Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 2095: Look hilarious

Thick Vajra Phantom Armor draped over him, his whole body up and down, completely wrapped in it. The whole body gleamed with golden light, as if cast by King Kong, wearing a helmet and visor with only eyes exposed on his head, a greasy blade grew on his body, knees, wrists, etc., and the flashing cold mans could be seen at a glance. Can cut all enemies. Extremely cruel. At first glance is the iron head baby armed to the teeth. Coupled with the battle axe in his hand, this is a legion with powerful combat strength, which can be called a battlefield killing machine. Each battle axe is more than two meters long. The greasy axe blade shone with cold light. When an axe was chopped down, a giant beast would be split in half by an axe. Completely a big killer.


Cheng Bianjin made a roar and chopped the Tiangang battle axe in his hand.

Click! !

A bright golden axe light pierced the battlefield like a practice. Wherever I went, I only saw a large number of undeads rushing to the front. They were cut into two pieces by the waist, and then the souls in the body were under the axe light. Broken, within three thousand feet, swept away.

That picture is like cutting grass! !

The number of beasts killed is more than hundreds of thousands.

"Kill! Kill! Kill !!"

The army of undead didn't know the fear at all, and swept like a tide. They went on and on. They continued to be swept away. The front was swept away by an axe. In the next second, more army of undead swept to fill the vacancy. Then, madly rushed towards the killing demon army. Even without a breath, the undead army has completely handed over to the demon army. The intensive attack fell on the generals of the Demon Legion.

Bombardment on Vajra Phantom Armor, on the spot was blocked by the golden light emitted by Vajra Phantom Armor. Even if the golden light was broken, it still could not break the defense of the heavy armor, and they were all flew out. Can't break the defense at all, the demon soldiers, as soon as they rushed into the army of undead, it seemed like a tiger entering the flock, brandishing a battle axe, chopping down, and then heard the clicking sound, and then, the bone Shelf.

Wherever he went, there was a skeleton.

Any one of the soldiers of the Slaughtered Demon Legion has a combat power no less than Yuanshen Realm.

The Sea of ​​Undead is itself known for its quantity, not its individual strength.

One can imagine the collision between the two.

If this is a normal enemy, I am afraid that it has begun to collapse, but the undead have no such fear. For similar deaths, they did not flinch at all, and various attacks flooded the Slaughtered Legion like a tide.

Although there are two attacks, they have nothing to do with the demon soldiers. But tens of thousands of roads swept through it, and it was still endless. The pressure it brought was also very huge. The golden light on the armor was dimming at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The Demon Legion is charging, directly charging towards the giant bone city in front.

They only have one goal, rush towards it and destroy it.

The charge of the Slaughtered Legion is unstoppable.

Wherever he went, all the undead were crushed.

The huge banner of the slaying demon fluttered in the wind.

Cheng Biaojin took the lead, like a sharp knife, forcibly tearing the entire sea of ​​undead, and appeared in front of the giant city of white bones. He looked at the huge gate made of white bones in front of him, grinning, and showing a grin. The body skyrocketed in an instant and turned into a huge giant, like a giant, the Tiangang Battle Axe also became larger at the same time.

"Everywhere is a bone city, and I want to block your grandpa Cheng. Eat your grandpa axe."

Cheng biting blond hair with a grin, and with an axe backhand, he chopped on the huge city gate.

Click! !

This axe, like the sky and the earth, the huge city gate was split in half by an axe and suddenly collapsed.

The gate was wide open.

"Brothers, don't let the Brotherhood stand alone, fight from the air and kill !!"

Mu Guiying witnessed, her eyebrows raised, her vitality vigorous, and she waved a spear, and ordered it flatly.

The Million Raven Army was dispatched.

I only saw a huge fire crow waving its wings, and then, a plume of flames burning from the sky descended into the sea of ​​undead. After the undead touched the fire feather, they sent out a sorrow on the spot. Screaming, the body was ignited, and the soul was burned to ashes in the flames. The picture looks terrible.

The fire crow itself is the essence of fire. The flame in the body contains a trace of the real fire of the sun. The real fire of the sun is the most overbearing. It has unparalleled restraint for some demons and undead. Very brutal. For the undead, that is a deadly flame.

In the face of the falling rain feathers, the battlefield turned into a sea of ​​fire. Countless undead quickly burned down and fell on the spot. Countless bones on the company's battlefield were ignited in flames and burned quickly. It was impossible to recover into a skeleton.

The vast sea of ​​undead was swept away by the fire feathers.



It can be seen that there are huge volcanoes standing in the entire boundary, and even some volcanoes are erupting continuously. A lot of volcanic ash and a lot of magma flowed out in all directions. According to exploration, the number of volcanoes in the entire boundary is no less than a hundred thousand, large and small. There are dead volcanoes and active volcanoes. It can be said that because of the eruption of the volcano, there is very limited time to see the sun all year round.

The gray sky is almost normal.

Here is a paradise for volcanic people.

The volcanoes can bathe in magma. Just like their homes, volcanoes do not live in the city, but directly inside the volcano, excavating caves, opening up channels, extending in all directions, living inside, the volcano is a holy place . Volcanic magma is their food, they drink these hot magma. Whether it is an active volcano or an extinct volcano, magma exists. When there is magma, they have food, which is their breeding ground.

A volcano is a volcanic tribe.

That is the base of the volcanic family.

For the volcanoes, guarding the volcano is the greatest happiness.

Moreover, their appearance looks like a humanoid, but the whole body emits flames and has red skin. When fighting, it directly turns into a lava body, like a fire person, and has never liked to contact the outside world. Of course, as long as they do not provoke them, they will not easily become hostile and attack, but if they provoke them, it will be almost endless and very united.

In the volcanic boundary, there is a huge magma river running through the north and south, called the Tianhuo Red Blood River. The magma is hot and passes through volcanoes. These magma can flow. Major tribes of the volcanic tribe can follow the magma river to other tribes. It constitutes a unique survival system and social structure.

brush! !

On this day, a rainbow of light appeared in the void.

Immediately afterwards, you can see that the big Yixian city appeared out of thin air, fell from the sky, and quickly fell towards the various areas.

"Patriarch, what is that?"

Among the volcanoes, there were children of the volcano family who followed the crater and pointed out, curiously shouting.

"Don't care, it's the fairy city of the human race, if it's not wrong, it's the fairy city from the Dayi Shengting. Rest assured, it has no effect on us. This is the volcanic realm. Except for our volcanic people, the human race has no way to Survive here. Staying will only lead to a dead end. It won't take long before it will return to calm. "

An old volcano clan saw it with a light expression on his beard and smiled.

They are not unaware of Dayi, they have long discovered that someone is spying on the volcanic realm, but they are not afraid at all. People here cannot survive. Waiting for a while, knowing the harsh environment here, will leave sooner or later.

Now when they come to travel.

"Yes, I found them long ago. Before, many people looked around the volcano and thought they hadn't found them. Anyway, they stayed for a while and let them go tossing. After the tossing was over, they left. Places, birds do n’t shit, except us, no other race is willing to come. "

A middle-aged male volcano monk said with a smile.

In their view, the fairy city that fell like raindrops seemed to have a lively feeling.

Anyway, the volcanic realm has not been so lively for a long time.

It does n’t matter.

Bang Bang Bang! !

Under the gaze of the volcanic tribe like watching lively. The great Yixian cities naturally fall into the selected locations everywhere. When the fairy city falls to the ground, it starts to take root and connects with the earth, gathering the spiritual world of the surrounding heaven and earth.

"It's hot. It's really hot. The temperature here is at least forty degrees."

"The volcanic realm is really bad conditions and bad environment, but I am certain that this will eventually be conquered by us."

"Brothers, transforming such a terrible realm into a realm that is suitable for survival is what we belong to the Great Yi Santing. Before we came, we had already made up our minds. Are we afraid that these small volcanoes will fail . "

"Everyone started to act ~ ~ There are not many people in these fairy cities. There are still a large number of people who follow. Many of these people are transferred from the boundaries that were originally controlled by Dayi. Of course, there are also a large number of newcomers. Only in this way can you adapt to the life of Dayi faster.

I only saw that after the Xiancheng stabilized, the people in the Xiancheng rushed out of the city one after another, and then quickly took out a bag of seeds and waved them towards the bare ground outside the city. It's dense, like rain.

As soon as these seeds landed on the ground, they immediately drilled into the land under a wave of potential.

There are signs of dryness and cracking all over the volcanic land. The temperature of the ground, put an egg on it, can quickly roast you. The seeds are here, let alone sprout, they will be cooked directly for you.

"Please ask the Dragon tribe to start raining."

After the seeds were planted in the fairy cities, the sky suddenly flashed with thunder and the wind surged. Dragon sounds continued to sound, and a thick dragon shaped cloud appeared.

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