Eternal Country

Chapter 103: Celestial Warfare

[Second more, please recommend collection. 】

In the barracks, he completely settled the soldiers in the Yang family, and had a thorough rapport with the original soldiers of Xuanhuang Village. They were familiar with each other. They all talked about each other, all soldiers, and had a common language. People who are very honest with each other. There are no bad eyes, and they all have the experience of fighting with the murderer.

The same encounter brings a best communication bridge.

And, in the conversation, we all know about the Tibetan sutra.

It is also known that everyone in Xuanhuang Village, whether a soldier or an ordinary villager, can all be qualified to practice, and to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion for the inheritance of Gongfa, but this inheritance is No way out. To get it, you can only go to the Scripture Pavilion, and you can only get it in the Scripture Pavilion.

On the spot, after eating lunch. All the generals of the Yang family entered the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in succession to receive the basic skills of the army, "Iron Blood Shaqi." Many people returned to the barracks and began to practice.

The villagers and people who had originally moved from Yangjia Village to Liaoyuan also went in and out of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to receive the practice method of "Pure Yuan Gong". Each one has a happy look on his face.

But the three of Yang's father and son did not rush to choose the exercises. After waiting for everyone to learn the exercises, they started to come to Zangjing Pavilion together.

"The large Tibetan sutra hall is totally two worlds seen from the outside. It is said that during the day, tens of thousands of people enter and exit at the same time, and the Tibetan sutra hall can be easily accommodated without any congestion at all. It is the same in another world. This should be very similar to the legendary mustard Nasumi's great magical power. It is indeed a real strange treasure. "Yang Yanping looked at the Tibetan scripture hall in front of him in amazement.

At a glance, there were white bookshelves everywhere.

I seem to have a subtle smell of books in the air.

I was in it, and could not help but give birth to a sense of meditation.

"Dalang, Erlang, let's search separately to see if there is a practice method suitable for us. Although" Iron Blood Shaqi "is good, but I have heard that the first foundation of cultivation is the more stable the foundation is, the later achievements The higher it is, the foundation building techniques that we have just started must not be sloppy. "

Ye Yangye is not low-minded.

I want to cultivate, naturally I want to stand on a higher level. "Iron Blood Shaqi" is obviously only the most basic military method. It is too popular. If you practice together, you may not have much advantage.

"Yes, Dad !!!"

Yang Yanping agreed without hesitation.

Xun turned around and began to scatter, looking for bookshelves.

"Sit and forget the scriptures", the top foundation-building method, conceived innately, and can fit perfectly with one's own physique. Thousands of people practice sitting and forgetting, thousands of people are different. " See the notes that belong to the sitting scriptures. My heart suddenly became fiery.

This is the top foundation-building method. In Shenhai, not many methods can be compared with it. This foundation method is definitely a rare treasure that is hard to find.

"The Eight Blades of Iron Blood", the best combat skills of Huang Jie. Iron blood is vertical and horizontal, the sword is fierce and aggressive. The iron blood sword is intended, there is no advance or retreat, and it is fierce and overbearing. You can understand the meaning of the iron blood sword when you practice Dacheng.

Yang Yanding also stopped in front of a bookshelf, and looked at the knife method, and his eyes were hot. He is a cultivator, strong in strength, and good at using a knife. Once he can get a good knife, it is enough to make an amazing change in combat power. Such a knife method has made him unable to move.

"The" Sword of Heaven "Shenhai chapter is the top exercise method in the army. It contains the" Sky Array Vision Map ", which can learn the heaven and earth's evil spirits, and the world's murderous practice. It can be used as a supplementary exercise method. True qi. Let the true spirit contain the sharp edge of Tianbing. "

Ye Yangye also stood in front of a bookshelf, looking at a white book in front of her, and couldn't help showing a very strong heart.

This practice can draw on the evil spirits in the heavens and the earth for cultivation. The stronger the evil spirits, the faster the cultivation will grow. This is definitely the most perfect fit for the military.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this is a supplementary practice method, and you can choose other exercises as your main practice method. There are no hidden dangers yet.

Such exercises are naturally precious.

Ye Yangye can imagine that it is impossible for ordinary people to obtain its preciousness.

This is not a free exercise. In exchange for merit points.

"Dad, I found a top base building method" Sit and forget ", but that's not free, I can't get it." Yang Yanping came to Yang Ye and said.

"Dad, I saw a combat technique and it is very powerful. Once I cultivate, I can greatly increase my strength on the spot." Yang Yanding also came to say.

"There are a lot of exercises here, each one is a treasure that is hard to find. However, except for basic exercises and basic combat skills, all other points must be exchanged for merit points. Without merit points, it is impossible to get "Yang Ye also said in a deep voice.

"Dad, we exchanged that" Vajra Dragon Elephant Gong "to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. I have already inquired about it before. Here are the exercises that can be exchanged. As long as it is not in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, we can donate it. , Will give corresponding compensation, you can choose more advanced exercises in the Tibetan scriptures. Moreover, we have settled in this Xuanhuang Village, Brother Yi is also a person who is worthy of loyalty. At least we do better than us. There is nothing in this courage that can give everyone the opportunity to practice. "

Yang Yanping took a deep breath, his eyes flashed quickly, and said quickly: "Moreover, our purpose is to protect the people by themselves. Now joining Xuanhuang Village, loyal to Yi Yi, it is better to protect these people, and also to give Dad the ability It is really displayed and reused. Once Dad opens his allegiance to Yi Yi's courage, he will definitely not learn a few exercises. It wo n’t even need us to present "King Konglong Elephant Gong".

During the day, I also visited the village. I know a little about the establishment and development of Xuanhuang Village. The more so, the more I admire. There was no complete army here, and Yi Tianxing relied on his own strength. With the villagers' house, a piece of paradise that was forgotten. The dilemma they face is bigger than their Yangjia village.

I can go where it is today. This ability really surprised and admired him, and he was convinced.

That's what I have now.

"Erlang, take out" King Konglong Elephant Gong "." Yang Ye said in a deep voice.

"Dad, you ..." Yang Yanping's face changed, thinking he had no intention of being loyal.

"Dalang, our Yang family, loyal to loyalty, for the people in front of us, not for the sake of these benefits. Although the original homeland is gone, my Yang family must not be lost. My Yang family, do not occupy this It ’s cheap. We can still pay the price if we learn the exercises. ”Yang Ye said with a solitude on his face, and Shen Sheng said,“ As a soldier, when you have to know, you have no desire. Just do n’t be fooled by your interests to see the battlefield situation clearly. . Win the battle. "

"Yes, Dad !!!"

Yang Yanping heard that, and immediately nodded respectfully and promised, feeling sorrowful in their hearts and secretly remembering them.

"I want to present this exercise" King Konglong Elephant Gong ", hoping that my three fathers and sons will get the inheritance of the" Blade of Heaven "," Zhu forgetting scripture "and" Iron Blood Eight Swords ".

Xi Yangye shouted, holding a white jade book in his hands.

brush! !!

The chanting voice fell, and a white light enveloped the "Vajra Dragon Elephant Gong" instantly, and then the exercises disappeared. Appeared on a white jade shelf. follow closely. Several lines of inheritance shot out from the Tibetan Pavilion, and penetrated into the three.

In the mansion.

Yi Tianxing originally closed his eyes and practiced secretly. He could not help but suddenly opened his eyes and flashed a surprise. Then a smile appeared, and he muttered to himself: "Interesting, I chose to use" King Konglong Elephant Gong ". In exchange for the inheritance of the exercises, instead of choosing to be loyal to me directly in exchange for the exercises, it is truly a general of the Yang family, but only such people can bring out the Yang family. "

The Dazangjing Pavilion recognizes him as the master, and he will understand some of the changes in it. Suddenly adding a workbook, it is even more impossible to hide him. Know it immediately.

In his heart, they also paid more attention to Yang Ye.

Such a general is definitely hard to find.

"Choose to sit and forget the scriptures and Tianbing war code, this choice is really good eyesight. These two methods, together, are suitable for military generals, and the foundations cast must be strong ~ ~ Nod.

Alas, I didn't care too much.

Immediately immersed in the cultivation, 吸收 absorbed the vitality of the heavens and the earth, while using the temperature of the true dragon to nourish the new Yang Weimai. Strive to warm this meridian in the shortest time to be as strong as the twelve canons.

Outside the Tibetan Pavilion.

Yang family father and son were inherited and left directly.

After they left, a shabby young man walked to the Tibetan scripture court, looking at the Tibetan scripture court, with shock in his eyes, with jealousy, envy, and indifference on his face, muttering to himself: "Yi Tianxing, City The top exorcist, why do you have such a good life, you can get a village order, and so many strange treasures, it is simply luck. However, I will not be worse than you, you can do it, I can do it. What I lack is just a chance. Gongfa, I must get a Gongfa, as long as I have Gongfa, I can rise. By then, my money Xiaojia will not be weaker than anyone. .I will not let Silk counterattack. "

He muttered in a low voice, his eyes flashed, without striding, he strode into the Tibetan Pavilion.

As soon as I entered, I saw the shocking scene in the Tibetan Buddhist Pavilion. Such rows of white jade bookshelves are more luxurious than any library, full of fantasy colors. Makes people secretly calm.

"Dare to let everyone practice, I don't know how lucky this family name is, and how many exercises are practiced." Qian Xiaojia once again cursed secretly in her heart.

(To be continued.)

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