Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1309: Space exile

Unconsciously, all the scarabs that have been swallowed up have changed their faith.

The original loyalty to the Pharaoh was replaced by the belief in Yi Tianxing. It seems as if there are new goals, new beliefs in the heart, and bathed in the light of the gods and the sounds of the heavens, all scarab bees feel the blood veins of their souls are sublimated and washed. The blood in the body is tempered, and the golden light on the body is more intense and pure, and the golden runes are outlined in the carapace on the back.

The body shape seems to have become a little bigger.

Moreover, the mark of loyalty to the Da Yi dynasty and loyalty to Yi Tianxing has been inscribed in the soul, and it is indelible.

"Purification, purification. Wash the soul, expel all evil, remove the evil power in the blood of the soul, these scarab beetles are engraved with the mark of loyalty to Pharaoh, but unfortunately, they still cannot resist the crossing of the evil evil sound tree Into, "

If these scarab beetles do not have the mark of Pharaoh in their body, then it is strange. Even if people get scarab beetle, it is difficult to wash the unique mark. They will still be controlled by Pharaoh, but they will face the innocent Tianyin treasure tree. Still to be purified.

Scarabs generally cannot be subdued by others in adulthood.

Unfortunately, in front of Baoshu, all these issues are not a problem.

"Good stuff, the more you come, the better."

Yi Tianxing said calmly.

The disintegrator and the paper maker were surprised when they saw it, their mouths widened, and their weird expressions. I originally thought that I was going to run away, but I didn't expect to occupy a geographical advantage, forcing these scarab beetles to do the best. What shocked them most was that Yi Tianxing didn't even let the scarab beetle.

It's just a goose plucking. As long as it's a good thing, it doesn't matter if it's dead or alive.

A lot of spirit beans have been collected, and now even the scarab beetle dare to collect it. Although I do n’t know where it was received, there is no way to tame it. Once backwashed, it is more terrible than anything. Eaten up.

Even if it is retracted into Dongtian, if you do not suppress it, Dongtian will become a desert.

Buzz! !!

Scarabs swarmed like tides, but they disappeared like stones into the sea.

"Good greedy monk."

Hitomi Jiu witnessed and could not help but utter a cold hum.

However, immediately turned around and rushed in towards the other door. A large number of scarab beetles were attracted by Yi Tianxing and they didn't leave now, let alone when. It's a perfect time for Godsend.

brush! !!

Suddenly, a dark vortex appeared again over the hall.

In the Vortex, the Bone Scepter that had appeared once before came out of the Vortex again and knocked directly at the space door.

Click! !!

With this blow, the space gate was also destroyed under the scepter. The space gate was knocked apart in an instant, and it continued to shatter, turning into countless fragments, and dissipating into nothingness in mid-air.

"You are too much !!!"

An icy voice came from the whirlpool, and from the words, it seemed that he could not feel the emotions contained in it. This made people shudder. Pharaoh's second shot was obviously colder than the first time.

Take away the scarab, which place it is, it is simply not in the eyes.

Moreover, if he let him take it down, wouldn't it be that the scarabs in the entire tomb would be taken away, so that his face would not be necessary.


It's simply too much.

"Accept exile."

It can be seen that the light in that scepter flashed a little, directly towards Yi Tianxing.

"No, hurry up."

Yi Tianxing felt a strong sense of throbbing on the spot. As if there was a sense of imminent danger. If you don't want to, you will leave unconsciously. Disintegrators do the same.

It's just too late. The light flashed in the scepter.

I do n’t know what the power in the scepter has driven what has been laid out in the mausoleum. A strange silver-white vortex appeared out of nowhere, completely covering the three of them. In that vortex, all kinds of light were distorted. Under the constant change, a powerful swallowing force emerged out of thin air, completely enveloping the three men of Yi Tianxing, and pulled into the depth of the vortex.

The power of this vortex is too strong, and it is completely beyond the level of Yuan Shen Realm.

Almost irresistible power.

Inside, you can feel a strong atmosphere of space, but the force of this space is very violent and weird, even chaotic, and changeable to the extreme. Containing the vortex of the power of space, this seems to be teleporting them out.

"It is a void exile. Once exiled, it will be randomly transmitted to any place, any area, no one knows where it will appear. This time, the trouble is big." There is no possibility of stopping. No one can resist.

"Hold your hands, don't let go, don't separate, once separated, no one knows where to go to find them."

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and said quickly.

The three quickly grabbed their hands. The light in the vortex completely bloomed, full-bodied to the extreme, reaching a top, the force of terror wrapped around the body, and quickly pulled deep into the vortex.

In an instant, it had disappeared.

It disappeared from the whole mausoleum and disappeared from the whole Weizhou. Not even a trace of the air machine.

This is even more terrifying than entering the **** space before.

Exile is possible in any area, anywhere in the eternal world.

thump! !!

For a while, the sky turned round, completely unable to control the body in the presence of the force of exile. Unconsciously, they appeared in an unfamiliar place. Before they could react, the body fell towards the ground. Instead of hitting the ground, he fell into the water. Make a loud noise.

"It's so cold !!"

"What kind of water is this cold? It's not right."

The disintegrator and the paper cutter could not help making strange noises.

When it fell into the water, the temperature in the water was too low. As soon as it fell in, there was a steady stream of cold air digging into the body and penetrating into the bone.

However, Yi Tianxing has a vague sense of familiarity.

"Where is this?" The paper cutter asked quickly. Floating out of the water. He looked up at the sky, but this look, the whole body was dumb. Eyes are straight and cannot turn.

"The sky here is so dark. It turned out that the blood moon appeared in the sky. There are two rounds, no, here, is it ...... underworld !!!

The disintegrator looked up, took a breath, and looked at the void, where there were two rounds of blood moon hanging high and spilling Yuehua.

Yi Tianxing looked and saw the two **** moons. When it shines around, it emits a layer of **** moonlight, sprinkles the sky and earth, and falls on the body, naturally feeling a kind of cold air. Let the water surface be colder.

Looking around, there was a large lake.

But the water in the lake is a kind of emerald green. Gives a weird breath, cold water, can freeze blood.

"Come on, let's go ashore before we talk."

Yi Tianxing's physique is strong. Although the cold air is overbearing, he can't help him in a short time, but no one wants to soak in his hands directly, and he has stepped out of the water and stood on the water with a sense of life. Now, the control of water has a unique advantage. It just fell into the water, but during exile, one's strength was almost completely imprisoned, and it would only fall if it could not be used.

Otherwise, you can stop early in the air.

"This water, why is Yin Qi so heavy, where is this lake in the world. There is Xuan Yin Qi in the water. No, this is Yin Yin, the water only in Hell, this moon, this water."

The paper dipper jumped up, looked around, his eyes flashed with surprise, and said, "We ... was exiled to hell."

The water in the underworld is naturally different from the sun. The water in the underworld has no vitality, and because of the ubiquitous yin, the water becomes more cold. Ordinary people fall, and even a drop of contamination will freeze the blood vessels and fall on the spot. . A serious illness, that's all good.

The underworld water is the water in the underworld, just like the normal water in the underworld, but the underworld water is normal in the underworld, but for the underworld creatures, if you drink it, there is only good, no harm, you can supplement your own yin To make the body more condensed. There are many benefits. Countless.

Of course, this Yin water cannot be compared with Huangquan water, that is the true holy water.

The river in the Huangquan Holy River is turquoise, and in the dark, it emits a dim light. The gloomy water is emerald-green, which looks similar to emerald. It's strange.

The paper-jammers obviously knew the underworld, and their profession dealt with the ghosts of the underworld, and they even seemed to enter and exit the realm of the yin and yang with a spirit. Communicate Yin and Yang. Very weird.

"We should already be in the underworld. This blood moon is only in the underworld, and, once it appears, there are two rounds, plus the underworld water, this time we are really exiled to the underworld.

Yi Tianxing said.

He hasn't been to Hell ~ ~. There is already certain in my mind.

"This time it's troublesome. Our life in Yangjian can't stay in Hell for a long time, otherwise, even if it's not dead, we will suffer irreparable damage." The decomposition division said slowly.

Living people, who enter the underworld, will suffer great damage because of this. The body will be eroded by the boundless yin, corroding the flesh, and it will be difficult to live. If you stay too long, even if you return to the underworld, you will suffer irreparable damage. The most important thing is that Yin will erode the elementary Taoism. Once it is too long, an indelible mark is left in the spirit.

When you cross the robbery, you will encounter great difficulties.

At this moment, it can be completely felt that there is a trace of yin and infiltration into the body. In this process, there is no way to prevent the true elements in the body from being directly integrated into the flesh. Caused by erosion.

Underworld, the living area is forbidden. Unless they are trained to reach the level of power, they can ignore the damage of the underworld and be eligible for long stay. (https :)

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