Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1301: To hell

Wow! !!

Almost on the spot, I heard a crisp sound, and another Fire Demon rushed out of the burrow, and this time, not only one, but two, three appeared at the same time. After coming out, I saw Yi Tianxing, etc. People, the water flowing out of the corners of their mouths turned into magma, fell to the ground, and came down with an impolite charge.

There are iron chains.

There are flames wielding wings, condensing a fiery **** fireball, completely condensed by the fire of hell, containing the rhyme law of violent death, the destructive power is more than ten times stronger than the ordinary fireball.

Once touched, an explosion will occur directly. Produce devastating damage.

A flame demon stepped on the ground, and a column of flames emerged from the ground, erupting from the bottom up, which could ignite people on the spot. Burned to ashes.

Each of the three flame monsters is at least a strong person at the level of the state of law. They are powerful and directly enter the level of the Yuanshen state. Coupled with the help of hellfire, the destructive power is enough to elevate one or two. level.

Unfortunately, Yan Tian's biggest reliance on Hellfire was suppressed by Yi Tianxing. Even if three Yan Yanxings appeared at the same time, they were still forcibly suppressed by Yi Tianxing's three. Yan Yan's weapon was in front of the disintegrator, that is slag. When the flames are restrained, with the fighting power of Yi Tianxing, it is natural to kill the flames. Even the dead body was regarded as a booty.

Yi Tianxing took two of them, one for the splitter and one for the paper cutter.

"This place cannot stay. Although the power of Yanmao is not enough to cause fatal damage to us, but it is surrounded by sealed walls, and the walls contain a prohibition. Although it is not absolutely impossible to break, it consumes too much power. Large, this hole is even more worth exploring. "

Yi Tianxing said.

The ultimate purpose of coming to this pharaoh's mausoleum is to want to go here for experience, exploration, and gain some opportunities to make yourself stronger. Whether or not you can find a treasure is another matter. The most important thing is Yes, let yourself be experienced.

How can this fun thing be let go.


The decomposition division said without hesitation.

"Although the fire of **** is not very friendly to the old man, can't help it, even if it is not friendly, it can't go through the door." The paper maker also nodded, and now the three are in an alliance relationship, and, for now, each other It was all very pleasant. He didn't want to leave the group, at least it was definitely good to be with him. "

The paper cutter also showed his attitude decisively.

The tomb of Pharaoh is too mysterious, and no one knows what weird traps exist in it. But there is no doubt that it is absolutely dangerous. Only when you go in can you continue to explore and continue to unravel the mysteries in the tomb.

To be sure, this burrow must be a trap agency that Pharaoh had long laid down.

"You are close to me, beside me, you can avoid the attack of the fire of hell." Yi Tianxing said.

They did not refuse the disintegrator. This is the best way. Maybe they have other means, but at this time, where can be more simple and convenient than this.

The burrow is not small, but the horrible flames of **** are constantly emerging, forming a huge pillar of flame. Under the impact, it is more destructive than other flames.

However, when Yi Tianxing stepped in, he still suppressed the fire of the surrounding hell. At the same time, the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower opened naturally, forming a vortex outside the body, which swallowed all the fire of **** in a steady stream. It is an energy that is quickly refined, and at the same time, in the flame world in the space inside the tower, it also follows the kind of fire that has spawned the fire of hell.

This is a magical characteristic of the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower. In the world opened up by the tower, as long as the Hongmeng Tiandi Tower devours refined heaven and earth treasures, in those towering worlds, it is possible to regenerate and breed corresponding resource of.

For example, a large amount of red copper has been refined, and many of the more than 30 towers in the world now have red copper veins. Although the output is not very high, but with veins, it can continue to give birth to brand new red copper. Even over time, the vegetated veins can continue to grow and grow. This time devouring the fire of hell, in the world of flames, the kind of fire of **** fire was immediately derived.

This process is as if the fire of **** was devoured and refined, and the flame rule and rhyme contained in it were all analyzed and fused by Hongmeng Tiandi Tower. Becomes part of itself.

This process is very mysterious and wonderful.

This is the magic of Hongmeng Tiandi Tower, especially after the fusion of Hongmeng purple gas, this mystery is even more amazing. The ability to breed treasures after refining the pagoda has not yet been revealed. Only after being promoted to Xiaoqian World in the space of the tower and integrated into Hongmeng Ziqi, was it revealed a little bit. Of course, the veins that have just been born are still very small, and they need time and nourishment to grow.

The appearance of a flame in Hellfire now also means that since then, you can completely control this new flame. It can even continue to train to make the fire of **** even stronger.

brush! !!

These were just suppressed in the blink of an eye, almost as Yi Tianxing and the three men appeared above the mouth of the cave, the **** fire erupting was naturally swallowed up. The burrow was like a passage. Moreover, it is not an ordinary passage, but a space passage. Lead to another space. Seems to have left the area of ​​the pyramid mausoleum.

That is clearly the rhythm of space transmission.

Suddenly, a strange place has appeared.

Looking closely, this is a terrible sight of hell.

Hell flames are burning everywhere, and a stream of magma emerges from the ground. In the magma river, you can see that a red-red monster is crawling in the magma, and it is constantly killing and conquering the same In the fight, continue to grow. It can be seen that a demon worm evolved during the slaughter, turned into a little dwarf, and climbed out of the lava river.

Such pictures are happening all the time.

At the same time, we can see that in the void, souls constantly appear, falling into the magma, and in the blink of an eye, it has become a monster.

"Is this lava hell."

The paper maker secretly whispered: "According to the record, there is **** between heaven and earth, that **** space, the environment is extremely harsh, and it is always in a state of death at any time. Here, to live, you can only kill , Constantly getting stronger, strong beings living, weak beings dying, there is no third choice, that is, in this kind of environment, it is the most terrible demons that grow up.

This is a space completely dark red.

It doesn't seem to be endless here, but rather it should be considered as an independent space. The space is not as vast as hell, as if it were part of being divided from hell.

Right here, you can see a huge throne standing in the lava.

The throne is cast from a reddish stone, with magma flowing on the surface, hundreds of feet in size. A hundred-foot-tall Balrog sits on the throne, wrapped around an iron chain, and countless fires of **** surround him. A bright light blooms.

An invisible coercion swept through like tide.

This flame demon seems to be sleeping,

But between breaths and breaths, it can produce suffocating pressure, terrifying.

That coercion has completely surpassed the level of Yuanshen Realm.

When Yi Tianxing and the three of them stepped in, the sleeping demon immediately awoke, opened his eyes, and the huge eyes fell on the three. It felt as if the two suns were suddenly rising and blooming. Light can burn the soul. An invisible shock passed in my mind, and the soul was shaking. This is how the weak face the strong.

"When is this? The king is finally awake."

"At that time, the king signed a contract with Pharaoh to kill the blasphemer who broke into his tomb. It seems that you are the grave robbers who went to the tomb of Pharaoh. This breath has fifth-order life.

The Yan Devil looked at Yi Tianxing three and made strange sounds. Although he didn't know the language, he could clearly understand what he meant.

"Fifth-order life? In the eyes of demons, is life divided into first-order first-order."

Yi Tianxing keenly grasped the message contained in his words.

Fifth level, it is no accident to say that he was.

Calculated according to the realm of cultivation, Shenhai realm, Mingqiao realm, Mingtu realm, Law phase realm, Yuanshen realm.

Today he is just in the fifth realm of practice, and each breakthrough in the realm is transformed and promoted like the level of life. Reaching a whole new level, so that it is logical to count as fifth-order life.

Very straightforwardly point out his own level.

"You are the Fire Lord, here, where is it."

The papermaker's eyes turned around ~ ~ and shouted openly.

Now that we've arrived here, no matter what happens, we can't change it. The only thing we can do is to get as much information as possible. He is just a paper man, not afraid of death.

"This flame demon king, you grave robbers are really brave enough to dare to steal even the pharaoh's palace. Pharaoh is a strong heritage with the blood of the sun god. If you can really rob the pharaoh tomb, I want to give you a sigh of regret, but unfortunately, it's just a bunch of stupid people being teleported here, and all you have is death. "

The Fire Demon King didn't seem to have any immediate intentions, but instead began to talk with interest.

The fire of **** around him was constantly immersed in his body. Vaguely, he could hear that the beating sound of his heart was increasing every moment, as if the power in his body was recovering a little bit.

"Just awake, the power of this Fire Demon King has not recovered to its peak. Still in weakness, he is delaying time."

Yi Tianxing realized this, a thought flashed through his mind.

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