Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1974: Currency evolution

Such undead iron horses are extremely powerful, and the carriages they create are extremely smooth and can carry a large amount of cargo. The goods pulled from these carriages are naturally corresponding goods, but the surface is filled with ordinary goods. The most precious goods are all carried with storage magic weapons. The reason why goods need to be placed on trucks is because the goods are meant to be shown to outsiders. In addition, it is necessary to make a big move to be famous, and to let the world quickly know themselves and the caravan.

The convoy here has hundreds of carriages.

"The treasurer."

Hu Xueyan appeared in front of the caravan, and many members of the caravan spoke in salute.

There are specially-appointed bounty hunters, commercial guards, and secret agents from the Plague Hall.

"Well, no need to be polite. This should already be the Zhenwu realm. The specific continent is not clear. However, our purpose is to trade the world and make a name first, and then explore other information. Go and send our business The flag is hanging out. "

Hu Xueyan said with a smile.

With a wave of his hand, the banner of Xueyan Firm had been hoisted.

An iron eagle flew up in the sky, and these iron eagles were also organ beasts created by organ art. There is a unique device inside, which can transfer the scene seen by the iron eagle to the star watch, which can solidify the surrounding conditions anytime, anywhere.

The Iron Eagle lifted off and quickly found its target.

"Twenty miles away, there is a village."

"Fifty miles away, there is a city, a human city."

"Fifteen miles away, traces of orc tribe were detected."


Words of information quickly gathered together, with Iron Eagle in the air, it was too easy and too simple to detect the information.

"Go, let's go to that village and then to the city."

Hu Xueyan nodded and made a decision.

The team started moving forward. There are no less than 3,000 bounty hunters in the surroundings. Each one is a master. The strong among the bounty hunters come after knowing that they are going to cross the border. Of course, they are all masters. The weak will only die if they come. Competition can't compete with the strong ones. Everyone wants to see the new realm with the caravan. Maybe you can also make a contribution to Dayi. At that time, you will have the opportunity to seal the title and even exchange for all kinds of exotic treasures.

The village.

A stone monument stands in front of this village, and there are several large characters on it, Heiyan Village. This village has a vein in which a mineral called black rock copper can be mined. After quenching, you can get black rock copper and high-grade yellow-grade medium-grade. It's just that the output is not high, it's just a small vein. Usually, relying on this vein, the village can still pass.

Has a population of more than 3,000 people. Has a guard to protect the village. There are also monks guarding from Shaolin Temple. Villages like Heiyan Village will ask the strongmen to sit in the village. Of course, this is not free, but to provide corresponding money, like the Shaolin monk. The cost for one month is one hundred real martial coins.

Zhenwu coin is a currency in the realm of Zhenwu.

It is said that it is the currency coined by the major gates, gangs, and the family together. This currency is integrated into the spar, and there is a trace of divine origin. The unique prohibition is incorporated into it, and the true coin is eventually minted. This currency can increase twice. Can absorb refining to repair mana, or you can quickly recover your mana consumption with the help of Zhenwu Coin. Allow yourself to fight longer.

Therefore, Zhenwu coins can be said to be the first currency in the realm of Zhenwu. In addition to Zhenwu coins, there are crystal coins in circulation. The value of crystal coins cannot be compared with Zhenwu coins, but it is not difficult to manufacture them. Stone is cast into crystal coins, which is the most basic currency. Coexist with Zhenwu coins and circulate together.

In addition, there is another currency in circulation in Zhenwu Realm, which is eternal currency.

Someone in the realm has the eternal coin mint furnace, which can mint eternal coins, but the casting of eternal coins requires willing beads. The number of coins cannot be compared with the real martial coins, but they are still circulating. Everyone does not have any exquisite eternal coins. resistance.

The current currency, eternal currency, has the highest increase, a five-fold increase, and every double interval is a ten exchange. Ordinary crystal coins, which are minted after spar grinding, have no increase. They are base currencies. Xuanjing coins have doubled. Zhenwu coins have doubled. Ming coins have doubled. One eternal coin can be exchanged. One thousand Zhenwu coins. It can be said that eternal coins are upper-layer currencies and hard currency in all major realms.

The purchasing power is amazing.

The souls in all major realms are not only proud of having eternal coins, but also treasured.

Ding Ding Ding! !!

After the team quickly passed through the wilderness, the beasts and birds in the wilderness, even the monsters and monsters, witnessed the size of the team and even thousands of bounty hunters, they did not hesitate to choose to shrink back, and did not dare to approach. The savage monsters attacked the team, and they were easily killed, and their flesh and blood became a good meal for the masses.

After a while, he has come to Heiyan Village.

"Somebody, this is Heiyan Village, come and stop."

The escorts patrolling around the village found the convoy for the first time, and they hurried to drink. At the same time, they were very surprised. A convoy of this size and so many escorts had never been seen before. Luxurious luxury in the surrounding area, but I have never seen it before. It is even more luxurious than the top Zongmen teams.

"Little brother, we are the caravan of Xueyan Commercial Co., this time passing through the precious land, if there is any interruption, please also a lot of Haihan, if your village has taboos, I will leave after waiting." Hu Xueyan said with a smile, There was an affinity between the arches.

"You are a business, what goods do you have?"

The guard was shocked when he heard it, and then rejoiced. You know, it's not easy for villages to go out, and to go to towns and cities, they have to take great risks. Now that there is a caravan, it is naturally the best thing.

"My Xueyan firm focuses on elixir and medicaments. Of course, there are also a lot of common daily supplies, such as snow salt, snowflake sugar, grain rice, Lingmi Ling comb, cloth clothing, various tools, weapons, and even It's a book of exercises, all of which are involved. "

Hu Xueyan said with a smile.

Although Xueyan Commercial Bank is mainly based on elixir, it is also involved in other aspects, not to mention that this kind of territory has just entered, and any goods are carried with them. After all, there will be no mistakes, which can guarantee the focus and comprehensiveness.

It's like the small villages we meet now. Maybe the villages don't have elixir, but they definitely need various living materials.

"It's great. I'll tell the village elder." The guard immediately ran into the village with joy and shouted loudly. Inform all households that if a caravan comes to the village and needs to purchase materials, they must hurry up as soon as possible.

"Open the carriage for your choice."

Hu Xueyan waved a smile. Suddenly, I saw that the carriage on the carriage was pulled to both sides, and a shelf was directly exposed in the middle, neatly displaying a variety of goods. Lin Luo is full of eyes. Everything, everything. One glance makes people's eyes bright.

Then, the village gate opened.

A common man quickly walked out, headed by a middle-aged man, with an affinity and a smile on his face, arching his arms and saying, "I am Luo Haihai, the village head of Heiyan Village. It's so nice to come to my black rock village. "

There was joy in the voice.

Villages like them are naturally in short supply of various materials. It's not easy to go out usually. If there is a demand in the village, all the necessities are written down, and then someone will go to the town to buy them. This time the caravan appeared at the door, and the whole village was overjoyed.

"Mr. Luo, please rest assured, I have the supplies here. Although the choices are clearly marked."

Hu Xueyan said with a smile.

At this moment, the villagers have been viewing around the convoy, exclaiming from time to time.

"Look, here is salt. This white salt has never been seen before. This is too white ~ ~ There is no impurity at all. This salt is called snow salt. As white. "

"Here, here is sugar, snow flakes. It's so pretty."

"Do you still have canned food here? Is it filled with food?"

"Mirror, this glazed mirror is simply too clear. I can see myself clearly. Even the hair on my face can be clearly seen. This is really beautiful."

A famous villager secretly exclaimed. For the goods in front of me, I couldn't help putting my eyes down. And cloth, clothes, even the worst cloth, are better than the most gorgeous clothing they have ever seen.

"One or two snow salt, the price is three eternal iron coins, one pound of snow salt is thirty eternal iron coins. What is this eternal iron coin?"

"Also here, a can of lobster can require three eternal silver coins."

"Pei Yuandan, one needs five eternal silver coins."

Some villagers noticed the prices of these goods. This currency seems to be different from what they know.

"Dear folks, here you need to explain to everyone. Please see."

Hu Xueyan smiled and took out a golden eternal coin, and continued: "This is an eternal coin, the color is gold, also known as eternal gold coin, used for cultivation, it can increase five times for itself. However, its The value is valuable and often difficult to change. However, it is not a problem now. It can be split directly into an equivalent eternal silver coin. "

The voice fell, tapping the eternal gold coin gently.

Afterwards, I saw a flash of gold, and in the sound of Ding Ding Ding, one eternal gold coin has split and turned into ten silver eternal silver coins. It is also inside the outer circle, but in terms of size, it can be felt that it is significantly smaller than the eternal gold coin. Thin layer. But the weight remains the same, still exquisite and exquisite.

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