Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1879: Treasure

"Very well, if the Zheng family can do that, I believe that no one will ignore the achievements of Dayi. When they formally join, all the achievements will be accumulated directly in your name. According to Mao's knowledge, now Above the chapel, it is under discussion to establish a state city, a state animal husbandry, the first city is the third grade, and the state animal is the second grade. To rule the land of a state, all the fairy cities within the jurisdiction may have jurisdiction. , The right to assessment. To be promoted, there must be enough merits and talents. Maybe Zheng Chengzhu can do it. "

Mao Mao seems to inadvertently disclose a message.

The fact that Wu Dayi wanted to establish a state herd was actually spread in a small area and stayed on the court.

After all, Dayi's territory is getting bigger and bigger, and it has more and more fairy cities. There are countless things that need to be dealt with every day. If there is not a teleportation array and a star network, such a large territory, If you change any of the ancient dynasties, there will be huge problems. Disconnected information and stranded information will have a great impact. However, even so, there is indeed a need for higher-level state herdsmen to carry out certain management arrangements.

Also allows the Lord of the Fairy City to have more upside. As the most direct springboard into the Metropolis.

"State herd?"

Zheng Zhilong, Zheng Chenggong, and others suddenly blinked their eyes, exposing extremely longing eyes. What is this? This is the high weight. This is the governing party. That status is definitely not the bottom layer in the Day.

Suddenly, one by one revealed extremely strong ambitions.

With this in mind, Mao Sui naturally looked in his eyes, but he also smiled in his heart. He is not afraid of ambitions, and Da Yi can tolerate their ambitions. He only needs to have real abilities to see if he can match.

"Zheng Chengzhu may have a chance."

Mao Mao did not hesitate to give hope, but of course it was only hope. If he could do it, it was up to him. He doesn't have the authority to make such a big promise.

This depends on merit.

Afterwards, naturally the guests and the hosts were happy.

While eating and drinking, the atmosphere is getting better and better. The Zheng family deliberately made good friends. Mao Sui also wanted to completely pull the Zheng family to the battleship of Dayi. During the conversation, a burst of laughter kept ringing, followed, Mao Sui also revealed that if the Zheng family wants to join Dayi, then the King Coconut City must accept the reconstruction of Dayi, uniformly cast it with black bricks, and then outline the corresponding rune array method to be the same as Dayi Xiancheng .

Of course, there is no need for big fanfare, only secret transformation is needed. These don't need Zheng Zhilong. They feel worried. Next, a Dayi craftsman will secretly arrive and complete the transformation for them. When necessary, they can change the course at any time. Can be easily incorporated into the Dayi system.

Before long, Mao Sui chose to leave.

口令 A password was also issued for this meeting. Except for the Zheng family, no one knew Mao Sui's identity, and no one knew what the topic of the conversation was after the meeting.

At the same time, Zhang Tongren also entered the islands, found the residences of the ethnic forces in various places, and launched three-inch tongues. There were easy and intangible deterrents in the back, and the surrounding surroundings were extremely harsh. The constant threat of pirate invasion has made the psychological defense of these ethnic forces almost heard that they can join Dayi, or even retain their status and status, can be transferred to other places, and even continue to serve as the city master in the current area. s position.

The status and gap between the current city owner and the city owner of Dayi is absolutely unimaginable.

He is completely different.

"Agree, of course, agree."

"Joining Dayi can become the master of a city. Even if it is the master of the city, it is a rotation every ten years. The assessment, even if the assessment fails, can still rely on the ten-year master of the city to build a strong enough in Dayi. The foundation can be established in the future and can be passed on. "

"As long as it is a bloodline of a human race, even if it is a branch of a bloodline that is only part of the human race, it can still be added to Dayi, integrated into Dayi, and will not be discriminated against. It will also gain the same power and respect. Join Dayee. Of course I would. "

"We are nomads, can we join Dayi. If you can, why not."

The lobbying of Zhang Tongren was just like an overwhelming situation. The major forces have long been miserable by the pirates. The construction that has just been completed will be destroyed the next moment. The experience, once, twice, ten times, 100 times, no It is not an unthinkable attachment to a stable and stable life.

According to the determined national policy, as long as the human race belongs, as long as it has the blood of the human race, whether it is the branch of the golden scale, or the branch of the giant foot, the branch of the big head, etc., it is still accepted and can be included in the Dayi people system. You can enjoy the same power and you can get the same respect. Will not be subject to any discrimination. This excited a lot of sub-groups with blood connections to the human race.

They don't think there is anything to be ashamed of. It's all a pie in the sky. The gratitude in my heart is even stronger.

The plan in the Caribbean Sea is in full swing.

At this moment, in the sea of ​​demons.

上 An unknown island. It can be seen that the surrounding mist is shrouded. I don't know when there will be an extra fairy city on the island. The appearance of this fairy city is exactly the same as that of Dayi Xiancheng. It is nothing else. It comes from Dayi Xiancheng. It has been quietly rooted on the island, gathering the dragon veins of the earth, and the vitality of the heavens and the earth. With the restraint, a fog naturally forms, covering the entire island.

It is very remote here, not on any known channel in Devil's Sea.

In the city, you can see a famous man guarding all around. Inside the city's mansion, a middle-aged scribe in a white robe stands in it. It is not someone else. Wisdom scribes.

These are not others.

"The lord, the bait has been dispatched. It won't be long before the target will go to our designated area and find what we have reserved. By then, the plan can begin."

Wu Wu said with a smile to Jia Yan.

"Well, the most important thing this time is guidance. The purpose of our existence is to help the incident. Others, everything doesn't need to be too deliberate, only a little guidance is needed."

Jia Yi smiled calmly, and said calmly and confidently.

"Rest assured, the Pirates regiment that came here this time is called the Ugly Eight Monster Pirates. The strength is not strong or weak, and belongs to the mid-level hierarchy. The Pirates' scale has a flagship ship named Ugly Monster, There are also seven pirate ships. They are named two monsters, three monsters to the last eight monsters. The number of pirates is about 100,000. Moreover, the head of this pirate group is called the clown king Bucky. Good strength, with devil fruit, split fruit. Once attacked, you can make opponents split instantly, killed on the spot, very domineering. "

Wu Wu quickly spoke the message of the target.

This time, Tian Ce Fu can be said to be the best. It is to make a plan for the demon sea area. Once successful, all the strategists of Tian Ce Fu will make great achievements. According to thousands of deductions in Fuchu, they succeeded. The probability can be said to be quite high.

Walking on the vast sea.

You can see that a fleet of pirate regiments are constantly sailing, fast shuttles, each of which is very huge. On the battleship, a pirate flag is hoisted with a pattern of a clown and seven monsters, which represents the ugly sea monster. Thieves.

"How about, have you found the big whale before? It swallowed the devil fruit we couldn't easily collect. There are three of them. If you don't find it out, Lao Tzu won't even have a meal, and even women don't want to play. "

Baki, who was dressed as a clown, said angrily. While talking, he kept waving his arms.

After retreating from the battlefield of the siege of Dayi some time ago, I accidentally discovered an island and found three demon fruits. This kind of memorable event naturally made people feel happy, but unfortunately, it was extremely sad. The three treasure chests containing the fruits of the demon were even sucked by a giant whale that suddenly emerged from the water, sucked into the stomach on the spot, and then, shaking its tail, turned and fled.

In this case, I almost didn't spit blood on the spot that Bucky was annoying ~ ~ It felt as if I was cutting a piece of meat from myself. Do not want to, immediately ordered the Pirates to chase the giant whale crazy, to kill it completely, to recapture the swallowed devil fruits, those devil fruits must not have been digested, the treasure chest is prohibited, is not May be opened.

It's just that the speed of the giant whale in the sea is too fast. If it hadn't been left behind in the treasure chest of the demon fruit, it could have been tracked down, and it was thrown out without knowing how far.

"Not far away, we should catch up with it soon. By then, the fruit of the devil is ours."

A pirate yelled loudly, confident in his voice.

快 "Look, there is an island in front, an island that has never been seen before."

在 At this moment, the Pirates made new discoveries.

A strange island appeared before them. This island looks very mysterious, there seems to be some mysterious treasure hidden on the island, a trace of white treasure light is continuously emitted. Light up the island.

"The demon chest stays under this island and is not moving."

"Head, there must be a treasure on the island, and the treasure light emitted can be seen hundreds of miles apart. What an amazing treasure."

A large number of pirates' eyes are on.

目标 "Target, the island in front, rushed up, the treasures above belonged to our ugly group of pirates."

Bucky was also flushed with excitement, waved his hand, and quickly ordered.

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