. Zeke, who was forced to accept it , felt bad about giving it back, so he accepted it without hesitation.

"I'll stay with you in case the guys from earlier come back."

This was a reassuring comment, and Shelia, who was flattered to have been saved from a nasty event , had no reason to refuse. She agreed with two words and the two of them started walking together.

Thus, their strange fates begin to intertwine. The time may soon come when Zeke, the protagonist of Destiny 48, and Leolde, who has already disappeared from the story of Destiny 48, will meet again.

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