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175 Fifteen million people are silent, and the wolf master will appear again with a single shot! It really does have a hand! [5 more for full order
Originally planned to hold a live broadcast of Hanjiang Guying for a while, PDD, Da Sima and several other anchors who withdrew after knowing how he was able to resist the damage of the dark domain and eat chicken, did not leave at this time.
They want to see why Hanjiang Guying dares to say such words that he is not afraid of death with such a big tone.
Ten strange treasure chests get a red divine grade Vipassana reward?
But no sensible anchor can say such a thing.
Hanjiang Guying’s words directly made the probability of giving red jumped from 0.3% to 10%, and the probability of giving red god-grade Vipassana rewards increased by as much as 33 times.
Either you are courting death, or you are trying to die, and it must have nothing to do with self-confidence.
This is a matter of chance, a matter of luck, and has nothing to do with strength or self-confidence.
If Hanjiang Guying wants to use this as a gimmick, in the eyes of anchors such as PDD, this is an act of death!
But they all understand that there are three people online in the live broadcast room.There are more than one million lonely shadows in the cold river, there is no need to do so.
Is there really any way to increase the odds of getting the Red God-Vipassana Reward?
PDD and Xiao Tuantuan and other anchors couldn’t help but have this doubt in their minds, otherwise, how could Hanjiang Guying have such confidence to boast about this kind of sea mouth?
Fortunately, Hanjiang Guying’s so-called welfare delivery session is about to begin. It can be said that helping water friends to open the strange treasure box is said to be a welfare gift.
Even YJJ, who claims to be the master of opening the box, dare not! He doesn’t want to die.
With such inexplicable doubts, they all focused on Jiang Han’s live broadcast.
With the fall of Jiang Han’s voice, the private messages in the background began to increase sharply, rising at a rate of thousands of messages per second. Although Jiang Han was mentally prepared, he was still shocked by the frantic increase of private messages in the background. “The countdown is ten seconds. After ten seconds, I will close the private message to accept, 10…”
Jiang Han said decisively in simple clothes, even if he made a single shot, he would not be able to drive much in an hour, and it would take time to go back and forth, so he could only choose in the private message the day after tomorrow.
He looked at the accounts and passwords in the background and couldn’t help sighing.
If the stolen account trafficker sees these private messages from his backstage, let alone one million a day, at least a hundred thousand a day is easy.
When the countdown was over, Jiang Han turned off the private message acceptance, and his eyes fell on the number of private messages.

A private message!
Jiang Han didn’t take long to send private messages to everyone. It only took fifteen seconds from the beginning to the end. Even if there were some swiping private messages and repeated private messages, there were at least hundreds of accounts that asked him to help open the box. Thousands!
Millions, the official price is 98, this is 98 million virtual assets, nearly 100 million virtual assets! ! ! !
To tell the truth, Jiang Han’s expression was momentarily dazed, with a momentary heartbeat.
100 million virtual assets, if it is really stolen and sold, at least 50 million can be had.
Jiang Han took a breath and suppressed the greed in his heart. Although 100 million is good, it is necessary to spend his life, and he believes that it will not take long for him to have 100 million assets, or even more. . “Brothers, time is limited, there are too many private messages in the background, I can only choose randomly, I can only say sorry to the brothers who can’t choose.” Jiang Han calmed down and began to choose the number, as he said. ,random selection.
Soon, he logged into an account, and there was only a rare treasure box in it.
When he saw a treasure chest, Jiang Han was taken aback, and all the viewers who watched his live broadcast directly or indirectly were also taken aback. “My dear, does this mean that the anchor will be sent into the soul?” “You don’t have 10 rare treasure chests, how dare you send a private message?”
“Gan! You send 1 box to Nima, isn’t this a waste of everyone’s time?”
Many viewers are dissatisfied, because the number of rare treasure chests is too small, so few that it is almost impossible to become popular, and impossible to become popular is a waste of time in their opinion.
What’s more, Hanjiang Guying said that 1 out of 10 rare treasure chests is red, which means that if there are no 10 strange treasure chests, don’t send private messages.
Everyone else has 10 rare treasure chests, and you, a guy with only 1 rare treasure chest, used up a quota, so it’s not surprising that you don’t provoke public anger. “One is just one, everyone should not be dissatisfied, the focus is on participation, right?”
··0 for flowers 0····
Jiang Han calmed the fans’ emotions, then stood up and slowly bowed to the big Buddha holding the treasure box in both hands. Because of the camera, the audience could only see Jiang Han’s movements but not his. Face.
Fifteen million viewers: ???
“Ya’er, Nima, do you want to pay homage to this too? I’m stunned for a while.” PDD touched his head and said with a smile.
The other anchors were also stunned.
There is a heap of metaphysics, and there is metaphysics gambling jade, and metaphysics to open the box?
But can hero worship be the same as real person worship?
Many viewers enjoyed it, and thought it was Hanjiang Guying creating the anchor effect.
After the worship, Jiang Han’s voice sounded again: “This brother said that he wants to prostitute a wolf master for nothing, and wants to see me go to the soul again, hehe, I can only say, brother, your thinking is very bold, let me Yali Mountain is big.”
Saying that, he clicked to open a rare treasure chest.
Several streamers of different colors flew in, constantly vying for the first position, and the hearts of the 15 million viewers were also lifted at this moment.
Can you still get into the soul?
In everyone’s heart, the same question was asked at the same time.
Several streamers flew away thinking about the rare treasure chest, scrambling to be the first, and people’s eyes also moved forward with several streamers.
Jiang Han’s expression was very dull. He had already said that if 10 boxes were red, and 1 box was out, no one would say anything about him. He could only think it was a normal situation.
A flash of light flashed in Jiang Han’s eyes, and he saw several streamers of different colors, the red light finally came to the front and drilled into the treasure chest.
The treasure chest was opened, the interface changed, and everyone’s eyes were filled with red light!
Hanjiang Guying once again, single shot into the soul!
The handle of the knife was extended, and the ferocious and domineering appearance made countless people excited.
Broad Sword One One Wolf Lord!
At this moment, in all the live broadcast rooms, 15 million people were silent!
5 more! Ask for a flower review ticket! Ask for full order support!
The rest of the update will be made up tomorrow, and the 25,000-word update will be updated tomorrow. It’s almost eight o’clock when I get home from a busy afternoon. It’s really tiring. I’ll make it up tomorrow, with at least 25,000 words of update! ! ! seven.

176 consecutive single red! Thousands of people are watching hypoxia! [1 more ask for full order! 】
“…This brother wants to prostitute a wolf master for free, I am from Yali Shanda…”
Jiang Han’s words still reverberated in everyone’s ears, and before they completely disappeared, they even had a smile on the corner of their mouth, mocking the lord who wanted to prostitute for nothing.
But now, this sneer at the corner of his mouth has really become a sneer, but the target has changed from the guy who wants to prostitute to himself.
Today’s newspaper, it’s a piece of real Nima.
These people felt that their faces began to hurt and swell up. They were still laughing at people’s daydreaming a moment ago, and they were still dissatisfied with daring to send private messages just for the TM1 treasure chest. A purple of this similar idea.
But at this moment, there are no messy thoughts in their minds, and they are completely stunned.
Everyone seems to have forgotten to breathe. Fifteen million people have forgotten to speak, and they all stare at the wolf master with the broad sword, the only divine grade Vipassana reward!
Wolf Lord, how many players have been dreaming of it but have been unable to open it, even if it is a few hundred krypton gold, the best skin that cannot be opened if it exceeds a thousand.
Tears of envy flowed out of countless people.
After a full ten seconds, everyone took a breath again. They finally had a movement “two eighty zero”. The barrages in the anchor rooms of the major anchors all increased, and then they exploded. “!!!!!” “?????” “Wolf Lord! What the hell!”
“Nima, is there really a wolf master?!” “Double single-shot wolf master again?”
“Does this TM’s master of the wolf really have a hand?” “Good guy! I’ll call him a good guy!”
In Jiang Han’s live broadcast room, the audience has soared from more than 3 million to nearly 4 million online. He only sent out the butterfly dream fashion of walnut, just because he wanted to send a wave of welfare to water friends.
This is enough to see, a red, no, even if it is a gold, how tempting players are. “From now on, please call Hanjiang Guying to open the box one by one! (Brilliant~)” “Hanjiang Guying, forever! (Invincible)”
“It’s all said, it’s enough to open the wolf master, but you don’t believe it! (slap in the face)”
“The guy who said one is red and one is super hot, you TM hurry up and make a super hot, otherwise we will greet your eighteenth ancestors! (Blood Blade)”
“And that TM says how to look round and how to slap in the face, is your TM dumb? Grass! (fist)” “Brothers, please hit the opener on the public screen!”
PDD and Da Sima have kept their jaw-dropping expressions for nearly 20 seconds. They looked at the wolf master in the picture, so real and so illusory.
“Ya’er! I’m a wolf master who only comes out of 100,000 yuan! 100,000! This TM is a box of whoring for nothing? Malegobi’s, I’m so mad at me!”
Not to mention how uncomfortable it was in PDD’s heart, he held his head in his hands, and after speaking, he slumped on the gaming chair with a lifeless expression on his face.
On the other hand, Da Sima, a smile gradually appeared on his face, because he didn’t have the money to draw the wolf master, and although he didn’t get it for free, but now he seems to see the hope of owning the wolf master. “Old prostitute, push Hanjiang Guying’s WeChat to me.” Da Sima licked and smiled, approached PDD, and shook his phone. “What are you doing?”
PDD was upset and gave Da Sima a sidelong glance. He understood as soon as he finished speaking, so he roared: “No, there is no door, I’m a wolf master out of 100,000, this guy still wants to prostitute through Hanjiang Guying’s hands for nothing. ? Don’t even want to!”
Da Sima was not angry, he just smiled and looked at PDD.
After a few seconds, PDD hummed and pushed Jiang Han’s WeChat to Da Sima. “It’s still old prostitute, you’re good to me.”
Da Sima happily went to add Jiang Han’s WeChat.
Yinzi listened to the conversation between the two on the voice channel, and said silently, “Old Ma, push me on Hanjiang Guying’s WeChat.”
The hippo girl in Pineapple Saidong leaned back. For the first time in her live broadcast, hundreds of thousands of fans saw that her mouth was big enough to swallow an apple.
She was already stunned.
Jiang Han opened the box by himself, how long did it take for a single shot to enter the soul?
Thirty seconds? One minute?
One minute at most!
That is to say, one minute, two single shots into the soul!
“Duanzi, hurry up, you hurry up and give Hanjiang Guying, tell your master, I will give him my number, there are more than 30 boxes in it, just open it, I want a desert fragrance, the red of Canaan. Vipassana, hurry up, I’ll send it to you right now.” Said, the hippo girl from Pineapple Saidong took out her mobile phone and sent it to Xiao Tuantuan.
The small group was very excited and proud. “No problem, wrap it on me!”
“Those who laughed at my master just now don’t leave. I have already memorized your ID. Go to my master’s live broadcast room to apologize. Go, otherwise you will lose a cute little ball.” On the other side, his neck looked at Taking a deep breath, he silently took out his mobile phone and sent his number to Xiao Tuan Tuan.
“Duanzi, I’ve sent it to you, let’s make arrangements. I charged 3,000 yuan and didn’t get a wolf master. There are still 10 boxes in it. I only need one wolf master.”
“It’s a small matter, you can do it if you have a hand!”
Xiao Tuantuan said proudly, and began to give Jiang Han confidence.
Jiang Han was also a little surprised. Since his luck was at full level, this was the second time he had opened the box. The first time was when the last order was red.
Is metaphysics really useful?
Jiang Han shook his head secretly, this is not very likely, but whether it is useful or not, he has to open the box with metaphysics.
Of course, let him have more stalks of his own.
Metaphysics Kaidui, Metaphysics gambling jade, metaphysics unboxing, as long as the players who are forever robbery want, as long as they worship in the game, they can think of the name Hanjiang Guying.
This is equivalent to the brand effectYing, Jiang Han is creating his exclusive brand in the game of Eternal Tribulation. The more and more such brand, the more people will notice him. “Brother, I’m lucky, a little wolf master.” Jiang Han smiled and chose another account at random to log in.
“This is a girl. Do you want Butterfly Dreams fashion with walnuts? If I can give it, I will give it to you directly.” Jiang Han said with a smile when he saw the girl’s request.
“11 boxes, I thought about it, I’d better leave the ten consecutive draws to the girls themselves.”
Hearing Jiang Han’s words, everyone couldn’t help but be a little stunned.
11 boxes, leave a chance for ten consecutive draws, a girl yourself?
It means, can you win the Butterfly Dream fashion with one shot?
This sentence, if you change the anchor, if you don’t have two consecutive singles, more than half of the 15 million viewers will complain about Jiang Han…0
But now, after being stunned, it is full of expectations.
Can Hanjiang Guying still be single-shot into the soul again?
Everyone’s eyes became even hotter.
Jiang Han stood up again and worshipped the big Buddha on the computer display screen. Everyone couldn’t help but laugh when they saw this scene, not laughing, but simply laughing.
Who asked people to single out the Wolf Lord after worshipping them!
Jiang Han opened a treasure box, and several streamers of different colors began to fly in from outside the hall, rushing to the treasure box on the palm of the Buddha.
Everyone held their breath and stared at the streamer.
Two seconds later, when everyone saw the red streamer drilling into the rare treasure box, they all gasped!
The red streamer represents the reward of divine grade Vipassana! It means that it will be red! Even if it is not the Butterfly Dream costume of Walnut, even if one of the four divine grade Vipassana rewards is given out, it can make all of them shut their mouths.
The treasure chest was opened, and the red light filled everyone’s eyes for the third time. When they saw the inner view of the divine product that was opened, 15 million people took another breath.
Butterfly Dream Fashion!
It is the inner view of the divine product of walnut, and it is the butterfly dream fashion that the girl wants!
It’s numb, and 15 million people are completely numb!
“I’m fried!!”
“I really want to give the girl a chance to draw ten consecutive draws!” “It’s a red one again! It’s still the red I want!”
“Is it too late to send a private message now? I just went to pour a glass of water.” “Why am I typing so slowly!!!!” “Wrong 100 million! Wrong 100 million!”
PDD looked dumbfounded again, and Da Sima smiled even more happily. He is now waiting for Jiang Han to pass his friend application and help him open a wave of boxes. With this luck, the wolf master really has a hand.
The smugness on Xiao Tuantuan’s face became even more obvious. Even if she was wearing a mask, people saw the word smug on her face mask. “Master, invincible!”
Pineapple Saidong Hippo Girl wants to swallow an apple again.
She has Diemeng Fashion, but she spent 5,000 yuan to draw it out.
Thinking of this, the hippo girl wanted to cry.
Who wants to see her cry, because you can watch the walnut shake. “Please take care of this wave of welfare girls.”
Jiang Han saw the WeChat sent to him by Xiao Tuantuan, and also saw a few people who added his friends, but he didn’t care about it. “Good guy, brother, your taste is really different, fly lock, right, let’s go.” Jiang Han Xuanxue opened the box, clicked to open, and a few streamers flew towards the rare treasure box.
Two seconds later, the sound of countless inhalations sounded.
Their vision became blood red.
The divine product inside view — Mo Li!
Fifteen million people looked at Mo Li’s skin and felt a little hypoxia.
Watching the live broadcast of Hanjiang Guying, there is a little lack of oxygen.
The first! At least 25,000 updates today~!
Ask for a full order! Ask for a full order! Ask for a full order!
On the top of the flower ticket, on the top! .

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