Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1991: Xinghai Transformation

"It's the holy king." "This is the classics that the holy king has found. There are too many of them. Just now I saw a lot of top-level cultivation methods. Although I can't see the content, I can see that the grade is definitely not Low, forming a book of jade, split into five, six or even more books. This means that they can cultivate a higher realm. Not ordinary. "

Everyone knows the rules in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Now I have witnessed the picture of the Zangjing Pavilion splitting the complete jade book. Naturally, the more the share of the split, the higher the grade, the higher the level that can be cultivated. This is undoubtedly the upper limit of knowing a method Great opportunity.

If you miss this time, it's hard to know so much next time.

"Fu Jun's number of exercises and classics this time has been counted in tens of millions. There are also a lot of exercises and classics." Hua Mulan couldn't help taking a sip of cool air on the spot, this picture was too amazing. Many exercises are placed in Xianmen and are used to inherit the roots of eternity.

"Here will be the foundation of my Da Yi heritage. The more books I have, the deeper the heritage. No wonder the husband will be ecstatic this time, and he will be full of joy." Mu Guiying nodded, but then asked: " Fu Jun, I just saw that many classics are stored in the jade bamboo slips. Why not just use the jade bamboo slips to collect the texts of the classics? In this way, it can be more secretive and convenient. "

Yujian is the most common method of storing information among monks. It is very convenient and convenient to collect exercises.

"The two maidens do n’t know. The jade book in the Tibetan scripture pavilion is not an ordinary jade book, but a dayan jade book. The jade book not only records various texts, exercises, but also carries a unique will. The true meaning of Daoyun. Let the real meaning be contained in the Tao and read from time to time, which can make people unconsciously comprehend the truth, deeper understanding, and even innovate. It is more intuitive and clear, even if you want, Da Yanyu The booklet also has the ability to pass the message directly to the mind. However, it has only been sealed. "

The fairy smiled indifferently, as several Jiazhen said.

This Tibetan scripture pavilion is a treasure of heaven and earth, and naturally contains divine wonders, which can convert all classics into a large Yanyu book.

It has the characteristics of immortality, water and fire invasion, age and no decay. After repeated reading, natural energy is good, and wisdom can be increased virtually. Even letting himself enter into an epiphany-like state, many previously unknown customs will be solved in the epiphany and directly break the fog ahead. Successfully complete the breakthrough and solve its own problems.

It can be said that the large Yanyu book in the Tibetan Pavilion is not only more amazing than Jade Jane, and often comes to read it, naturally it will have a different harvest.

The common monks in Dayi like to read the books translated from the Dayan Jade Book, because in this way, each time they read, they can have different perceptions, and even their minds become more peaceful and peaceful.

Natural energy realizes that it is unusual.

Yu Jian conveyed the message and perfused directly into his mind.

Numerous jade books are derived. On the first floor, there are no less than 30 million volumes of all kinds of classics. It is really amazing. There are also a large number of exercises and classics entering the collection, and the true details have greatly increased.

Not to mention anything else, many monks in the Scripture Pavilion now have a fever in their hearts, and are ready to redeem those classics later. Find your own suitable exercises. This is a great fortune.

"Okay, okay, okay, this time, my Scripture Pavilion has become one of the richest places in the world. It's awful, it's awful."

The immortal in the book cheered loudly, her eyes were about to narrow into a slit.

The harvest this time was greatly unexpected.

The most important thing is the inheritance of one hundred schools, which makes the one hundred schools of inheritance in Dayi truly a reality and has the root of inheritance.

"Okay, things are over, go off."

Yi Tianxing smiled and waved with two women to leave the fire industry.

The next second, already in the Holy Palace, shouted into the void: "Xinghai !!"

The words fell, the stars gathered in front of them, and in the blink of an eye, a whole body shrouded in the light of the stars, as if the figure formed by the aggregation of countless stars had surfaced. That beauty is really beyond words. Seeing Yi Tianxing, she smiled sweetly, and then said politely, "Xinghai has seen his father."

"No need to be courteous, these years, thanks to the presence of Xinghai, you can have the prosperity and order of Dayi today." Yi Tianxing said with a smile: "This time I found you a strange treasure for your father, I believe I can have something for you. No small benefit. "

The voice fell, the light flashed in my hand, and I could see that the intellectual brain obtained from the ancestral court had appeared in front of me.

"This one, called the Intellectual Brain, can just be integrated with you. Since then, wisdom has greatly increased and transformed."

Yi Tianxing said again, sending Zhinao towards Xinghai.

The intellectual brain directly collided with the Xinghai, and in an instant, it was seen that countless mysterious runes continued to flash, flashing over the Xinghai like a waterfall, and then, the entire body suddenly collapsed, turning into a starry sky, and becoming After being Xinghai, they gathered again and gathered again. Just between this gathering and a gathering, mysterious changes have taken place. It seems that endless messages can be seen in the eyes, and a large amount of information gathers and shuttles in the body at all times.

A hint of joy emerged in Xinghai's eyes, and thanked Yi Tianxing: "Thank you father, after this intellectual brain has merged with me, Xingwang has completed transformation. Xingwang can give all the stars smart watches. This smart wizard is Tianxing The spirit of a watch. It gives it wisdom and the ability to accompany and serve the owner. It can also connect with her daughter and answer questions in a variety of convenient and countless ways. "

Xinghai quickly spoke of its new ability.

The integration of the brain and brain instantly transforms it, giving it fundamentally more functions. It even assists in practice and assists in various things.

For example, if someone wants to learn cooking skills, as long as he upgrades the Tianxing watch, points the spirit of the instrument, and gives the wisdom, he can guide you step by step how to cook, when, what seasoning, and what ingredients What kind of climate and how to control can be reminded one by one. Even if you have n’t been to the kitchen before, you can cook good delicious food. Of course, if you want to go deeper in cooking, you must have your own understanding. This is what the brain cannot do.

In addition, you can also point out monks to practice exercises and receive common problems in various practices. In terms of assistance, it can be said that there is a wise man who can give pointers.

In this case, you can undoubtedly let yourself practice less and do not know how many detours.

It can be said that there are many benefits and it is incalculable.

The real body of the star net, the true spirit crystal ball, has completely transformed. In the congenital spirit treasure, it can be said to have a very high grade. It also has a strong ability to calculate and deduct, gather a large number of exercises and classics, and can even use this as a basis to perform deductions and promote higher-grade exercises.

"Very well, the upgrade of the Tianxing watch is an advanced step. It charges a certain amount of coins and continues to be used to enhance the star network. The stronger you are, the greater the benefit to me." Tiantian smiled a little The head said.

"Father rest assured, the instrumental spirit in the star watch, the Xinghai is named the star spirit, the star spirit is distinguished according to wisdom, the first-order star spirit, the second-order star spirit, each level of promotion, the intelligence will increase, giving it High authority. "

Xinghai smiled slightly, but she was very proficient with these.

Star coins are spiritual power. They have great benefits for Xinghai. Naturally, they must be harvested fiercely. To be promoted by the first-order star spirit, 100,000 star coins are required. The second order is one million. At the third level, ten million pieces are needed.

"Very good, you can grasp these yourself. Dayi is about to expand again. At that time, StarNet must cover the past simultaneously."

Yi Tianxing nodded and nodded.

"Yes, father."

Xinghai agreed with a smile.

Immediately, the Xinghai was concealed, and the Xinghai's body had already been integrated into Dayi. It was everywhere, and where the luck was covered, the star network could cover it.


Watching Xinghai disappear, Hua Mulan and Mu Guiying's faces were shocked. Although the existence of Xingwang has always been the most mysterious existence in the hearts of hundreds of people in Dayiwu, UU reading www.uukanshu. com did not expect how to be able to see the star network itself.

The relationship between Xingwang and Yi Tianxing turned out to be such a relationship.

"Taking Star Network as the core, Dayi will inevitably undergo changes. I'm afraid, next, Dayi will have huge changes." Yi Tianxing said thoughtfully. Now StarNet's capabilities have greatly increased, and many impossible things have become possible.

"Fu Jun, what's next?"

Mulan asked curiously.

"Next take you to see the new cloud world open up."

Yi Tianxing said with a smile: "However, it is very rare for the cloud world to open up. I have circulated and asked Zhao Ji to come together."

Immediately after the voice fell, I suddenly saw that Cai Yan had arrived with her daughters. For a time, all around was fragrant, and the world would lose its color.

"Fu Jun!"

Cai Yan shouted with a smile.

The girls also saluted together.

"No need to be polite, go, today I will show you the development of the cloud world."

Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

A wave of people, a group of people have appeared in a cloud world. Cloud world chaos. It has never been opened, and it is deserted.

A flash of light in his hand, a treasure of heaven and earth has appeared in front of him.

This strange treasure looks like a circle of science fiction. Still spinning. Exuding bursts of strange light. There is a mysterious breath of life. This is truly a world treasure-life evolution instrument.

"With the life evolution instrument at the core, open up the cloud world."

The life evolution instrument entered the cloud realm, and suddenly, a sudden and vigorous burst out. A strong eternal divine power penetrated the cloud realm, which directly separated the cloud realm and became an independent world. The power contained in the life evolution instrument is continuous Infused into the cloud world. In a blink of an eye, this cloud world was already the same size as the other cloud worlds.

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