Leoldo, who has decided to go to the frontier, has been prepared qith a help of Gilbert.

However, Leoldo is now in a pinch. He does not know what will happen next.

The reason why he doesn't know is because destiny 48 is a story in which Siegfried is the protagonist, and the point of view depicted is Siegfried's.

He , who became Leorde, certainly knows the future, but it is the future seen from Siegfried's point of view.

Therefore, now that he has become Leorde himself, it is safe to say that he knows almost nothing except the ending.

Occasionally the story was told from a third person's point of view, but as far as Leoldo is concerned,   it's only have the first scene of his expulsion.

In other words,  HE don't know what will happan with him 

In the past, he had been able to get away with just spouting the same lines as in the original story, but now he felt inwardly disappointed.

"Well then, Master Leorde. We are ready to go, so let's get going."


He been trying to act as if  He the uninhibited Leorde He always been, but He failing.

Leorde didn't understand, but Gilbert was very surprised. His face didn't show it, but inwardly he felt as if he was  different person 

(I agreed to it honestly! How foolish . I just thought he was going to throw a tantrum and run away. ...... Is it because of the scolding from the Master the other day?)

Gilbert has a lot on his mind. He can't help it. Gilbert knows Leoldo's personality very well, having served him for many years.

He knew that Leoldo was about to be sent to the frontier, and he responded honestly without throwing a tantrum.

It is not surprising that Gilbert guessed wrong.

Leoldo, who had immediately made a mistake, got into the carriage that Beluga had prepared without realizing his mistake.

The carriage creaked under Leoldo's weight, but as a duke's family, it was sturdy.

He  was also surprised at the weight of Leoldo that made it creak.

Inside the carriage are Gilbert and Gilbert's granddaughter, the maid Shelia. Leoldo sits down so that he is facing them.

Leoldo gets excited when he sees Shelia. After all, a beautiful girl who had only existed on the other side of the screen was right in front of him, within arm's reach.

He naturally sniffs.

"ptch ptch ......"

Shelia was already at her wits' end when she saw Leoldo laughing unpleasantly and even snorting. She felt like jumping out of the carriage and running away right now.

Even if she had to jump out of the carriage and get seriously injured, Shelia thinks it would be much better than serving the ugly pig in front of her.

Shelia glanced up at her grandfather, Gilbert, who was carefully observing Leorde's every move.

"Master Leoldo ."

"What is it?"

Leoldo thought he was laughing out loud, but it was overheard.

Gilbert calls out to Leoldo.

Leoldo replies in a hurried manner because of the sudden call.

"Do you remember where we are going?"

"Hmm? I'm sure it's in a remote city called Zeato. What's wrong with that? You're not mocking me, are you?"

(Leoldo would say something like this, right? I an not wrong, I an)

Leoldo anxiously checks in his mind, but he is already wrong.

If it was the original Leoldo, he would have shouted at  him when  his asked him a question. It's the kind of person Leoldo is, he doesn't answer honestly.

"No, I was just checking. I was just confirming. I apologize for my rudeness."


"Pfft. ......"

In response to Gilbert's apology, Leorde sniffed, but  his nose widened so much that he looked like a pig, and Shelia hastily covered her mouth as she  was about to puke 

But it was too late. Leorde did not miss the fact that Shelia laughed. Gilbert tried to get her to apologize, but Leorde opened hismouth first.

"Did you just laugh?"

"I'm so sorry! I've been so rude to you, Lord Leorde.

" It's fine . I don't mind.

(Thinking about it, since my goal is to survive, I don't have to act like the original Leoldo. From now on, I'm the new Leoldo.)

"Huh, ......?"

Shelia let out a dumb voice, but beside her was a wide-eyed and astonished Gilbert. This is the first time that the man who was once feared as a legendary assassin assassin showed  such face.

(Nonsense!  lord Leoldo-could have chopped off  her head with that laugh. What the hell happened to  him ? ......)

It was a situation that even Gilbert could not understand.

Gilbert was slightly excited about the possibility that the last major task that Beluga had given him might turn out to be something extraordinary.

Shelia, on the other hand, was not so much relieved to be forgiven as she was bewildered by Leorde's attitude, which was different from what she had heard.

She glanced at Leoldo, thinking that maybe he wasn't as bad as people said.

Then, by coincidence, Leoldo was also looking at Sheria, so their gazes overlapped.

Shelia despairs that her innocence will be taken from her in the near future.

Leoldo, on the other hand, was pleased to see Shelia's reaction and wondered if he could  became a gentleman.

Unfortunately, he's just conveniently misunderstood by Shelia, who has realized her hopeless future and has come to an understanding of it, but the less he knows about it, the happier he'll be.

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