Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 1992: Mission

In the center of the cloud world, a huge immortal mountain appears. On the top of the mountain stands a temple with the word Life Evolution Temple on it. Inside the Temple is the Life Evolution Instrument. A middle-aged man in a white coat walked out of the temple. After seeing Yi Tianxing, he respectfully worshiped and said, "The life evolution instrument derives the true spirit. See the master and ask the master to give his name."

That doctor-like temperament makes it special.

"Since you are dressed up as a doctor, you will be called a life doctor in the future. Now tell me what kind of effect the life evolution instrument has and whether it has changed." Yi Tianxing said, nodding.

It was just the yellow stage, but now it has been promoted to the level. Under the infusion of eternal divine power, it is forcibly promoted to the level of the congenital spirit treasure, and it is perfectly integrated with the Xuanhuangxiancheng.

"Back to the master, when the life evolution instrument is in the yellow stage, you can open a life tactic for one person, but from then on, the person who uses the life evolution instrument will not be able to open up other life tactics on his own. , Can open another life tactic for monks, even if the person who opened the life consciousness once in the yellow stage can continue to bathe the light of life and open a new life tactic. In the ground level, you can also open the third life tactic. .If you have the opportunity to ascend to heaven, you will have the opportunity to start the fourth life. "

Life Doctor said quickly.

After the evolution of the life instrument, all mysteries and mysteries are unobstructed at a glance.

"That's the case. It seems that the original Magneto had some falsehood in their speech."

Yi Tianxing said thoughtfully.

At that time, they said that with the help of the life evolution instrument, they can only open the life tactics once, and in the light of bathing life evolution, it is possible to create multiple life tactics. Now it seems that it may not be true. Just the life evolution instrument, each promotion one Level, can have an opportunity to bathe the light of evolution. Moreover, the light of evolution can be adjusted. The first time bathed in the light of evolution of the yellow hierarchy, the second time was the mysterious stage, and the third time was the ground stage. Each time, it is not necessary to awaken only one piece of life, maybe two, or even three. This means that the value of the Life Evolution Instrument is virtually increased.

"With this treasure, even if the people in Dayi do not have the ability to condense life-knowledge and obtain the life-knowledge development method, they will still have the opportunity to develop life-knowledge, even by chance, and some top life-knowledge will be born. Supernatural powers. Get out of a lot of talents. This is another place where I changed.

There was a flash of excitement in Cai Yan's eyes, and it was not clear where it was valuable.

In the world, to open up life tactics, not only to consolidate life tactics, but also the possibility of failure. Promotion can be achieved through hard work. It is even more difficult to promote life. Now that there are such treasures that can directly open up life and death, for hundreds of people, it is probably a great opportunity.

This is a great achievement.

It means that as long as you enter here, in the Great Changes, everyone can be promoted to life and even life. To condense life maps, two or more are needed to condense life maps. The life evolution instrument can open at least three life maps, which have reached the limit and can be promoted to life maps. Once this happens, the road naturally opens. Follow-up paths will have the opportunity to climb and peep.

This is a further step for the people of Dayi.

The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion provides basic skills for free, so that the people of the world can become monks. This is the first step. Now it is paving the way for the people of the world to be promoted to the life-knowing chart. This is the second step. Once completed, Dayi ’s The overall strength will be greatly changed as a result. At the very least, it will increase significantly. No doubt, this is a reflection of the prosperity of the human race. You know, as long as you are promoted to life, you can get up to 1,200 years of life.

In the Great Change, everyone can live for hundreds of years and thousands of years. This is no longer a kingdom of the earth, but a true fairyland.

The faces of all the girls showed excitement, and they were all related to Dayi. It's really a loss and a glory.

"Thirty-two heavy cloud worlds are named evolution worlds. Life can be evolved here."

Yi Tianxing nodded his head and defined the name for this cloud.

Subsequently, there was no hesitation. Thirty-three heavy cloud realms. Three of them have not been evolved before. One is the universe's Rubik's cube evolution domain door, which becomes the Rubik's cube realm. The other is the current evolutionary realm, and the last one has no choice to continue. Archive.

Take out the garbage decomposer directly, merge and develop with the thirty-three heavy cloud realms, and directly evolve a brand new cloud realm. In this cloud realm, a variety of garbage decomposers are derived, like large incinerators. From then on, All kinds of waste manure can be sent into it for decomposition. Even feces and urine can become the most fertile fertilizer in the decomposition instrument, which can nourish Lingtian.

Point out the true spirit and give it to the sanitation old man.

According to the sanitation elderly, the efficiency of the garbage disintegrator has greatly increased after its transformation. Not only can a large number of decomposition instrument projections be developed, the decomposition ability is greatly increased, but also various waste manure can be refined, turned waste into treasure, and turned into a kind of called Tianbao crystal sand. This is a unique fertilizer. Said to be the best spiritual fertilizer, spiritual material. This fertilizer is like a grain of crystal sand.

Such Tianbao crystal sand has the ability to transform ordinary fields into spiritual fields. As long as the Tianbao crystal sand is sprinkled into the fields, the field can continuously increase fat, gather the heaven and earth aura, and make the land have the effect of a spiritual field. Planting, Linggu Lingshu.

Lingtian is rare, but this Tianbao crystal sand turns into fertilizer, but can make ordinary fields have the same effect as Lingtian. Cultivate a spiritual plant. It can be described as unique and extraordinary.

All waste contamination, the final remnants, will become this Tianbao crystal sand. It is conceivable that once it is circulated, it will have a great impact on the people. The cultivation of spiritual plants by ordinary people is no longer a dream. This can also greatly improve the lives and incomes of the people of Dayi.

It can also decompose a variety of natural treasures.

This industry has also been named the environmental protection industry.


Since then, all thirty-three heavy cloud worlds on the palace treasure tree have been opened, each with its own magical function. The benefits to Dayi have greatly increased.

And at this moment, we can see that in front of the boundary between the Bohai Sea, the Bohai Sea and the Lord of the Rings, that is, in the river, we can see that a warship is sailing. This warship is obviously used Special materials are cast, and even the sails are the top casting and tempering of Warcraft skins.

Jiehe is not an ordinary river. Jiehe contains chaotic space turbulence. It is the collision between two realms. The space and space squeeze and twist. Walking among them is the most dangerous. However, it is necessary to shuttle or repair it. Possession of the river. And at this moment, we can see that in the river of rivers, all winds are rolling. In that wind, there is the blade of space, sweeping down and cutting everything.

However, this silver-white treasure ship exudes a layer of silver enchantment, completely covering the entire treasure ship.

On the ship, I could see that there were a lot of figures.

Looking closely, there are very beautiful elves with pointed ears, all wearing elven battle suits, carrying elven bows on their bodies, and wearing elven war swords around their waists. The handsome man and the beautiful woman have a famous dwarf. Although the body is short, the body is very strong. You can see that the whole body is full of muscles, bronze skin, and emits a strong breath of strength. Can't help but guess, in the body, how strong the power is, they each carry a big hammer, holding wine pouches, have the same short body, but not as strong as the dwarf Hobbit.

There are human warriors. These human races can see that blond hair is not an Eastern race, but they are still a member of the human race. They can feel the fighting spirit in their bodies, and they can explode at any time.

There is also a celebrity wizard, wearing a gray robe, a blue robe, and a white robe.

The shaman in white robe held the wand, stood on the bow of the ship, and looked into the distance, showing a touch of confusion and expectation.


A man came over ~ ~ and shouted.


The white robe wizard saw and nodded his head.

"This time, the Dark Lord Sauron has begun an offensive. The major kingdoms are almost unable to support it. The Nine Rings are constantly cholera continent. The human heart has been disintegrated. Once Sauron succeeds, the entire Lord of Rings area Will be reduced to purgatory. "

Aragon said. The worry on the face is completely visible.

"Sauron's conspiracy will never succeed. He wants to turn the whole realm into a demon realm, and sacrifice infinite beings, and he will be condemned." Gandalf said decisively. He is convinced of this.

"This time we formed a messenger group and went to the Holy Garden of Dayi. Will Dayi really send troops to deal with Sauron. If even Daye does not want to face Sauron, then this time, we are afraid that we will return without success. Now. "

Aragorn's face was full of dignity and blankness.

There is nowhere to be found in my heart.

This time things are too big and too heavy.

The Dark Lord Sauron suddenly launched an attack. Among the nine major races, because of the Lord of the Rings, he could not work together at all, but was disintegrated by FǔBài from the inside. During the battle, he was defeated in the First World War, and countless Dark Lords swept the earth. Everywhere he went, a tragic mass was slaughtered, the dark breath raged across the world frantically, and the magical energy was all about turning the entire realm into a magical realm.

Countless creatures are demonized.

The cruelty of the means is terrible. I don't know how many races are scared by it.

In the case of being unable to face Sauron, there were suggestions from wise men of various races to ambassador Da Yi, to ask for reinforcements from Da Yi, to defeat the Dark Lord, and to save the entire Lord of the Rings realm. To this end, the major races have also deployed elites to form this mission and went to Dayi for help.

Looking forward to the rescue of Dayi. End the haze of the Lord of the Rings realm.

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