Leoldo, who had sworn to  change  fate and survive, felt that he had made a mistake in imitating Leoldo, the trashy person he had been before.

However, he must not be discouraged. He is determined to use  his past life memories to regain Leordo's original power in order to break the death flag.

"Master Leorde. We've arrived at Ze'at.

"Hmm, okay."

The carriage stopped and Gilbert reported to Leold that they had arrived at their destination, Ze'at.

Leorde replied honestly and opened the carriage door to stare at Ze'at.

(Whoaa! The scene I saw on the other side of the screen is now right in front of me! How wonderful. It's a different kind of emotion than the one I felt with Shelia.)

Leorde recalled her memories of playing game  and was moved by the scene in front of him .

Ze'at, according to destiny 48, was a fort and a small town built near the border.

There were no special products, and nothing of note except the fort. According to  his   past life memory, there was nothing to see in Ze'at except the fort.

He is   been  in the fort during events, but  he never been to the town, so  he don't know much about it.

As soon as he tried to look around the town, Gilbert stopped him.

". Master Leoldo, where are you going? "

"I'm going to look around the town, I can't do this ?"

"We are going to the house where we are goin  spending the night. The carriage has stopped so that we can have a look at the town where we will be living."

"All right. Then show me the house."

Gilbert can't shake his suspicion of Leoldo, who still listens to him clamly .

In the meantime, Leoldo was wondering how to deal with Gilbert and Sheria in the future.

Leoldo gets out of the carriage and goes to a large mansion located not far  from the town. When Leoldo got off the carriage, he looked up at the mansion and his face turned pale.

(What is this place? This was the place where Leoldo had met his end several times!)

Leorde has died in all routes of destiny 48. He can be the last boss, but when he is the last boss, he has to fight Siegfried in  this place.

However, the mansion that Leoldo is looking up at now is the place where Leoldo meets his end in many routes.

Assassinations, poisonings, conspiracies, and many other deaths of Leoldo.

It was no wonder that Leoldo, who knew the future, turned pale as the scene was right in front of him.

" What's wrong, Master Leoldo?"

"No, , nothing.  Just show me the inside of the house.'

"This way, please."

Leoldo is led inside by Gilbert, but his movements are awkward because he is entering a mansion where he may meet his end.

Gilbert tilted his head when he saw Leoldo's strange  behavior , but decided that he would be fine as long as he didn't run away.

In the back of the room, Shelia was trying hard to hold back her laughter at the sight of Leoldo's strange movements.

Leorde was led into her room by Gilbert and Shelia. His clothes and undergarments were already arranged and ready for him to live in.

Lying down on the luxurious bed and looking up at the ceiling, Leorde made a plan for the future.

(First of all, I'll start with dieting. Fortunately, I've already succeeded in dieting in my previous life.)

Next,  he will learn about magic and train  himsrlf in martial arts. He have memories of Leorde, so He  don't think  he will have any trouble with these two.

(Well, I'm sure Gilbert can take care of that for me.)

There's a lot to do, but from here on out  he is in  unknown territory.

He  know He is going to die in the future, but He  don't know how  he is going to get there.

Even so, since he has vowed to survive, Leorde  was thinking  to ask for help from Gilbert, Shelia and the others first.

(But would it look suspicious if I suddenly asked them to help me lose weight? But it would be more noble to ask a maid or a butler to help me change my eating habits!{

(If they get suspicious, I'll just say it's because Zeke beat me up.)

The original story has been recreated, and now it feels like it's too late to do anything about it, but it's something  he has to do in order to prevent the story from proceeding as it did in the original.

Leorde hurriedly summoned Gilbert with the doorbell.

Less than a second after the doorbell rang, Gilbert came to Leoldo's room.

"You wanted to see me, master "

(You're early. Hey! It's been less than a second since I rang the doorbell! You're too much of an assassin, the legendary assassin!)

"Yeah. Gilbert, I want to lose weight. So I need your help.""

"......, what did you just say?""

"Didn't you hear me  properly due   to your age? I said I want to lose weight."

"Master ......"

What? Why are you crying! And that's what you used to call me! What was there to be moved about?"

Gilbert was ordered to rehabilitate Leoldo, which Leoldo could never do .

Gilbert had prepared himself for what would surely be the last major task of his life. However, his personality had changed due to an unexpected reincarnation. Gilbert's determination had ended in vain, but it didn't change the fact that he was happy.

He was so excited that he couldn't hold back his tears, thinking that the child prodigy Leorde had come back to him.

"Can you help me  ......, can't you?"

"Of course I can.  I'll risk my life until you get the body you deserve.

It's heavy, Gil! What happened to you in the last few seconds? "

"I see. Well, I guess you'll have to go with me.'


Gilbert's sudden change of heart leads him to cooperate with Leoldo without any doubts.

Leoldo is pleased to have such a reassuring ally, even if he is a little put off by Gilbert.

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