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177 Ten consecutive draws, six golds and four reds? All TM show me on my knees! [2 more full orders! 】
There was a girl who wanted the Butterfly Dream fashion of walnuts and 11 treasure chests. Hanjiang Guying wanted to give the girl a chance to draw 10 consecutive draws, so she only used one rare treasure chest to open the Butterfly Dream fashion.
Later, there was a brother who wanted Mo Li’s skin for Fei Suo, 23 treasure chests, and the third time a single shot was sent to the soul, and Mo Li’s Fei Suo skin was opened.
Before and after, three minutes, four consecutive single draws, four single shots into the soul!
Although it is not one number, it is four numbers, but all of them have become popular, and they have all given out divine grade Vipassana rewards.
The guy who wants to prostitute the wolf master for free is the first time to open the box, that is to say, he has a special guarantee, so the chance of becoming popular is 1%!
This wolf master can be said to be lucky, but the next Butterfly Dream costume and Mo Lifei lock have no special guarantee. You must know that the chance of giving out the red god-grade Vipassana reward is only 100%. Zero three!
There are only three reds out of a thousand boxes, but in Hanjiang Guying’s hands, only one box was used twice in a row to get reds.
The 15 million people watching his live stream are really starved of oxygen.
The continuous shock, the continuous shock, and the continuous gasping of cold air made some people feel uncomfortable in their hearts. “!!!!!” “????”
“Damn, if I hadn’t had a good heart, I would have had a heart attack!”
“It’s outrageous, you don’t have the luck to buy a lottery ticket, and open the box here?” “What’s going on? Did it happen that there was a bug in the box today?”
“Nima got the bug next door, I just went to open ten boxes, not to mention the red of TM, I have not seen one of the gold of TM, all TM’s are all blue spirits!” “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Why should I go to the toilet, my wolf master, my butterfly dream, IThe fragrance of the desert, even if you give me a Mo Li! ”
The number of people online in Jiang Han’s live broadcast room is still surging. Now it has reached the 4 million mark, and it won’t take long to break through. The four consecutive singles have become popular, making everyone look dumbfounded.
Those viewers who were in the live broadcast room of PDD, Yinzi or Hippo Girl all went to Jiang Han’s live broadcast room one after another. They all regretted it now. Subscribe to send a private message.
Wrong billion!
Many people cried, feeling that the Wolf Lord and other red and gold ones they had originally held in their hands were thrown away by themselves.
“Nima, is this guy’s hand consecrated? I still lack a desert fragrance, should I let Hanjiang Guying open it?” PDD was also moved.
“Why don’t you pass, hurry up and pass.”
Da Sima stared at the computer, looked at the phone, and waited anxiously.
Seeing Hanjiang Guying’s single blushing again, the hippo girl murmured with blurred eyes: “Four times, four times in a row, the single blushing, this guy’s luck is against the sky today, is metaphysics really useful? “Speaking, she opened the treasure hall and bowed solemnly to the Buddha. “Come on, Desert Fragrance, I need you.”
The hippo girl changed her voice to two-dimensional, and she almost had a magic wand in her hand to be a magical girl.
The hippo girl’s eyes were dull and her expression was stagnant.
“Pfft~ I don’t usually laugh unless I can’t help it, ahaha.” “Hello, lovely Smurf, I’m the Red Elf.”
“Hahaha, you’re laughing so hard, you still have a two-dimensional magical girl? That’s all?”
“Duanzi, are you ready, please remind me, I can’t take it anymore.”
Pineapple Saidong’s body trembled wildly with fists clenched in both hands. Hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room only felt that two huge mountains were shaking, and the suffocating pressure was blowing towards them.
This kind of pressure made them stand up one by one and pay their respects, but no one wanted to escape.
Even if they were crushed to death, they were willing.
To say who is the most excited, it is definitely Jiang Han’s old fans.
Because, Hanjiang Guying was completely on fire.
You don’t need to look at anything else, just look at the number of people online and the gifts in the live broadcast room.
“Three super hot, don’t pretend to be dead, that guy, try it if you don’t send it. (Angry)”
“Housekeeper, where’s the housekeeper?! Don’t hurry up and kick those guys out of the room and seal them permanently. (Card table)” “Wang Chao, don’t look at it. It’s spread all over the school. (smiling)”
“Don’t panic when you sit down, this is just Laohan’s basic operation… Hey, why is my hand shaking so badly? (laughs and cry)” “I’m just lucky not to buy lottery tickets, I’ll be a little anchor here to open the box Son? (slightly)”
“It would be great if one box could open two rewards.” Jiang Han sighed and chose an account to log in again.
Fifteen million people: ???? “People are not enough to swallow an elephant!”
“Nima, just because of your luck, you can get a lot of rewards from a box.”
“If there are two rewards in one box, the Eternal Calamity official will have to let you go bankrupt.” “Good guy, a single redemption is no longer enough to satisfy you, right?”
“Come on, designer? For Xia Hanjiang Guying, yes, for this account, lower the probability of this account’s box opening to 0.**%.”
“There are only two boxes. The first hundred boxes were opened with two Moli. I cried all night. I hope that two boxes will be red. If they can’t, I will set up a spiritual position for Lao Han.” Jiang Han finished reading and sucked it. tone.
“Brother, just open the box, don’t involve personal safety issues, but if you can call me Laohan, it must be my old fan, and, damn, I know your account.” He said, yes I worshipped the Buddha in the Treasure Hall twice.
Open two Treasure Chests!
“If it can’t be opened, I’m not joking, and the spiritual seat will be inlaid with gold.”
Jiang Han said with a smile, he didn’t put the seemingly cursed words in his heart at all, he was an old fan, and he did know this ID, and it was a joke at first glance.
When everyone heard his words, they were also amused. It was the first time they heard that the spiritual seat was inlaid with gold.
But after two seconds, they seemed to be strangled by someone, their laughter stopped abruptly, and they looked at the display screen in shock, dumbfounded.
Because, two red streamers flew into the rare treasure chest.
The fifth time, the red light appeared, and a slender and charming figure appeared in front of everyone, wearing desert-style clothes, swaying and looking forward.
Canaan–Desert Fragrance!
As soon as the screen turned, the red light appeared again, and the domineering and ferocious appearance attracted everyone’s attention.
Goodbye, broadsword wolf skin!
Double red!
Two rare treasure chests, open double red!
Jiang Han frowned, let out a breath, and joked, “It looks like my life is saved.”
He spoke, but he didn’t say anything. There were 15 million viewers, and he had completely lost his four senses. Now he only has a pair of eyes.
In their world, there is only one screen left, and inside the screen is the mighty and domineering Wolf Lord.
This time, Da Sima was also dumbfounded, not to mention PDD. He had fallen off the gaming chair without knowing it, and stared at the wolf master on the display.
In his heart, as if someone was cutting with a knife, bursts of unforgettable pain hit him.
One hundred thousand! One hundred thousand!
Those who go to the wolf master for nothing, please arrange the funeral as soon as possible!
Grandma, why am I watching this guy’s live stream? Am I masochistic?
A tear fell from the corner of PDD’s eye.
Yin Zi looked at his mobile phone, but there was no prompt to add friends to pass, so he hurriedly sent a super message when he saw it.out.
[Hurry up and watch the super fire of your mobile phone through your friends! 】
Jiang Han heard the sound of Chaohuo’s prompt, and when he saw the ID, he smiled dumbly.
It just so happened that the 15 million viewers needed a little time to accept the fact that two rare treasure boxes were double red, so he picked up his mobile phone and passed a few people’s friend requests.
At the same time, he also saw the message Xiao Tuantuan sent him.
“Don’t worry, just wait.”
After seeing the message Jiang Han replied to him, Xiao Tuantuan jumped up with excitement.
“Oh, la la, I called him Master this time, but he didn’t say anything. This shows that he has begun to accept that I am his apprentice. Keep on working hard, and persistence is victory!”
The live broadcast of the two female anchors Zhou Shuyi and Duan Xiaomei has exploded.
It was a coincidence that the two women were not in the picture, one went to the toilet and the other went to get takeout.
When they came back, Shuanghong had already come out.
“Damn, this guy has become popular again.”
Zhou Shuyi put the takeaway next to her, and said in shock when she saw the wolf master skin.
“Yes, it’s red again, and six reds have been issued.”
“Sister Zhou, what is the word you Baidu six together and put together?”
“Yes, and again and again and again, six out of six treasure chests.”
Zhou Shuyi just took a bite of food, when she saw the barrage, she was stunned, and then exclaimed:
“What’s the matter? Six reds from six rare treasure chests? Do you think I’m an idiot?
With that said, Zhou Shuyi started watching the recording after having a meal. When she saw that Jiang Hanzhen’s six treasure chests had opened six reds, she just stood there and became a sculpture.
Another live room.
“Brother Meng, you must pay attention to what you eat. My stomach has been a little uncomfortable for the past two days. You…you, what? Hanjiang Guying has opened six reds? And TM only used six treasure chests?”
Little Sister Dui looked at the barrage with a look of astonishment.
“Impossible, are you lying?”
Saying that, she opened the screen recording and started to look.
Then, she was completely stunned and stunned.
Because, in the recording, Hanjiang Guying did open six reds, and only used six rare treasure chests.
“Look at this old woman who has never seen the world.”
“Hey, I knew that the old woman was going to be stupid.”
“Hurry up on Gini, maybe Hanjiang Guying can give you a few hits.”
“Old woman, it’s better to act if your heart is moving. I will take down Hanjiang Guying on Saturday. Do you want to be popular in the future?”
Duan Xiaomei turned a blind eye to the ridicule barrage in the live broadcast room, and she was really dumbfounded.
“My God, there are six reds out of six treasure chests! Is this guy’s ancestral grave?”
The little girl finally reacted, she lost her voice again and again, and then her eyes rolled, and she picked up the phone and tapped with both hands.
“No, this guy can’t just be popular for others, I’ll send him the number now, I don’t have the Butterfly Dream fashion of Walnut yet.” Jiang Han was not in a hurry to change the number, he knew that he would give the audience something to accept. Time, and at the same time there was a thoughtful light in his eyes.
10 points of luck value is 280 that can increase the chance of red out of the box.
Moreover, the probability is very high, otherwise it is impossible to get red for six consecutive rounds.
However, this was not a continuous draw, it was a single draw. Jiang Han didn’t know how much chance the ten draws would give him a full level of luck.
Jiang Han thought about it and decided not to single draw, but to draw ten times in a row.
Six rounds in a single draw has reached the limit that the audience can accept. If there are several more red single draws, it is estimated that someone will report him for opening things.
All the unexplainable good luck in the game, they will blame the high technology.
“Brothers, it’s not just the draw. If you find less than ten boxes on the account, you can only change the number to draw.”
Jiang Han said, logged in to an account, he saw that there were only seven treasure chests, he shook his head and started to choose the basic private message.
After knowing that Jiang Han did not only draw, many viewers cried out, especially those who used 9 rare treasure chests, they were really depressed, they all regretted it now, why not spend 20 to 30 yuan to buy it again What about a box?
But there is no regret medicine in this world.
“Please splurge as much as you like, a hundred boxes, I hope the four reds can all come out!”
Jiang Han saw a private message, read it, and then logged into his account. When he saw that there were really a hundred boxes, he was also surprised.
A treasure chest is twenty or thirty yuan, and a hundred is two or three thousand yuan.
Rich, really good Nima!
“One hundred boxes cost four reds, right? It shouldn’t be too difficult.”
Jiang Han nodded, stood up and worshipped the metaphysics, and directly started a ten-draw.
In the treasure hall, a stream of light flew from outside the field of vision and rushed into the rare treasure chest.
Whoa whoa whoa!
The focus of 15 million people is the ten small dots below the treasure chest. The blue dots represent high-quality rewards, the purple dots represent premium rewards, the golden dots represent premium rewards, and the red dots represent divine rewards. .
Ka Ka Ka!
A stream of light rushed into the treasure box, and the light spots below the treasure box also increased one by one.
One golden spot, two golden spots… five golden spots, six golden spots.
Countless people began to tactically lean back and began to inhale oxygen wildly.
The next moment, the time when the streamer flew over stopped for a moment.
The next moment, four red streamers suddenly rushed into the rare treasure chest.
Ka Ka Ka!
Below the treasure chest, the last four positions are occupied by four red light spots.
!!! !
Fifteen million people, shaking their bodies and standing unsteadily, the shock to their souls brought by the pictures in front of them is too great!
Ten consecutive draws, six gold! Four red! ! !
2 more 4,000-word chapters,Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for a monthly pass!
Ask for a full order! 25,000 word update today! .

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