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174 Ten Treasure Chests Will Be Red?! How dare this guy! [4 more for full order! 】
In another live broadcast room, Xiao Tuantuan was watching Jiang Han’s live broadcast room. When he saw Jiang Han’s soul and red, he cheered excitedly.
“Yeah~ see, this is my master, just ask you guys if you’re awesome or not, if you’re awesome or not! Tell me what you want and I’ll ask my master to prescribe it for you.” Xiao Tuantuan became proud again.
“I have the Wolf Lord. I want Canaan’s fashion – desert fragrance. Tell your master, if you really open it up, how about I send a super rocket?” Pineapple Saidong said immediately after hearing the words: “Or, you can sing one song, no, all three songs are fine.” “No problem, wrap it on me.”
Seeing someone responding to her, Xiao Tuantuan became even more proud, and patted her chest and promised to come down. “You can get anything you really want? Wolf Lord… can you?”
The neck couldn’t help but speak, mainly because Han Jiang Guying’s luck was so unbelievable that it was impossible for him to believe it, especially after he knew about Jiang Han’s gambling on jade, he would rather believe it. Believe it or not. “Wolf Lord?”
Xiao Tuantuan Luo Liyin stretched a contemplative tone, and then said with a smile, “That’s all you need to do.” Pineapple Saidong: …
Two million viewers in three live studios:  …
“To be honest, it’s the first time I’ve seen such a swelled dumpling.” “Good guy, wolf master? Just have a hand?” “This tone is a bit like a master and a disciple.”
“The probability of getting red is only 0.3%. 1,000 boxes can only get 3 reds. There is no guarantee that it will be released, and there is no guarantee that it will not be repeated. The wolf master can do it if he has a hand.” “There are many instances of one sending into the soul.One of my friend’s free prostitute’s box, the wolf master appeared in one shot, maybe Hanjiang Guying is just lucky. “Don’t be complacent, Tuanzi, think of a way to get people to accept you. ”
Jiang Han really disliked the Butterfly Dream fashion of walnut, because he seldom played with walnut, or basically did not play very much.
Besides, after he hit the country Tianhai, (daah) the second place is Ji Canghai, and the third place will not be the turn of the walnut, it is not that he looks down on the walnut, and it is not that he does not like the walnut.
Instead, the heroic role of Walnut is higher than the output positioning. His style of play is fierce, and he is a reckless man in any game, and it is not a way at all.
However, if he hits the Walnut leaderboard, he will still play in solo queue. Although the single-row walnut lacks soft and hard control, the response is very strong. As long as he encounters a hero, as long as he handles it well, he can fight.
Besides, his flying lock has no skin yet.
Jiang Han just smiled when he saw those barrages that said he was pretending and that he looked down on walnuts, and didn’t take it to heart. When an anchor, never bother with the barrage, especially those black fans.
If the dog bites you, you can’t bite the dog. That’s the truth.
“Open, I will definitely send you a wave of benefits.”
Jiang Han looked at the time. It was almost an hour before dinner. It was also a good arrangement to open a treasure box to send benefits to fans.
At least, he can guarantee that every water friend he helps to open the treasure chest will get a red. Where can I find this kind of benefit? Which anchor on the whole platform dares to say that as long as he helps open the box, he will definitely become popular?
“Each person is limited to ten treasure chests, either single or ten in a row can be opened. I won’t open it if it is red. It shouldn’t be difficult to get one red out of ten boxes, and I don’t have much time to take it out. I need more. The impact on the country Tianhai and the first Shura, so the time to send benefits to everyone is limited.”
Jiang Han said and quit the game.
After hearing Jiang Han’s words, everyone couldn’t help but stare.
“Why do I hear Hanjiang Guying mean that every ten boxes will be red?” “My dear, every ten boxes will be one red?” “This tone, ten thousand years, right?!”
Both PDD and Da Sima looked at each other, one touched his head and the other blinked.
“Ten boxes will be red? How dare this guy say it, if he can’t open it, he won’t slap himself in the face? Or how can he be confident?” PDD took a breath and frowned in confusion.
“Anyway, I don’t dare to say this. No, it should be said that no anchor dares to say that. It sounds impossible.” Da Sima shook his head again and again.
“This guy is too confident. Ten boxes will be popular? The official probability is 0.3%. When it comes to him, the probability of becoming popular becomes 10%? How many times is this?” After listening to Jiang Han, Yinzi If he said that, the whole person was stunned and said with a look of astonishment.
The hippo girl in Pineapple Saidong was very shocked.
“Duanzi, I advise you to wait until you become a teacher. Your master’s tone is too loud, isn’t he afraid that he won’t be able to recruit black people?” “Yeah, Tuanzi, Hanjiang Guying’s promise is too big, even if it is No matter how confident you are, you can’t boast about Haikou like that.” He shook his head again and again.
After listening to Jiang Han’s words, Xiao Tuantuan was also very stunned and puzzled.
Because everyone understands the truth, people can be lucky for a while, but it is impossible to be lucky all the time, and this is also the reason for playing games.
You Hanjiang Lonely Shadow, you may have good luck in the game, but will you continue to have good luck outside the game?
The possibility of not being able to continue is much higher than the possibility of continuing good luck. Today, I went out to buy food and found 10 yuan, and I can still pick up 10 yuan when I come back after buying food?
This is something that no one can be sure of, just like opening a box to get red, no one can guarantee that 1 red one will come out of 10 boxes. “Okay, if ten boxes can make one red and one rocket, if it doesn’t come out, don’t blame me for scolding me badly.” “I like such a crazy anchor, eat melon and see how round the anchor is.” “It’s not that I don’t believe you, I really can’t believe it.”
“Sit and wait for the anchor to be slapped in the face.”
Jiang Han saw a similar barrage, and a bright smile appeared on his face.
A red one-shot rocket?
Waiting to slap in the face?
“The guy who said a red-haired rocket, I remember your ID, don’t run for a while, and don’t leave the guy who said I slapped in the face.” “Backstage private message me login account and password, send The benefit session will begin immediately.”
Ask for a full order! Ask for a full order! Ask for a full order!
Do you still have flower tickets in hand? Ask for a wave! .

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