Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1300: Worshippers die when they are disrespectful

"Well, although there is only one entrance, there are countless entrances. When you step in, there may be a huge difference between the previous moment and the next moment. It appears in different places. If you do n’t pay attention, even a thousand If you step in, you will be completely separated from each other and become a group of three or five. Without the power of the army, if you do n’t know, you can give you a horse right away. "

There was a shimmer of savvy in the eyes of the paper cutter, exclaimed.

"The entrance should be formed by the spatial disorder array method. It is definitely not easy to arrange it. The pyramid tomb is not so simple."

The splitter said.

Looking around, they can see that they are in a secret room.

This secret room is not small, it is about thirty feet in size. In the back room, it seems that there are not many things, only a stone statue, and nothing else.

"Statue of Pharaoh."

Looking at this statue, Yi Tianxing can see that the pharaoh is in a gorgeous dress, holding a scepter that symbolizes the king, wearing a golden crown, and a large gem set on the crown. It seems that the gem is It is a rare treasure, rare in the world.

The statue of Pharaoh stood in front of him, and he could see that his gaze was straight forward, and even he looked up at the sky, giving a feeling of arrogance to the sky.

"Look, there are words on the wall."

The paper cutter has strong eyesight. When he sees behind the statue, a line of ancient characters emerges. This typeface is not a carcass, it should be some type of ancient Egyptian script, but the magic is that after seeing it, he can understand the meaning What does it mean.

"Worshippers live, disrespectful ones die !!"

The teacher's eyes and pupils contracted slightly, and a voice was slowly spit out.

This sentence is exactly what the words appear on the wall.

"This Pharaoh was a little too confident. He wanted us to bow down to him, and the disrespectful died. Why did he let us bow down?"

The paper cutter smiled angrily.

"Want me to bow down, can he bear it?"

Yi Tianxing sneered.

He is the lord of the Great Yi Dynasty, and he himself represents the luck of the entire Great Yi Dynasty. This kind of luck, no one dares to bear his kneeling, it is a mountain-like luck that can't bear it. Life is not enough, enough to make you lose luck, or even doom, and die.

Of course, if Yi Tianxing bows down to others casually, it is not only the luck of others that is damaged, but also the luck of his own. How can the Lord of worship be able to bow down at will? .

Yi Tianxing is even less likely to worship.

Although it is possible to bow down to this statue, it is really possible to gain chance and even survive, but this is absolutely impossible for Yi Tianxing to do.

"It's just a statue. Let me bow down and let you die today."

The splitter said with a sneer.

Reaching out to the pharaoh statue, a layer of silver and white light bloomed naturally, covering the statue. Suddenly, under the light of the god, the entire statue began to decompose at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into powder and constantly breaking. Really fly away.

In the blink of an eye, a black stone appeared in his hand.

"The Ghost Stone, a top-grade treasure, can connect to the ghost, shield itself from being angry, and be undetected by the undead spirit. At the same time, it can quickly condense the extremely Yin Qi, such a treasure , Can be used to make a statue, Pharaoh is indeed rich and impressive, "said the decomposer with a smile, which is a good thing. It is no better than breaking down for others, but just receiving some break-up rewards, but now it is a real treasure and belongs to itself.

boom! !!

And just after the statue was decomposed, you can clearly see that in the original standing position of the statue, a dark hole suddenly appeared. In the cave, suddenly, a thick sulfur breath rushed into the nose, followed closely. With that, a horrible black flame spewed out of the crater frantically, and in a moment, it had covered the entire secret room.

The flame is burning, emitting a violent breath, and even the bursting flames are constantly emitted in the flame. Once the burst, the destructive force generated immediately allows the flame's destructive force to be magnified more than once.

Contains extremely aggressive forces.

"Hell lava fire. This is the legendary flame that only exists in lava hell. It burns not only the flesh but also the soul. How could such a terrible **** fire burst out here."

The paper cutter saw that his face was white.

He is now a paper person, and the paper person is most afraid of flames. Of course, ordinary flames are nothing, and they can be annihilated at will, but now they are the hellfire of hegemony. Once touched, I'm afraid the body will be lit soon. This one is totally restrained from him. Very unfriendly.

"I am Vulcan and suppress all flames."

Yi Tianxing witnessed it, but there was nothing unusual. With a single thought, Vulcan, who was immersed in Vulcan's fate, suddenly opened his eyes, and raised a roar in heaven, appearing behind him out of thin air. Turned into a whole body shrouded in flames, stepping on the fire dragon under his feet, wearing a fire snake near his ears, and an angry look appeared on his face. It seems that the appearance is still not much different from that of Yi Tianxing.

It was just that the breath became more violent.

After the appearance of Vulcan, the manifestation of Vulcan's life, naturally, the fires of **** around him seemed to be stunned by an invisible force. They were three feet outside and could not be closer to the slightest. This is Vulcan's natural dominance over flames.

The flame law in Vulcan's command has also reached a very high level, and the understanding of the law of fire is extremely high.

For a time, the area near Yitian Behavior Center was completely transformed into a flame vacuum zone.

In addition, the Vulcan who emerged behind him opened his mouth and swallowed the fire of Hell in the surrounding area. A large amount of flames were continuously immersed in the Vulcan body, swallowed and suppressed, and quickly absorbed the unique flame law of the fire of hell. Under the blessings of Bodhizi and Hongmeng Ziqi, this kind of understanding can be called an abnormal level. There is a new perception at every moment, and the understanding of Hellfire has grown rapidly.

Vulcan's life tactics analyzes the fire of **** in a steady stream, and draws the rules of Taoism.

Unconsciously, in Vulcan's fate, a completely new kind of flame naturally emerges, and the flame is simply the fire of hell. Although the fire of **** is still very small, it can grow rapidly after birth. This means that you have mastered a brand new flame of hellfire.

Under the command of Vulcan, there is a powerful talent for any flame power.

"What a powerful fire-knowledge can contain a **** of fire. This is one of the top visions of fire-knowledge in the flames." The disintegrator saw that he could not help showing the strange color, and said.

"Okay, that's great. But this time, Yi Daoyou saved my old life. If I became infected with Hellfire, it would be a trouble for me to become a paper man." The paper cutter smiled.

This is the benefit of alliances. If you encounter hellfire alone, then it is really fierce.

Where is the current situation.

"I'm thinking about where this hole leads to, and it can emit such a huge fire of hell. This lava cannot be bred out of ordinary places."

Yi Tianxing looked at the cave, and with the body of Vulcan, he felt clearly that there were many terrible breaths of life hidden in the depth of the cave, very violent and brutal. As if devastating destructive power would erupt at any time.

Roar! !!

Almost the next moment, a fierce roar came, and suddenly, a figure shrouded in **** fire rushed out of the cave. It was clearly a demon with magic horns on his head, flashing red flames, and sulphur smell. Incomparably, behind them are a pair of red demon wings that look like bats. That look, it looked like a flame demon crawling out of hell.


This is a kind of demon that grows in hell. It is very cruel, and when it appears, it brings the power of hell-like destruction. Wherever it goes, the fire of **** burns everything and takes away the soul.

Yan Mo's hands can be seen, holding a red iron chain. Can be seen on the iron chain, the barb of the cricket flickered with cold. It seems that they will devour everything and crush everything at any time.

Immediately after appearing, Yan Yan looked at Yi Tianxing, and even the fire **** who suppressed hellfire.

Wow! !!

Yan Mo didn't say more than half a word, and the iron chain in his hand was flung, and the three of them had been beaten towards Yi Tianxing. Wherever he went, the **** surrounding him turned into a magic dragon and swept away.

"Let me come, break it up!"

After the disintegrator saw it, he naturally took a step forward, reached out to the iron chain, and uttered a light drink, followed by the silver-white decomposition of the **** light blooming, covering the iron chain, the moment it touched, the iron The chains turn into powder at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. An inch of collapse. Moreover, the decomposing **** light continued to spread along the iron chain, sweeping directly towards the flame demon.

In the blink of an eye ~ ~ A huge iron chain turned into a piece of red fine iron and fell to the ground. Make a crisp sound. The original aggressive flames were extinguished in an instant.

In front of the division, all magic weapons and soldiers do not exist.

As long as you dare to take it out, it will all become raw materials.

Then, in the hands of Yi Tianxing, a bronze war spear appeared, and the war spear broke through. With a strong sky-breaking spear, he penetrated the Demon's chest and quickly annihilated its vitality.

Heavenly Emperor's Forged Hand-Skybreaker! !!

Purely broken will, Yan Yan was killed on the spot.

All this happened between flare and sparkle. In this way, a hell-fire demon at the level of Yuan Shenjing was killed.

"Amazing, a Pyramid-level Demon was easily killed. However, do you think there will be other Demon worms out where this cave is going?"

The paper cutter said.

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