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172 Is it a gift to help a water friend open the box? hiss! It’s really a gift! [2 more full orders! 】
“…If they can do it, we can do it too.”
Xiao Tuantuan’s extremely excited words directly put question marks on everyone’s faces.
“Tuanzi, now we don’t know how you, the master, did it. Are you so confident that we can do it after knowing?” The pineapple Saidong hippopotamus girl asked suspiciously: “I found that you now claim to be Hanjiang Guying’s apprentice is a little swollen.”
“It must be inflated. I, Ah Tuan, are Hanjiang Guying’s apprentice. I, as an apprentice, can do what the master can do, and I will do what I can’t do!”
Xiao Tuantuan’s loli voice is full of pride and confidence. Both Pineapple Saidong and Neck are people who often play games with Xiao Tuantuan. This is the first time they have seen such Xiao Tuantuan. “Don’t get too excited, let’s figure out the gameplay first. It seems that Hanjiang Guying is equipped with V2 skills, because only the V2 of the Great Buddha can catch teammates and restore blood.”
Neck said thoughtfully.
In the three people’s live broadcast room, the barrage discussion also took off.
“Does anyone know what kind of routine this is? It’s too outrageous.”
“Good guy, it turns out that they didn’t have anyIt’s too BUG to go all the way to resist poisoning and eat chicken. “Brothers, wait for me, I will go undercover in the Hanjiang Guying live broadcast room and wait for my good news. ”
“How much medicine they have is not enough to fight. Even if there are two walnuts, they can’t resist the poison for ten minutes, right?” “Show me how stupid, how did they do it?” 30 “This way, This bonus is simply invincible.”
“I feel that this routine is going to become popular. Once it becomes popular, the official will notice it. That is to say, those who want to play this routine should hurry up.” ”
“Let’s walk around, hurry up and go to his live broadcast room to learn a wave. It’s too late, I guess there won’t even be a place.”
The three of them soon discovered that the number of people online in their live broadcast room continued to drop.
“What’s the situation? Why did you go to the Hanjiang Guying live broadcast room, can’t I attract you to Pineapple Saidong?” The hippo girl of Pineapple Saidong said, stood up and leaned forward.
Immediately, the audience in the live broadcast room only felt that they were appearing on the rough sea, facing one wave after another of huge waves, and some viewers saw the scene of Mount Tai pressing the top, and they felt that their breathing was not smooth. “Where are you going?! Come back to me!”
“Gan! Top score? What score? I’m going to stay here forever!”
“If I die, please put my spiritual position in front of the computer. I want to watch the live broadcast of Hippo.”
“Duanzi, the people in my live broadcast room are about to leave.”
A depressed voice sounded from his neck. After all, live streaming on Douyin is not as good as live streaming on major live streaming platforms, so the number of people online in his live streaming room is only a few thousand people.
“Hehe, it’s alright, let’s go, let’s go, anyway, you are going to my master’s live broadcast room, and there are no outsiders.” Xiao Tuantuan not only did not feel depressed, but said happily. Pineapple Saidong Hippo Girl:  …
Steel Gun Bully:  …
“Duanzi, have you betrayed?” “Having master and forgetting friends?”
Jiang Han looked at the barrage and listened to the sound of gift reminders that kept ringing in his ears. He was in a good mood with a smile on his face.
Sure enough, this routine was very popular, and his choice was extremely correct.
In this game, Jiang Han could choose to play it in the last circle, or in the last two or three circles, but he didn’t. Instead, he chose to play this routine in Tianrencheng.
In Tianren City, it was a bit risky to be honest, because at that time the distance between Tianren City and the safe area was already a few hundred meters, and he didn’t know whether he would continue to brush further in the next circle.
If he didn’t bring V2, if there was no Guangyou Soul Jade, Jiang Han would not take such a risk, and he would choose to play this routine again in the last two laps.
Jiang Han was a little surprised to eat chicken with three rows of spit as a god, but he still believed that there was a good chance that he would survive to the end if he continued to carry it.
Because he is a big Buddha, he can choose to cancel the ultimate move before the big Buddha’s blood volume is exhausted, so that Master Tianhai’s blood volume will be in a fairly safe state.
Then, he took drugs again.
If he doesn’t play routines, he is confident that there is no problem with eating chicken at all, and he must add more points.
However, his two goals of playing this routine have also been completed. One is the live broadcast effect, which does not seem to be very good now, but explodes.
The live broadcast effect of the explosion can be seen just by watching the growing number of people online in the live broadcast room, and by watching the dense barrage that is almost non-repetitive.
The second goal is gifts. Now the gift-sharing income in the backstage has risen from more than 500,000 to more than 700,000, which means that after a game, he will get more than 200,000 gifts!
What is this concept?
Thirty minutes to get a reward of 200,000!
Even the big anchors of the Shark platform, the top big anchors rarely have such achievements.
Jiang Han also knows that his achievements will be seen by the housing management, operation and other related staff of Shark Platform, and Jiang Han needs them to see it.
Because Jiang Han’s contract with Shark Platform expires in less than three months. Whether he will still sign with Shark Platform at that time will depend on the signing fee given by the other party.
Of course, it takes hard work to strike iron, but Jiang Han believes that in less than three months, he will be able to become the head anchor of Shark Platform, and he will have the strength to negotiate and communicate with Shark Platform.
If you want to have an equal dialogue with the Shark platform, strength and capital are indispensable!
Although there are still three months left, Jiang Han knows that if the management of Shark Platform is not stupid, they will definitely ask him to renew the contract in advance.
This is the inevitable result!
But Jiang Han didn’t want to, because three months was enough to make his fame and status climb several levels again. After all, he was the one who suffered from the early signing.
[One million people’s blood book help to unpack the box is super popular! 】
[One million people’s blood book help to unpack the box is super popular! 】
[One million people’s blood book help to unpack the box is super popular! 】
Jiang Han retracted his thoughts and looked at his own live broadcast room on the secondary screen next to the main screen, his eyebrows raised.
He saw that the same audience sent ten rounds of super fire all at once, asking him to open the box, and many of the barrage in the live broadcast room also made such a request. “When will Lao Han open a wave of boxes? My whole body turned blue when I opened the box. (Crash)” “Isn’t Lao Han not going to open a wave of boxes for us today because of his unfortunate luck? (Desire) “”Help open the box! Help open the box! Ask for a red! Just ask for a red! (spell)”
“If you don’t help open the box, Hanjiang Guying’s second brother, Guan Yu, is one centimeter shorter every day! (Squint laugh)” “Three million fans wrote in blood to open the treasure box! (raises his claws)”
Jiang Han’s heart moved when he saw these barrages.
existTwo days ago, when the lucky value was only five or six o’clock, he thought about helping the water friends to unpack.
Since the lucky value is aimed at the game of eternal robbery, opening the treasure chest should also be able to bless luck. Moreover, as Jiang Han discovered that the lucky value can be reflected in the battle, gambling, and opening piles of objects, he is even more convinced of opening the treasure chest. It can also be blessed with Luck Points.
At that time, he considered saying that he would send a wave of welfare to the water friends.
That’s right, helping water friends out of the box is a bonus!
For other anchors, helping water friends to unbox is more for the live broadcast effect, or to attract viewers who want to watch the anchor unboxing, but for Jiang Han, it is to give benefits.
Within 100 times, will there be 2 Divine Grade Vipassana items?
For Jiang Han, it doesn’t need 100 times, maybe only 10 times can be used to produce 2 Divine Grade Vipassana items.
Even, the number of times used is less, and both shots may be red!
Now, Jiang Han’s Luck Point is at full level, and there are more than 3 million people in the live broadcast room at this time. If you can perform miracles alone, perform miracles in both cases, and draw two reds and more golds in ten consecutive times, then The live broadcast effect is an absolute blast on blast!
Perhaps, Jiang Han will have many more titles.
The unboxing master–Hanjiang Guying, the owner of the treasure chest-Hanjiang Guying, etc., each additional title represents that Jiang Han’s live broadcast style is more mature, and it represents the fame and status of the name Hanjiang Guying. progress.
This is a good thing.
Since it is a good thing, Jiang Han will not refuse it. “Open the box?”
Jiang Han sounded with a smile, opened the treasure box interface, looked at a treasure box rewarded by the game for completing the task, and clicked and said, “Then send a wave of benefits to the water friends and help you open the box or something.”
The audience who came from the live broadcast room such as PDD and Xiaotuantuan were stunned for a moment.
Is it a bonus to help the water friend unpack?
But just as they were stunned, they suddenly widened their eyes.
Because, a red streamer flew out in several streams and directly got into the treasure box in the hands of the Buddha sitting cross-legged on the ground.
The next moment, everyone was flooded with red light.
hiss! hiss! hiss!
The old fans of Jiang Han’s live broadcast room were all stunned.
They began to witness with their own eyes two days ago, Hanjiang Gu Ying sent out the wolf master.
And now, the second single shot, once again popular, once again single shot into the soul!
The new fans were also very shocked, because before opening the box, they saw the prompt to open the box in the upper right corner.
Within 68 times, you must have 1 Divine Grade Vipassana.
Then, in a flash!
The audience who newly arrived in the live broadcast room were also shocked when they saw that they were drawn into the soul.
This Nima, helping the water friends to open the box is really a bonus!
2 more to come! I have to go out to run errands at noon, and the remaining updates will be at least after three o’clock.
However, 20,000 words will not be less.
20,000 words a day! Ask for 1 full order support!
Ask for a monthly ticket for a flower evaluation ticket! .

173 Is it bad luck to be popular? Damn, this wave was pretended to be by Hanjiang Guying! [3 more for full order! 】
69 times, there will be a magic product and 1 magic product vipassana, which means that if you open the treasure chest 69 times again, you will have 1 red!
There is a fixed probability of opening the treasure chest to get the reward quality. The quality and probability of opening the treasure chest are as follows: Red (Sacred): 0.3%
Orange (Superior): 3.8%
Purple (Excellent): 24.7%
Blue (good): 71.2%
Circular Guarantee: On the basis of the basic probability, every time you open it up to 10 times, you will get a reward of purple (superior) and above. This guarantee can be triggered unlimited times.
Special Guarantee: On the basis of the basic probability, the first 100 times of opening, you will get at least two red (God) quality rewards, this guarantee cannot be triggered repeatedly.
When the “Cyclic Guarantee” and “Special Guarantee” are triggered at the same time, the special Guarantee will take priority.
The first 100 times to open the reward of red quality is guaranteed, that is to say, 100 times will be red, but what kind of red magic product is purely depends on personal luck.
There are still quite a few in the rare treasure chest as a reward for the red god product.
For example, the wolf main skin of the broad sword, such as Canaan’s desert fragrance fashion, etc., there are 4 red god-quality rewards, a total of 19 orange or gold top-quality rewards, purple excellent rewards and blue good rewards. more.
The first 100 times you open the treasure chest, you will still get two red prizes, but you can open the treasure chest later, can you open the treasure box, how many reds can you open, and whether the red you want , just depends on personal luck.
No matter which game it is, there are always players who are gold and non-gold. The rich players want all the rewards in the treasure chest. If they want to get all of them, they can start with 108,000 gold bricks. Players who don’t want to buy gold can only choose to prostitute for free, and it is difficult for them to issue divine rewards or top rewards.
The latter has far more players than the former. After all, the rich who play games only account for a small proportion, and most of them are ordinary players who don’t have much money, and players who can get a small amount of krypton gold and want to win the wolf master.
The last part of the players is the most painful. It is enough to spend a few hundred yuan or thousands of yuan to win the desired red god product reward. If you can’t draw it, you will vomit blood directly.
After all, the two god-grade Vipassana rewards that must be released in the first 100 times are not necessarily what players want, and it is possible to win the same red god-grade Vipassana reward.
Wanting to be the wolf master, the rhythm of pulling out two squid flying locks in the first 100 times and killing them directly on the spot.
Therefore, there are many players who want to use lucky friends or family members or children to help draw. Before Douyin, it was popular to ask girlfriends to open strange treasure boxes.That’s why.
In those videos, all the girlfriends took out the wolf master, but how many couldn’t?
This kind of video is popular because more players who didn’t draw out the likes of the skin, often pay attention to what they can’t get.
These players, especially the single players, can’t wait to find a girlfriend to give a wolf master when they see those videos. Unfortunately, they can only use the girl Wu to draw.
Then, nothing can be drawn.
Since they don’t have a girlfriend, and Miss Wu is incompetent, they all hope that the anchor they like will help open the treasure box.
After all, I don’t know how many treasure chests have been opened by those who can be the anchors.
Now, there are more than three million viewers in Jiang Han’s live broadcast room, and almost a majority of players want him to open the strange treasure box, and there are also special gifts for him to open the strange treasure box.
Thinking about Hanjiang Guying’s gold pile, it will give out gold, thinking about Hanjiang Guying betting on jade, is that gambling? Obviously buy it! With this kind of unpredictable luck, you can get whatever you want when you open the treasure chest.
Doesn’t this haircut in front of you just prove this? !
Many viewers have red eyes when they see Jiang Han’s soul-stirring offering of a divine product Vipassana reward, not only them, but also anchors like Zhou Shuyi, Dai Xiaomei, PDD and Xiao Tuantuan, Da Sima, Yin Zi and other anchors are still watching. His live broadcast hasn’t left yet.
Fifteen million viewers, seeing this scene, at least more than half of the envious viewers, at least!
When the red light filled the eyeballs, Miss Tsuchimikado in Butterfly Dream’s costume appeared in front of everyone. Jiang Han frowned and said unhappily:
“Is it so bad luck? It turned out to be Walnut’s Butterfly Dream fashion, even if a tentacle fly is better than Moli, I would have known to wash my hands.” Fifteen million viewers: ???
“Nima, is it bad luck to have a walnut’s exclusive fashion butterfly dream?”
“Die Mengxiang, who has walnuts on Mo Li’s gadgets? Does the anchor discriminate against walnuts in any way?” What about us, Gan!” “This… he actually pretended to be in this wave, damn it.”

Jiang Han’s old and new fans were also a little speechless.
“Walnut’s exclusive fashion – Butterfly Dream, it’s also a red goddess Vipassana, why is it almost like garbage in your mouth. (Silent)” “My dear, it’s been so many years since I brushed my teeth, and the tone is so loud. !(angry)”
“Diemeng fashion, my dream fashion, Nima doesn’t have to lock Mo Lifei a thousand times better? (Frowning)”
“This sentence caused 10,000 points of critical damage to me. I just wanted to spend 5,000 yuan on this costume and it never came out. (vomiting blood)” “Old Han’s luck is good, it looks like athlete’s foot. It’s contagious, or else it’s impossible to get red in both shots. (Dog’s head)”
“Good guy, this is the first time I saw someone who disliked Moli, but also the Butterfly Dream fashion that disliked Walnut. I give full marks to this outfit (the one who paid for it). (Funny)” “Hurry up and open the box, Open it to me, I will ask for a wolf master, and choose a wolf master for ten consecutive times! (Bless)”
“Ya’er, this is the first time I have seen someone dislike Butterfly Dream’s fashion. It’s so uncomfortable for him to pretend to be.”
PDD touched his big head and continued: “The red in the rare treasure chest, I am missing this butterfly dream now, don’t give it to me.” “Is this guy so lucky to open the rare treasure chest?” Sima’s eyes showed admiration.
“It’s all good luck in the game, why is luck so unbelievable outside the game?” Yin Zi said in disbelief.
His question is also a question in the hearts of many people.
But this question is destined to have no answer.
There was a little accident, and not long after I got home, the update started!
rush rush! .

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