Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 859: Battlefield changes

Dense beasts and birds began to spread.

Groups of three or five began to diverge towards the various areas of the battlefield of the demon. The eternal night army of all major races did not directly withdraw from the battlefield and retreat into the star gate as before. Instead, they hovered on the battlefield and wandered outside the setting sun city. Although they did not actively attack the battle city, their dangerous breath was still clear. It is definitely not that these are not without threat, but seem to be in a dormant state.

During the day, the violent, killing thoughts seemed to be suppressed by an invisible force. As long as they are not close, or even anger them, they will not initiate an attack.

This situation makes the empty battlefields in the battlefields of Gods and Demons more suppressed. It seems that there is more vitality, but there are traces of the Night Army.

"How can this happen? These Eternal Night Legions did not return to the Star Gate and return to Eternal Night, but stayed directly in the battlefield of Gods and Demons. What is going on? Is n’t the Eternal Night party not appearing during the daytime."

"This time, I ’m in trouble. The Army of the Night is not withdrawing from the battlefield of Gods and Demons. Is this a change in the rules of the battlefield? If the Army of the Night does not leave, there will be countless dangers on the battlefield, and going out will become more difficult. Encountered a deadly threat. "

"No, this is to completely separate the monks and strong men of all races on the battlefield of gods and demons, and imprisoned in a battle city. At this moment, outside the battlefield of the gods and monsters, they will become the most dangerous dangerous place. "

"This is a major change in the battlefield. The war is no longer just night. This battlefield is no longer night and dawn, but between the two. The war really begins from this moment. The tragic beginning of the war begins now. "

Everyone's faces on the wall became extremely solemn.

Sudden changes in the rules of the battlefield made everyone feel caught off guard. It is too sudden, suddenly to an unacceptable level, which will change the future of the entire battlefield.

At this moment, all the plans originally formulated can be said to be scrapped.

This situation makes it more difficult for the battlefield to communicate with each other in the battle city. It can even be said that at once, the Yongye Army was completely divided into separate areas, and the independent battlefields became more difficult to respond to each other.

Originally I wanted to explore the surrounding area, but now it seems that I am afraid that the difficulty will increase more than dozens of times.

Those who dare to wander in the battlefield have no strength, that is, death.

"King, what now?"

Generals such as Yang Ye turned to Yi Tianxing, and this situation brought them an invisible pressure.

"The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the soil. As long as these Yongye Legions did not attack the city directly, they didn't need to pay too much attention, leaving enough soldiers on the wall to guard them, and other soldiers took turns to rest or even replace them. On the battlefield, even if isolated, That ’s not terrible either. Depending on the city of the setting sun, we have a foothold. On the battlefield, we have the foundation for survival. "

Yi Tianxing said calmly, without any emotion on his face, always showing calmness and calmness.

The battlefield of gods and demons is too big.

For most monks, a battle city is likely to be all the areas where the demon battlefield can move. On the battlefield, there are enemies everywhere, and there is no worry about no opponents. Fighting everywhere is the same. no difference.

In this case, the changes that the Yongye Corps blocked the entire battlefield and officially entered the battlefield have not had much impact on most monks. It used to be the same, and it will be the same in the future. It ’s just that we need to pay more attention to the outside world during the day. It ’s just a change, and you can respond to possible shocks and siege at any time.

"Business as usual, all officers and men, as far as possible to cultivate to the realm," Heavenly War Code "and" Heavenly War Code "are exercises in the army, practice on the battlefield, do more with less, can absorb iron blood evil spirit, this evil spirit is the most Good nourishment. "

Yi Tianxing said again, then turned and left.

For the generals, the battlefield is the best place to practice.

If this is not the case, the soldiers in Dayi would not be able to grow rapidly and become so powerful in a short period of time.

Return to the main city.

Yi Tianxing walked directly into the quiet room, preparing to retreat.

With a swift movement of mind, he has entered the Tiandi Tower.

Looking closely, in the pagoda, you can clearly see that the human races that have been ingested into the pagoda continue to scream screams. If these people want to complete the purification, they will not be able to do it in a short while. Even if it is motivated by the power of a world, this speed cannot be too fast. However, as the night passes, we can see that the black gas of all people has been significantly reduced.

Although the screams were harsh, they were no longer intolerable.

There are too many of these purified Yongye Terrans, which add up to no less than four or five million.

Of course, the proportion of this number in the Yongye Army is just the tip of the iceberg.

"Okay, these passers-by are all loyal to me and have no heart. They are the best candidates for cultivating Taoists."

Yi Tianxing looked at these purified human warriors, and a thought came to his mind.

What the Tao soldiers are, in terms of the world, they are the dead men trained by the big family and the great forces. The deceased is the strongest force that is completely loyal to the family and loyal to the owner. Even if they are allowed to die, there is absolutely no hesitation. In popular terms, it is brainwashing, and it is still an immutable one.

Dao Bing is the dead in the practice world.

But Dao Ping has unique strengths and characteristics, can form an army, cooperate with each other, and will exert incredible combat power.

Taoist soldiers. Do not learn tens of thousands of men and women in the common world, Taoists generally use one yuan, two instruments, three talents, four elephants, five elements, Liuhe, seven stars, gossip, nine palaces, ten must, twelve earthly branches, twenty-four heavens, twenty-eight The stars, thirty-six heavens, and so on are the bases, and they form battle arrays, and even array formations. Reiki gathers to stimulate magical powers. No matter one enemy or a thousand people, they are all united in one city, united as one, and confronted by groups.

Yi Tianxing has watched various exercises and classics, among them there are many ancient books about Daobing.

In half, many of the Taoists in the sects are usually trained by the raised spirits and beasts. Through special methods, the bodies of these monsters and beasts are engraved with special methods on the body. These monsters have the same roots and even the same veins. With the formation method, you can raise all the power to a person and increase his ability out of thin air. Can consolidate battle formations, stand alone against thousands of troops.

However, it would be a bit cruel to practice as a Taoist soldier with a human race. The most fundamental reason why the monks use the cultivation of monsters as Taoists is that the monsters are strong and able to withstand the unique sacrificial process. If you are fragile, the damage will be severe, and it will be kind. Once spread, the reputation will certainly be bad.

But for these human generals who have been transformed by Yong Yeyu. But there is no such scruples.

"Generally speaking, Daomen's sacrifice method has many traditions of Zongmen, which are connected with Zongmen Qiji and Gong method, so that they can better exert their combat power. , Are the secrets of not telling. I have n’t got the sacrifice method of Tao soldiers before. But the battlefield of gods and demons has. "

Yi Tianxing groaned secretly.

He also converted a lot of Taoist sacrifice.

There are many powerful Taoists.

Such as "Yellow Scarf", "Seven Star Road Soldier", "Tianjin Road Soldier", "Fire Raven Road Soldier", "Flame Road Soldier", "Bronze Monk Soldier", "Yin Yang Road Soldier", "Water and Fire Road Soldier" and so on .

These Taoists are not weak. Once sacrifice, they have very strong combat power.

However, a specific decision has to be made as to what kind of Taoist soldier Yi Tianxing has not made.

With a thought, a book of soldiers appeared in front of him. Reached out, took a closer look, explored the pros and cons of these Tao soldiers a little bit, and finally made a choice and explored the true secrets of Tao soldiers.

"The Dao soldiers are connected by formations, sacrificed with Dao Yun, and tempered Dao soldiers, just like sacrificial puppets, making them a part of themselves. To worship Dao soldiers, they must be tempered with the source of life and knowledge, and the law must be incorporated. Dominate himself and give Taoists a unique character ~ ~ Fate maps to contain the training. Dao soldiers can be part of the map. If you want to sacrifice Dao soldiers, you ca n’t do anything about the map. Heaven and earth. However, only Dacheng Fate plans can accommodate Tao soldiers. Soldiers and Taos fit together. "

In the Taoist classics, a general outline appeared.

This is a passage found in any Tao classics.

You can't sacrifice Tao soldiers in the fate map.

Only the strongest figure in the realm of life can achieve the level of one thousand soldiers.

The most important thing is that this has something to do with the condensed life map.

What attributes and characteristics are the life maps? Naturally, if the source of the Taoist soldiers and the rhymes are completely different from the life maps, then they naturally do not fit with themselves and cannot exert their strength.

What kind of life chart, what kind of Tao soldiers to practice.

This is the most basic sentence in the classics.

"Life chart, it seems that the key to everything lies in the life chart. My life chart is the emperor's royal dragon chart. It is my own life chart, which is unique in the sky and the earth. Such a life chart can accommodate many lives. Knowing the origin, there are definitely a lot of suitable Taoists. Water and fire fighters can be sacrificed, and yin and yang fighters can also be sacrificed. Fire crow daoists can also be sacrificed. "

Yi Tianxing groaned secretly.

The emperor's dragon picture contains a lot of life and knowledge, the five elements are complete, as well as the yin and yang life, five core life, and so on. These are gathered together, as long as the Taoists within the yin and yang five elements can be sacrificed. You can get the warm support of the life chart.

But this is far from the true ability of the Emperor Royal Dragon Map. A single attribute cannot show the power of the life map at all.

"I want to sacrifice Dao soldiers, and I will sacrifice the strongest Dao soldiers, which are truly suitable for me. I can accompany me to fight for Dao soldiers from all directions.

A flash of light flashed in Yi Tianxing's eyes, revealing a trace of firmness.

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