Eternal Country

Chapter 102: Discuss

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"At the military plane?" Huang Chengyan's eyes flashed.

"Yes, the military aircraft department. My plan is that all the military belong to the military aircraft department. I will take charge of the military war. Protect the village people. Once established, all of the army soldiers in Xuanhuang Village will be placed under the military aircraft department for management. Military membership belongs to the Military Aircraft Department. Others can't easily interfere with the operation of the Military Aircraft Department. "Yi Tianxing expressed his thoughts.

"Sovereign, in this way, is the power of the military aircraft department too great? There is nothing right now, after all, our power is still small, but once we grow up in the future, if there is any trouble, there may be big trouble." Huang Chengyan frowned slightly, He is a scholar, and although he is not disgusted by the soldiers, even in this troubled world, he still attaches great importance to it, but he is a bit frightened.

"Huang Lao, please rest assured that although the power of the military aircraft department is large, there are also restrictions. However, those are the future things. Our current purpose is to first determine the system and set up the various functional mechanisms needed. Others can be corrected slowly in the future. Don't forget, we are monks. As long as we don't die, we can live a long time as long as we can make breakthroughs. There is no need to worry about temporary gains and losses, and there is time to correct the changes. " Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

In fact, in history, many founding emperors have formulated good systems, but they are flawed. It takes time to verify whether they are good or bad, whether a certain law or policy is correct. This process may take ten, twenty, or even tens or hundreds of years to verify, but even if it is later known to be wrong. Future generations do not have the courage to change.

Because they do not have the kind of arbitrary prestige and courage of the founding emperor.

Even if they know that some systems are wrong, they still dare not move. What they want is stability. If it moves, it may cause turmoil. Once turmoil occurs, it will bring more terrible consequences.

No one dares to take this danger.

There have been many changes in history, but there have been few successes. Moreover, once they fail, they will bring about a decline in national strength and national turmoil. However, if the founding emperor is used to carry out, there will be no turmoil and no troubles will be suppressed. Because they have great prestige, they are even more afraid of killing.

"Well, in this case, the military aircraft department can determine that the military is in charge." Huang Chengyan heard it, nodded his head, and promised to come down.

"Today's village construction and weapon building are very important. Our village has carpenters, blacksmiths, and even talents in various buildings. They can all gather together to set up a Heavenly Pavilion to absorb all kinds of skilled art Craftsmen, unified arrangements, so that all human and material resources can be used more effectively. "Yi Tianxing once again proposed an idea.

It is modern in itself, and the importance of craftsmanship is naturally very clear. Various cutting-edge technologies and crafts can promote the development and growth of the entire civilization. Without various inventions and skills, the civilization of the entire world would never have progressed. Every invention has the potential to promote the development of the entire world and the transformation of civilization.

Such as papermaking. Without artisans to develop papermaking, the spread of civilization would not have increased, and the number of readers in the world would not have skyrocketed. This Tiangong Pavilion must not only be established, but also vigorously developed. Continuous support.


Time goes by in the fierce discussion between Yi Tianxing and Huang Chengyan. Several hours passed, and when the night fell, it was finally determined.

"Master, now that the population in our village is increasing, the problems of money and currency must be resolved as soon as possible. Otherwise, bartering, or even eating big pots of rice, is not a long-term solution. To grow and grow, coins are essential. of."

"Moreover, even if the coin cannot be established immediately, there must be a substitute, such as the Tibetan scripture hall established by the principal, in which the acquisition of exchange points in the Tibetan scripture hall must be determined as soon as possible. Otherwise, there is no With the complete regulations, the Tibetan scripture hall will greatly reduce the attraction of many people, and no one will be able to redeem them for Gongfa combat skills. It also contradicts the original idea of ​​the protagonist. "

Huang Chengyan once again raised an already imminent issue.

"I don't know what Huang Lao has good ideas for." Yi Tianxing nodded his head. This issue is indeed a matter before him, although no one can exchange higher-level exercises. The problem has not yet arisen, but this is obviously a problem that is bound to appear.

It's like a few exercises and classics from Cao Zhengchun. How to estimate its value. Give corresponding contribution points, how to calculate, how to obtain, how to evaluate. These are difficult problems to solve. And the things that have to be solved.

Otherwise, chaos will occur.

However, in his eyes, Cheng Zhu was holding it.

"I think we need to establish two systems. One is a normal currency system. This is the currency that is circulating in the daily transactions of the people. This currency cannot be minted in gold and silver. The protagonist has publicly practiced exercises. It is possible to reach the point where everyone is a monk. It is not appropriate for monks to trade with ordinary gold and silver. It is necessary to find other valuables that can be substituted to mint currency. "

Obviously Huang Chengyan had already thought about this problem. Currency is an important link for the development and growth of civilization. If there is a problem with currency, the entire social system will collapse and the world will be in chaos. This is naturally not difficult to understand with Huang Chengyan's wisdom. For monks, ordinary gold and silver are just waste. If you really want to use gold and silver as the currency system, that is simply an idiot behavior that challenges people's wisdom. In the world, gold and silver can still be used for the past, but it is absolutely impossible for monks to circulate.

Therefore, gold and silver have been excluded.

But how to solve it is still an unsolvable problem. To be a currency, it must be useful to monks. At this point, Huang Chengyan is still not sure what to replace. After all, it has just entered the world of monks, and many things are strange.

"The eternal continent is a fusion of all walks of life, and the heavens and earth are full of vitality. The number of spirit mines derived from them should be countless. The number is very amazing. I guess there will be many spiritual mines and spar mines. These spirits The stone contains pure heaven and earth vitality, which can be absorbed by the monks, and cultivated. My plan is to use ore containing crystals such as spiritual stone and spar as raw materials, and then assist others, and finally cast a suitable Money circulating among monks. "

Yi Tianxing said: "I have a strange treasure in my hand, called Qiankun coin furnace. This coin furnace can cast any kind of coins. You can design coin molds by yourself. After designing the mother money, you can send various materials. When you go in, a lot of coins are continuously minted by energy. Now the key is to find a spiritual stone, spar vein. As long as you find it, you can complete the issuance of the currency in the shortest time. "

Among the thousands of strange treasures he seized during the cataclysm, although there are not many architectural types, there are many strange treasures with unique functions. This Qiankuan minting furnace is one of them. After knowing its function, Yi Tianxing is very clear that this is definitely a pivotal treasure and will be of great use in the future.

Money is a blood artery of influence.

When Huang Chengyan heard it, he was shocked in his heart, and then a joy. He saw with his own eyes the abilities of each of the strange treasures. Each one was an incredible treasure. Now there is a coin laundering furnace in Qiankun. The coinage is absolutely foolproof. This will greatly promote the development of Xuanhuang Village.

Currency is an indispensable link in the development of human civilization.

"However, how can we find a spiritual mine? If the spiritual mine cannot be found, the currency must not be minted." Huang Chengyan frowned slightly.

Looking for spiritual mines, but this requires a certain amount of luck, even a dedicated prospector. This also needs to see if there are spirit mines in this valley.

"The matter of minting currency can be slowed down for a while. After all, villages are still under construction and eating big pots of rice. Only when the various infrastructures are completely built can they be really needed. But the contribution system must be established as soon as possible.

Huang Chengyan said that ~ ~ this point can only be recorded and registered in the most primitive way. Such as soldiers, to protect the village, is the first line of standing in the fight of beasts and monsters, can be awarded monthly points of merit. If you contribute more, you can get extra points of merit. However, it is necessary to establish corresponding standards for the distribution of merit points. "Yi Tianxing said after a slight groan.

At this time, I can't help but miss the modern computer.

With a computer, many problems can be solved easily and become easier. If there is a unique technology-based intelligence, it will certainly have an incredible impetus for Xuanhuang Village.

It is a pity that out of thousands of exotic treasures, such an exotic treasure cannot be found.

Moreover, it is uncertain whether modern technology can be used and can still emerge.

During the cataclysm, all electronic equipment in the entire world was destroyed. Now no one can be sure whether the rules of this eternal continent allow the development of electronic technology. If it is not allowed, even if you find a computer, you still can't use it, except for those treasures born from heaven and earth.

The deliberations were late into the night.

Huang Chengyan did not leave, and found a vacant room in the mansion.


It was dark at night, standing in front of the Tibetan scripture pavilion in the village, and welcoming three figures.

"It's a magical Tibetan scripture hall. The whole body is like a glazed glass. This is really a magical treasure from Brother Yi. It's incredible. I have never seen such a treasure before."

Yang Yanding exclaimed.

"Come on, let's go in and select the exercises. Only with real practice exercises can we become stronger and find some of your younger brothers alive." Yang Ye took a deep breath and walked into the Zangjing Pavilion.

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