Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1880: The Goddess of Light

Pirates quickly approached the unknown island. Of course, the Pirates Group ’s experience is still very rich, and it has not completely relaxed its vigilance because of the treasure. After all, the existence of islands means that there may be major forces on the island, no matter whether they are human or alien. There is no good impression. After all, they are trying to plunder, and the other party cannot watch indifferently. Many times, it is bleeding.

Especially when faced with treasures, the indigenous people on those islands will desperately because of those treasures. Many pirates die on the road of looting, for their own lives, even if they are not careful.


"Come on, there is no one else here, it is an uninhabited desert island."

快 "Look, there are gems, a lot of gems. What kind of gem is this? It's so beautiful. It's so perfect."

When a famous pirate rushed to the desert island and found that there were no enemies at all, he immediately began to happily go to the place where the light was shining. Looking closely, he could see that a lot of brilliant gems appeared in front of him.

The size of each gemstone is not much different, about the size of a dove egg, and in the gemstone, a perfect goddess figure can be seen. The goddess looks kind and loving, with the eyes of all living beings in her eyes. Watching sentient beings makes people involuntarily produce a kind of solemn admiration. All thoughts in the heart will dissipate involuntarily, restore peace, and feel the warmth like a mother.

Light, compassion, mercy.

In a split second, these messages can naturally come to mind.

"What gem is this, and how has it never been seen before."

After seeing these gems, Bucky also expressed a strong shock. He hasn't seen the gemstone, but the gemstone in front of him is completely beyond his imagination, and it is a type he has never seen. Moreover, it is definitely an ordinary gem in the world, but a real treasure. The light that emanated did not know why, giving him a strong desire, every cell around him appeared desire and joy.

It seems that there is an urge to swallow the gem directly.

He thought so, and did the same.

When I reached out, I took a gem that gave out the light in my hand. I swallowed. With this swallowing, the gemstone turned into the entrance, turned into a soft light force, and naturally merged into the body. This feeling, as if restored to the mother's body, is very mysterious, making people hardly want to wake up from it. Being in it forever is the best experience.

Every inch of body, a happy groaning sound is transmitted.

I don't know how long it has been.

In Bucky's mind, it seemed to be a moment, and it seemed to have passed millions of years. Time lost its meaning in my mind.

After being awake, Bucky ’s first reaction was to rush straight to the beach and look at the seawater in front of him. If he is not normally, he will never touch the seawater easily. The devil's fruit ability will dissipate instantly, and he will sink into drowning. The feeling is quite bad. All people who have taken the fruit of the devil, although living at sea, will never enter the water.

This is the first ban.

But now, when Bucky was near the sea, he did not feel the original disgust and fear, but looked very bland. After a little hesitation, he finally reached out and touched the seawater, and the whole person went into the seawater like this.

"Head, what's wrong with you."

"You can't touch the sea, it will drown you."

"What's going on, the leader will not be the evil."

The pirates around saw each one a little stunned. Usually, Buckina was taboo about the seawater to the extreme and easily touched it. Now not only it touched, but all of his body got into the seawater. It was just dreaming. Come on, the contrast is too strong.

Wow! !!

Just as many pirates were about to go to the rescue, a sound of breaking water sounded, and then they saw that Bucky rushed out of the sea, not only had no problems on his face, but showed a rosy color, and his eyes were full of excitement and ecstasy. .

I couldn't help the joy in my heart and laughed loudly, "Treasure, this is the treasure of the sky, precious stones, the favor of the goddess of light, it really is the gift of the goddess. Gem, no, this is the treasure, the treasure of heaven, ah, rich, I'm really rich this time. "

After swallowing the gem, Bucky already knew the message of the gem. This gem is called the favor of the goddess of light. In the gem, it contains a magical power. When swallowed, it can repair the defects on the body and gain the favor of the goddess of light. Even the hidden danger caused by the demon fruit to the body is still within the scope of the repair, swallowing the care of the goddess of light, and from now on, he fears the defects of the seawater and is completely absent.

For those who are capable of demon fruit, this is simply a joyous event.

I do n’t know how many people will be crazy about it, and get it at all costs.

However, the defects of the devil's fruit are too powerful. Even the favor of the goddess of light cannot be completely eliminated and repaired, but it needs to be performed in three times. After swallowing the first gem, it can be maintained for ten years. The second one can be maintained for 20 years. After 20 years, the third one is swallowed. From then on, the hidden danger of the devil's fruit will be completely repaired. Complete recovery as before. No longer afraid of all sea water.

的 The care of this goddess of light is, for the entire Demon Sea, the gospel from the sky. Demon fruit monks, I don't know how many, because there is no way to overcome the hidden dangers of seawater, so that the strong devil fruit is born with a big defect. But the power of the devil's fruit is an important combat power that many people can't give up.

But now, the original hidden dangers can be solved.

This gem is the biggest treasure. A treasure that no one can refuse.

"Hurry up, collect all the gems for me. With these gems, what is the fruit of the devil. We have made a fortune this time and we have found a new treasure. The favor of the goddess of light is a treasure more precious than the fruit of the devil. "

Clown Bucky uttered a mad laugh.

Immediately, a large number of pirates quickly entered the island, collecting frantically scattered gems on the ground.

Not only on the ground, but even taking out a shovel, digging crazy underground, want to see if this underground contains a gem mine, if it is really a vein, the value is completely beyond imagination . Their ugly pirate group will become the richest pirate group in the world.

"Three hundred, enough three hundred gems. We are rich."

"No underground, no veins here, this is a gift from heaven."

Countless pirates frantically searched the surrounding area to find other gems, but found that there were no mineral veins underground. Even so, the harvest this time was so large as never before.

走 "Go, go back, we're rich."

Bucky's smile never disappeared from his face, even if it was already a little stiff, but from the ecstasy of his heart, he could not completely hide it. Everyone can feel it. I never thought that I would have such good luck.

Sure enough, the unknown is the biggest treasure.

Later, they also found the demon fruit swallowed by the giant whale, and even the giant whale was easily killed. Not only did they get the devil fruit, but they also received the favored gems of the 300 goddesses of light. This harvest was simply too big.

The ugly and peculiar pirate group began to return to the sea. In the process of returning to the sea, naturally there was a carnival.

目标 "Target, has begun to return home, taking away the precious gems of the goddess of light placed on the island in advance."

A message passed secretly.

On the unnamed island, inside the city's mansion, the strategists of Tiancefu gathered together and watched all the messages.

A faint smile on his face said, "Very well, the follow-up will begin to execute according to the plan. This time, it belongs to our war without gunpowder, and it officially started. This time, the battle is named 'The Bright Battle.'"

"Yes, the owner."

Many strategists agreed at the same time.

On the third day of February, fifty years of the eternal calendar, the ugly and strange pirates found the goddess of light on the unknown desert island ~ ~, carrying the treasure, and began to return to the carnival.

On February 13, 50 years of the eternal calendar, a giant storm and a terrifying tsunami appeared in the Devil's Sea, covering a huge area, causing damage and extreme terror. The violent beasts in the sea raged with the tsunami. Among them, the Ugly Eight Monster Pirates were at the center of the storm. With the force majeure disaster, seven warships sank in the storm, and a large number of pirates were lost in the waves and completely disappeared. The goddess of light was robbed by many pirates in the chaos. Scattered everywhere. Only Clown Bucky took a battleship out of the storm. The warship sank halfway.

Everlasting February 20, fifty years, pirate survivors from the ugly and strange pirate regiment arrived at various ports and were captured by the Tianlong Dynasty navy. There is a big news. In the sea, there is a precious gem of the goddess of light, which can repair the hidden danger brought by the devil fruit and can no longer fear the sea. Some strong men who have taken the fruit of the devil get gems from the survivors. After taking them, they test it by themselves, and they no longer fear sea water.

When it ’s messed up, the demon seas start to mess up. Whether it is the pirates or the navy of the Dragon Empire, all are completely detonated, countless ships begin to go to the sea, and they are heading crazy towards the area where the storm appeared before. Survivors of the regiment said that gems were scattered in this area.

The puppet navy collided with the pirates. Suddenly, assassination and war, appeared directly on the sea. Countless killings continue to occur, and tragic and **** naval battles have caused a large number of pirates, navies, to fall into the sea.

海 A pirate found the goddess of light on the island. There are twenty full.

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