Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1310: Tasty

"This Pharaoh is too stingy, and his energy is too narrow. Not only did he collect a little spirit beans and caught a batch of scarabs, he even used the space to banish the trap, and he was exiled to hell. Sure enough, it was not a O Lord Lord. "

Yi Tianxing smiled and shook his head.

If a normal monk enters the underworld and cannot find the way back to the underworld, the end result will fall into the underworld.

No matter how strong the cultivation is, there is no way to stay in the underworld for a long time.

These are two worlds, different laws of heaven and earth.

Yangjian is heaven and earth's vitality, and Yinjian is Jiuyou Yinqi.

Once the monk absorbed the yin yin qi, if it was not, he would have a special constitution, or else he would have a unique method to forcibly refine the yin yin qi, otherwise, he would not be able to stay in the underworld for a long time.

"What to do now, if you don't find a chance to leave the underworld, this time it will be a big loss. I'm not a big deal. The big thing is that the paper man's clone is completely destroyed. The life of my deity. But you are different. If you stay in the underworld for too long, you may fall here. The pharaoh's intentions are really dangerous. "

The paper cutter said. The look was filled with anger.

He has a way to link the two realms of yin and yang, but only between the avatar and the deity.

For example, the avatar can call the deity to come, and the deity can call the avatar to return to the sun. The cost is still huge, and the price must be the sacrifice of the paper man.

No matter who is calling, this clone will be scrapped.

Fortunately, as he said, the income in the mausoleum will be completely scrapped. Once called by the deity, the previous harvest can be transmitted back at the cost of avatar. This is also a magical ability of the paper cutter.

"The underworld hasn't affected me much. For me, Jiuyou qi is no different from heaven and earth."

Yi Tianxing tried it and ran "The Emperor's Royal Dragon Sutra". Suddenly, there seemed to be an ancestor dragon in the Shenhai of the body, and a large amount of Jiuyou Yin penetrated into the body. When it melts into the blood, it is swallowed in, and under the refining of Chaos Longchi, it is naturally refined and converted into pure Longyuan mana, which is deposited in Shenhai.

The legendary ancestor dragon is chasing the air of chaos. For any strength and vitality, it can be swallowed, refined and absorbed. Moreover, his state of refining body, swallowing Jiuyou Yinqi, will not be harmed in the slightest.

As long as the reason, you can survive for a long time in the underworld without being affected.

This is the divine difference of the Scriptures.

Tianjing is the highest ancient scripture between heaven and earth. Heavenly scriptures means that this practice has reached the level of suffering from jealousy of the sky, which represents some kind of near-extreme avenue law. It can even be said that any practice of the heavenly scripture level has the ability to In both realms of yin and yang, they can live freely without being constrained by their own normal life.

"I can still support it, there will be no problems in a short time. It is not difficult to support for a few years."

The disintegrator said slowly.

He is a Jade Spirit family and has a strong affinity for various auras. Not afraid of Jiuyou Yinqi like a viper.

"What to do now? Get a charter first. I do n’t know much about Hades. It is said that Hades is also very chaotic, and all realms are fused, not just Yang and Hades. According to my news, Hades is now also under treatment. In a state of chaotic war. "

The paper cutter said.

The integration of all realms, there is yin and yang, there are thousands of peoples in the yang, chaotic, and it is completely in a stage of continuous battle, eventually dividing the site, and establishing its own status, as is the yin.

As big as the sun is, how big the **** is. It is conceivable how vast this world is.

This point, the paper cutter has some understanding.

The forces of the underworld are mixed, not only the Yin Cao Difu, the six reincarnation. There are blood sea Shura, eighteen layers of hell, ghosts, skeletons, ghosts, nether world, death gods and so on. The interweaving of various forces is simply a mess.

Fortunately, the six reincarnations are still running.

According to his knowledge, the six reincarnations are not under the supervision of other forces, and no one can affect the operation of the six reincarnations. Tiandao has temporarily divided the six reincarnations, and the six reincarnations are no longer the only channel of reincarnation.

In the past, the underworld in western mythology merged into the underworld, and also had its own reincarnation treasure, called the reincarnation platform, which can complete reincarnation according to its karma.

There is also a river where reincarnation is possible.

Named the endless Styx River, the soul enters the Styx River, and will follow the Styx River, pass through the underworld, enter the yangjian, and reincarnate. In the Styx River, the Styx Water will wash away its memory. However, the process and timing of this reincarnation cycle is difficult to determine. It is said that the Minghe River runs through the two realms of yin and yang. It will appear in any area. Every time the Minghe River will touch the Yang, the point where it touches, that area, the part of the Minghe where the soul will be thrown into the Yang, reincarnation, the law of reincarnation Operational. Very mysterious.

In short, the treasure of reincarnation is the most fundamental foundation of the underworld forces.

There is a huge difference between presence and absence.

These are all derived from the law of samsara.

It is part of reincarnation.

The law of samsara is flooded in the underworld, everywhere in the meditation.

Anyway, the **** is extremely chaotic.

"No matter what, let's go ashore before talking."

Yi Tianxing took a deep breath and looked at the blood moon in the sky. He has accepted this fact. Although he felt speechless for Pharaoh's approach, it has become a fact and naturally there is no possibility of change.

Moreover, if he wants to leave, it is not difficult, as long as he is willing, he can leave at any time.

"Well, well, go ashore first."

Decomposed division agreed.

Wow! !!

At this moment, when I was about to set foot on the opposite shore, I only heard that there was a sound of clear water waves in the lake below, as if something was swimming in the water.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a green tentacle suddenly drilled out of the water, winding like a spirit snake toward the three of Yi Tianxing. What's more, not just one, but hundreds or thousands of them are entangled, as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, it was wrapped around the feet. The tentacles were weird, the speed was fast, and if you were not polite, Yi Tianxing didn't have time to respond.

Has been wrapped around his legs.

From underwater, a powerful force came, and they madly pulled them to the bottom together.

That power, no less than millions of catties, was very overbearing and terrifying.

"No, save me."

The paper cutter first screamed, his body was already pulled into the water. However, in an instant, it can be seen that a stack of spirit paper flew out of him, and that was a cut paper knife. With a flash of light, the paper knife became sharp in an instant, comparable to the magic soldier, cutting iron That mud is a breeze. Lightning out, turned into a mouthful of magic knives, cut on those tentacles.

Click! !!

The paper knives were sharp, and the tentacles were cut off under the blade of the paper knives. Forcibly cutting, not only the tentacles under him were cut off, but even the tentacles under Yi Tianxing were also cut off.

"Do you still need help?"

Yi Tianxing and Decomposing Division saw each other silently.

Do not want to, waved, a silver-white space door has appeared in front of.

"Enter the space door and leave here first, the tentacles are only part of it."

Yi Tianxing said quickly.

The disintegrator and the paper cutter saw it, and stepped in without hesitation. The lake below was obviously not ordinary and dangerous. The paper cutter was scared, and was almost pulled into the water. He felt a dying death. breath. Once pulled down, I'm afraid I can't help but die.

brush! !!

They reacted extremely quickly, stepping into the space door in an instant, and then a flash of light flashed. On the shore of the lake, a space door reappeared and opened again. The three of Yi Tianxing stepped out at the same time.

"It's dangerous, what a ghost thing. When entangled with the body, the ice chills through the bones and almost freezes the blood vessels. It makes it very difficult for the whole body to become paralyzed, stalemate, and sink into the water."

Shen Sheng said the decomposition.

"Let me see what this is."

Looking at the lake, Yi Tianxing flashed a light in his hand. It was a deadly fishing rod. With his arm flung, the slender fishing line had cut through the sky and quickly fell into the water. The fishing hook felt like water in a blink of an eye. A huge force was transmitted from the fishing hook, and it seemed that Yi Tianxing was to be pulled into the water together with the fishing rod.

"Get up !!"

The death hook is very powerful, and it contains the supreme power of a small thousand worlds. The power of monsters in the water is really overbearing. Compared with a world, it is completely worthless. With Yi Tianxing flew down. Suddenly I saw a giant monster throwing itself out of the water from the lake to the shore.

"What a big octopus." The paper cutter could not help exclaiming when he saw the monster thrown up.

It was a creature that looked very similar to an octopus, with countless tentacles, all showing a weird emerald green. If you didn't look closely, you would think it was a bunch of seaweed.

There are hundreds of feet in size ~ ~ On the tentacles, there are countless weird suckers, and there are strange barbs. Once wrapped around the body, these barbs will pierce into the body and release. Terrible toxin, paralysing the body. In the water, the power is endless, enough to pull most of the life into the water, completely strangling.

It can be seen that countless devil-like textures appear on this octopus, interwoven and changing, and ordinary people see that they will be scared and mad on the spot.

It looked shuddering.

"Ghost chapter, devil octopus. It is said that this is a terrible life in the underworld. It exists in the waters, and it likes to devour the soul and flesh. It will prey on all living things. It is an instinct. Not alone, but in groups. There must be a lot of ghost chapters in this lake. "

The paper cutter said.

"This ghost chapter ... is it delicious."

Yi Tianxing looked at Guizhang with interest and asked. (https :)

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