Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1973: Business world

Outside the immortal city, a large area of ​​Lingtian was reclaimed, planted with various kinds of Lingmi, Lingzhi, Ling vegetables, and other items. A large number of scarecrows shuttled back and forth in the Lingtian, watered, fertilized, driven away pests, and birds. Not handy. In Lingtian, fruitful fruits are everywhere. A bumper harvest.

The joy of a bumper harvest can move everything.

In the city, a large number of new people who have joined Dayi have completely adapted to Dayi's life. Every day, they can practice, cultivate, cultivate, and hone their skills slowly. They can join the hunter ’s hall, enter and leave the wilderness, and accept. Tasks and more.

Life is full and fun.

In such an environment, all kinds of ideas and dreams can have a chance to be realized. What you wanted to do now, you can try to do it now, especially after learning a skill according to your own preferences, you often start to Investigate your own skills.

This approach makes Dayi flowers bloom like a hundred schools of music. There are constant sparks of wisdom.

After adapting to the environment, a great enthusiasm erupted. Passion for life, passion for the future. Feeling strong one by one and becoming a monk, that feeling that is completely different from ordinary people is a kind of transformation, sublimation, and evolution of life.

In the daytime, the sun's true fire quenching from the eye of the sun can be accepted, and the body can be tempered. At night, the lunar moonflower from the sun's eye can be quenched and tempered. This feeling of ever-increasing strength is like a fairyland to many people.

It is because I have tasted suffering without strength that I have become more aware of the value of strength. I have the opportunity to practice and become a monk. Everyone cherishes this opportunity and is doing his best to strengthen himself.

There is a saying in Dai Dayi, that is, Tian Xing Jian, the people continue to strengthen themselves.

There is also a saying, "Man does not die for himself."

These two words have always been regarded by the people of Dayi as the most famous saying. When you are sensible, you must remember things that you ca n’t forget. If you want to be self-improving, if you don't know how to work hard and become stronger for yourself, then it will be enough to be destroyed by nature. Can't blame others.

I become strong and cultivate. Learn, learn the text and customs of the Day. Get in and out of the wilderness and explore the surrounding area.

Every day, I find different things. Every day, I can see that in Xiancheng, there are various shops and restaurants. There is a craft, either choose to set up a stall or open a shop, or even go to a school or academy. Learn.

Even farming needs learning.

Learn farming techniques, how to fertilize, how to plant, how to remove pests, and how to cultivate spiritual plants. Those who teach are farmers.

In just a few months, I have fully recognized Dayi, recognized my identity, and really regarded myself as a Yiren. And proud of being easy to change. In the process, a large number of young men and women marry and marry. Even pregnant. Dayi encourages fertility. Similarly, after joining Dayi, it needs a home and a root. What is the root? The root is the home and the children and grandchildren.

Therefore, the longer the time, the greater the support, love and recognition of Dayi.

For now, if those people are to leave Dayi, they will not be willing to kill them, especially those indigenous peoples in the four major realms, who can realize the big difference.

Each major fairy city is changing and becoming more prosperous.

Not only various shops in Xiancheng, but also talents with various skills, alchemy and smelters have constantly enriched the products of Xiancheng everywhere, as well as cultivated special products, which have attracted other monk merchants, and they have become lively and prosperous.

At the same time, a stream of Qiyun constantly rises and merges into Qiyun Zhenlong's body. In just a few months, the luck that was originally lost due to the founding of the gods has been made up, reaching a figure of 2,800 feet.

This is the change brought about by the rapid development of the four new realms. After that, after entering the right track, this growth rate will tend to stabilize. Dayi's air transport not only comes from the territory of Dayi, but also eternal coins. At any moment, air transport comes from all sides. This is the power of currency circulation. Otherwise, the true dragon of luck cannot grow to this point.

This period of time is a time for Dayi to rest and recuperate and develop rapidly.

There is the Great Wall of Iron and Blood, the outside world can not enter the territory of Dayi at all. In the five realms, there is a stable state, and the aliens in the wilderness all put their heads under their wings. No one dares to take the liberty. No one is a fool. Everyone knows that if you take the liberty now, you have no head.

In such a calm and stable environment, it is difficult to develop unhappy.

At the same time, the spies in the Scourge Hall continued to enter the surrounding eight major realms to explore, collect information, and a steady stream of information came quickly and sent to Tian Ce Fu. Many strategists in Tian Ce Fu also analyzed and sorted out the first time.

Cultivation of health, temporarily not attacking the eight major realms, does not mean that there is no action in secret, before the war, intelligence first.

Therefore, there is no slack in Dayi Chaotang. Instead, they are all running at high speed.

The previous princes and princes were not as big as the stimuli for the Da Yi and the ministers. Now those courtiers with knighthoods go out. As soon as they see the knightmarks around their waists, immediately, the eyes of many ordinary people will become completely different. Envy, worship, etc. are fascinating.

This feeling of respect has made all courtiers feel a strong feeling in their hearts.

Although not fluttering, I really don't want to lose this feeling.

Desire is always ubiquitous, and it makes people progress.

In the Holy Palace.

Yi Yitianxing suddenly looked at the Rubik's Cube cloud world.

There is a gate in Jinyun Realm. At this moment, in front of Yumen Square, you can see that a caravan is carrying a large amount of goods, stepping into the gate and disappearing. Headed by them is Shen Wansan.

After becoming a Emperor Shang, she quickly organized her resources and began to trade across borders.

I carry all kinds of supplies.

Deng Tong entered the gate of the desert domain, and Shen Wansan entered the gate of the dark domain. Wu Bingjian entered the gate of the barren realm, and Hu Xueyan entered the Zhenwu realm where they were originally invited. According to them, there are many schools, forces, and even families in the real Wu realm. Converging together, in the fusion of all realms, there is a realm that has evolved in various martial arts.

Shaolin, Wudang, Huashan, Emei, Wulin Family, Jianghu Gang and so on. Can be described as numerous. In the realm of martial arts, martial arts has been developed and developed. When the realms of the world are merged, the world re-evolves various martial arts. Each type of martial arts books has changed, just like the sunflower ancestors. Today's amazing practice is that after transformational exercises, many ranks are extremely high.

Each of these former sects of the lakes and lakes has exploded with amazing potential, and has the potential to become a top powerhouse.

The Qujiang Hushang martial arts do not lack the details, what is really missing is opportunity.

Nowadays, there is no limit to the eternal world. With the knowledge of the martial arts, the possibility of producing a strong man is extremely huge. The martial truth of the warrior is absolutely inferior to any supernatural power, and even more terrible. Not myth at all.

In this realm, these martial arts are very strong, but they cross the river by feeling the stones. Under each force, there are a large number of ordinary people, even secular dynasties. These schools are not inferior to Xianmen. Even if they are given sufficient time, they can become strong in Xianmen.

According to Yueyue, there is news of loneliness in Zhenwu realm, but he is not alone, but he married a wife and gave birth to a child and established a family. No one knows what the situation is now. After all, they joined After the Day of Changes, I never returned. Until now, I don't know how the palace is.


Zhenwu Realm.

巨大 A huge land, this land is called the Tianyuan continent. There are a lot of creatures on the continent. There are people, people, and aliens. There are alien tribes in all regions. These tribes are also very powerful. There are monsters. Various weird beings emerge endlessly.

The Dai people live in villages, towns, and cities. It is very dangerous in the wild ~ ~ Even in villages and towns, monsters and ghosts may appear at any time. There will also be aliens, and they are likely to encounter various dangers.

At this moment, in the wild, on a flat open field, I only saw a mysterious ancient door appearing out of thin air, and this door quickly condensed into substance. The light flickered. It can be seen that a convoy stepped out of it.

This is a real convoy, not a carriage, no, or rather, not a real carriage, a horse or a horse, not a horse. This is a 傀儡 horse cast out of machine art. There is a core in it, as long as you feed the horses to eat eternal coins and absorb the energy in the eternal coins, you can use your arms to relax and relax. Without running out of energy, you can run all the time. This organ horse is called the undead iron horse in the Great Deal, and there are undead copper horse, undead silver horse, undead golden horse, and undead jade horse on it.

I use different materials.

The material of this iron horse is a unique treasure synthesized from various natural materials and treasures-Fengming Xuan Iron, which has extremely high quality and reaches the highest level of yellow order. Do n’t look at the yellow order, but it has a characteristic that it is hard. It is very hard and self-healing. Even if it is damaged, it can be nirvana like a phoenix. Of course, this repair process is not fast. There is really a lot of damage. There is no way to repair it quickly. It also needs some Only the materials.

铸造 The articles cast by this Fengming black iron are very solid, and the Huang Jie Shen Bing cannot be broken, it is very difficult for Xuan Jie to break it. Xuanjie material is already a magic weapon, that is, magic weapons may not cause significant damage to undead iron horses. Its natural defense is amazing, and it has been chosen as a material for building animal beasts.

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