Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 2096: Witch

Upon receiving the order, the dragons began to blast and push the clouds. In the sky, there was a dark, dark cloud, thick clouds, and lightning and thunder, giving an invisible suppression. Click! !

Rumble! !

The thunder of the sky continued, and lightning flashed through the sky.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that heavy rain fell from the sky, poured down, and connected to the ground, and fell on the ground. You can even see that the ground emits a fierce noise of 'chirping', and the ground comes out of layers of snow Fog, this is water vapor. The rain hits the hot ground, and it cools down violently. The fog produced by the cold and hot alternately. For a time, the fog rises, and the entire volcanic boundary is like being in a fairyland.

It looks very gorgeous.

The hot earth started to cool down rapidly.

The ground began to appear wet and began to become wet, except that the rain fell on the magma river, but only a crisp sound occurred, and it was easily evaporated. The impact of the rain on the magma river does not seem to be big at all, but it can be smelled. Thick sulphur breath emitted into the air. The rain fell on it, as if the hot oil fell on the fire, which directly stimulated a ray of flame. It is conceivable that just one or two rains cannot change the existence of magma rivers.

This magma river comes from a volcano, and there are countless magma in the volcano. It won't solidify at all.

However, at least the land has begun to cool down. Although the temperature is still quite high, much higher than the normal ground, but it has become wet.

"Saganlin !!"

Soon after the earth began to wet, we could see that the rain in the sky suddenly turned into a green color, fell from the sky, and fell on the ground, you can feel that these very different rains contain a powerful The vitality seems to have special power.

Brush brush! !

As the green rain fell, a tender seedling sprang out of the soil.

Then, continue to grow from the seedlings, inch by inch, growing at a rate visible to the naked eye. Even the bare ground began to grow grass, and pieces of grass quickly burrowed out of the ground.

The original barrenness became alive in a moment, as if it had become a living person, and in a blink of an eye, earth-shaking changes had taken place. These are completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Even the location of the crater has grown trees.

This seems very strange.

"It grows, it really grows."

"This is a special plant developed by farmers to deal with hot areas and volcanic zones. It is said that the seeds of these plants have been integrated with high temperature resistance characteristics, giving them high temperature in places where water is scarce. Growth and reproduction. The rainwater contains nutrients specially formulated by the farmer, which can catalyze the rapid growth of these seeds. Shorten a lot of growth time. "

"I heard that the trees grown from these seeds are called ground fire banyan trees and flame thorns, red crowned iron trees. The grass is called geothermal grass. The higher the temperature in the ground, the more lush they grow. In order to cultivate these seeds, farmers gather A lot of manpower is still led by Song Yingxing. Until now, four suitable plant seeds have been cultivated. These are new species. Later, if they live here, they might rely on these plants to make a fortune. "

What Dayi needs is not a barren volcanic boundary, but a boundary that is suitable for survival and even of greater value. There must be volcanoes, underground deposits, and the ecological environment. For today, it can be said that Dayi has been plotting for a long time.

These plant seeds can bring the volcanic boundary back to life, and subtly subdued it enough to change the ecological environment here. In fact, it is not that the soil here is not fertile, the volcanic ash itself is very fertile, but ordinary plants have no way to work in such an environment Survival only, once it can survive, it will change dramatically.

It is said that Song Yingxing and they have begun to develop and cultivate food crops that are suitable for growing in volcanic boundaries under high temperature conditions, and strive to create a complete ecosystem as soon as possible. Let here be born a variety of specialty crops with characteristics.

"How could this happen, how did the tree grow outside."

"No, isn't it unsuitable for plant growth here? Since I was born, I haven't seen what the tree looks like. This time I can see it."

"It's over, Da Yi won't really leave. Are they really going to stay. Then what shall we do."

A large number of the volcanoes witnessed the great changes that are taking place in their appearances, opening their mouths one by one, revealing a strong shock. Worrying more in their hearts, they feel as if this lively look is a bit wrong, and their home seems to be changing owners. Although, they live in a volcano, but the outside of the volcano is occupied by the human race, which is a ghost, which is completely different from what they originally thought.

Isn't this rogue?

It is a pity that there was no stopping at the beginning, and now it is impossible to take another shot. Even if it is taken again, it cannot expel the fairy city that Dayi has fallen into.

Rumble! !

However, within the volcano boundary, volcanoes roared without warning, and the volcano was erupting. The huge volcanic ash covers the sky.

It can be fully seen that as the Xiancheng falls, various plants begin to grow, and after the environment has undergone tremendous changes, the surrounding ground transportation continues to gather, a burst of luck, the luck is filled, and the Tianyi Tiantiao is spreading rapidly. , Covering the entire boundary, Starnet began to cover, within this range, all people can clearly feel the existence of Starnet, you can enter Starnet in a moment.

The volcanic realm, which is under the control of Dayi, has become invisible and has become an established reality.

This fact, no one can easily subvert.


Dayi began to expand, naturally concealing the eyes of the powerful around, but even if it is understood that Dayi's current background is extremely strong and the volume is huge, once you start, the pressure on the perimeter boundary is huge, but did not think of. Will evolve into what it is now.

The speed of expansion is too fast.

How long did it take to start now, but in just a few days, several domains have been brought under control one after another and become part of the territory of Dayi. Substantially complete control.

This is terrible.

"Is this Great Yi Santing really so powerful, as soon as it is shot, the grotesque realm, the volcanic realm, and the food realm are easily brought into control. Of the twelve realms, only nine are still under attack. In China, one quarter has been solved at once. If it continues to develop, who can stop Dayi from growing in the future. "

Donghuang Taiyi was hiding in the dark, watching the scene of Da Yi's crazy expansion. The eyes grew colder.

Such a picture is not a good thing for him and for the demon clan.

I have understood in my heart that Dayi can complete the expansion so quickly and easily swallow a boundary. Among them, the role of fame is huge.

In the eternal world, Dayi has long been an unknown person.

That's dear.

For many realms, the resistance is actually not very strong. This creates the current situation. Otherwise. For another dynasty, it is really going to invade the volcanic realm, try the food realm, it will definitely not be as easy as it is now.

"Well, it's really popular, and the day when Dayi was promoted to Xianting, I'm afraid it's not far away. The speed of luck is much faster than imagined. Every additional boundary can add more to Dayi. The essence of qi. As luck grows, it will be faster and accumulate enough parasitic luck. It can greatly shorten the time. With the ancestral vein in hand, Dayi is already in sight. "

Lv Dongbin looked up at the Quartet with a look of emotion. He was still in a restaurant in the Xuanhuang Fairy City, in the elegant room, he could be seen around him, sitting in a fairy like a peony temperament, smiling gently, for it liqueur.

"I heard that Queen Mother West became the master of the Grand Palace. It won't take long for me to be one of the mistresses of Xianting."

The woman said with a chuckle.

"Cough cough ..."

Lu Dongbin couldn't help being choked by wine, and made a cough.

An awkward look flashed in his eyes.

"Peony, you know, Queen Mother and I have nothing."


Many great powers have paid close attention to the progress of the Great Yizheng. Obviously, they are happy to see their success and are already in a default state. Even, it is too much to be able to expand as quickly as possible, develop quickly, accumulate enough luck, and even promote to Xianting. These are all good news.

As for the power of Dayi, that will be the future.

Nothing is more important than Tu Tian.

The fact that there is no one who can be demon means that it must be aimed at the supreme strongman of the nine saints. No one can understand the pressure.

At this moment, the witch world.

It can be seen that the Witch Realm already has a unified Yun Dynasty.

This is the grand female empire established by the nightmare witch, the recognized leader of the witch. Under his command, there are four top witch powerhouses, Summer Witch ~ ~ Winter Snow Witch, Spring Witch, Autumn Wind Witch, covering spring, summer, autumn and winter. With a powerful blood power, even like the God of the Four Seasons, it is also called the Four Seasons Witch. It is in charge of the Sheng female empire.

It can be seen that there are a large number of cities in this witch world.

A closer look at the city is mostly biased towards Western architectural styles. The humans living in it are mixed, with a variety of skin tones.

At this moment, in a remote city, Baker City.

In a large manor, you can see that a large number of people are gathered. If these people are carefully investigated, they will find that the vitality emitted from each of them is not weak, and even has an elite breath that has gone through **** battles.

At this moment, a pair of eyes looked forward.

There is a high platform in front.

On the high platform, the two men stood as if they were standing on top of them. They seemed to have a grassy and majestic temperament, but also the characteristics of ordinary farmers. Give people an affinity.

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