Eternal Country

Vol 2 Chapter 860: Chaos Army Pool

Taoist soldiers, the best for themselves.

It can be seen from these Taoist classics that the so-called Tao soldiers are all based on their own exercises, even the body's destiny, their own life maps, and Tao Yun's laws are incorporated into them. Those soldiers of the yin and yang dynasty and the fire crow troopers are some of the noble men who have evolved according to their own exercises and life plans. In fact, it can be said that as long as he is a powerful figure, he is qualified to worship Taoists.

One is the Taoist method created by previous people to perform sacrifice, so that the sacrifice can be completed without any hesitation. One is to explore by yourself. As long as the nature of the Taoist soldiers is clear, they must sacrifice their own Taoist soldiers. In fact, The difficulty is not high, except that the most important thing is its own fundamental skills.

Of course, if it is an ordinary casual practice, even if it is a sacrificial Taoist soldier, because of the underlying reason, even a Taoist with the same attribute will be inferior to Monk Zongmen. Because it involves formation methods, and even various rhymes, sacrifice methods, etc., any difference will make a difference.

Dao Ping soldiers can sacrifice themselves, however, Pu Dao Bing Yi Tianxing naturally does not intend to sacrifice. Dao Ping, that is, the card that follows his own way to fight the Quartet, is to be sacrificed. Naturally, the top Dao Ping is to be sacrificed, and if possible, he hopes to sacrifice a unique Dao Ping.

Can compete with their own identity. Do not fall into your own momentum.

"My" Imperial Dragon Map "contains many forces in one body. If you can use these sources of life and knowledge as the foundation, you may not be able to breed a unique Taoist soldier. Lay out the human race. Others need to be deduced again, using these Taoist sacrifice methods as food, and demonstrating my Taoist sacrifice methods. "

After thinking twice, Yi Tianxing finally decided to sacrifice his own unique Taoist soldiers. If nothing else, he would be unique. Moreover, he determined that his Taoist soldiers would not be inferior to any Taoist soldiers in history. What suits you is the best.

After making the decision, there was no hesitation.

With a break in his heart, he has begun to look at a book of Taoist soldiers, and carefully studied the sacrificial methods and even the inscribed lines. The Taoism possessed by him has been carefully explored, and the essence has been extracted to find out what he can see. Something bright.

Unknowingly, I already have a deeper understanding of the sacrificial Taoist soldiers.

From his point of view, the sacrificial Taoist soldiers are all similar. The only difference is that the sacrificial ceremonies require materials, top-level materials, and the other are their own exercises and the problem of life maps, which can be solved separately.

"To worship Taoists, we must build a troop for raising soldiers in the life map. To build troop for traches, we must have a unique formation method, engraved with mysterious Taoism and Taoism." Yi Tianxing groaned secretly.

The construction of a troop pool is the most critical step and the most fundamental foundation for sacrificing Taoists.

"If you raise soldiers' ponds, you can use the rune structure of Chaos Longchi for reference, because the destiny chart is part of" The Emperor's Dragon Scriptures ". Chaos Longchi best shows the characteristics of my exercises, and the chart is true. Assisting the five elements of yin and yang, the origin of the true dragon. In this case, it should be possible to initially build a troop for raising soldiers. As long as the trough for raising soldiers completes the initial construction, the remaining structures can be gradually improved and added continuously.

Yi Tianxing secretly deduced in his mind.

Opening up knowledge of the sea and strong mental powers give him a natural advantage for these deductions.

What's more, just based on the chaos of Longchi and making some small modifications, or engraving the army formation method, etc., are completely ready-made, and it should not be too easy to deduct.

What's more, this "Emperor's Dragon" is a unique method based on his will. Naturally, no one in the world understands the truth and rhyme of him more clearly. At the time of deduction, time did not seem to exist. I don't know how long in the past, the deduction of the Yangbingchi was also quietly completed in the process.

"Chaos military troop!"

Yi Tianxing opened his eyes, secretly rejoicing in his heart. There is also a glimmer of expectation.

The military troop deduction is complete. Then complete the most important step. Next, determine the true capabilities and even the characteristics of your own soldiers. This is also the key to Dao Ping's strength.

For example, the yin and yang dao soldiers, the dao sacrifice they sacrifice, are all yin and yang, and must be a man and a woman. One to Yin and one to Yang. As long as one of them is immortal, the other is immortal. Moreover, the change of yin and yang, which can instantly alternate body shape, combined attack, and ingenuity, can be described as extremely horrible. Extremely domineering and one of the top fighters.

Nowadays, Taoists who have been sacrificed by themselves naturally cannot be without their strong and unique features.

"The emperor's royal dragon map is based on the five core destinies and incorporates his own will into the emperor. . In this case, it is necessary to have the flesh and blood material of the true dragon, and use the blood to quench it. All the true dragon treasures obtained from the merchants at the beginning are all used up and no longer exist. However, at this point, It can be exchanged from the treasure house of gods and demons. "

The sacrificial Taoist soldiers are not simply tempered with their own laws, but need to consume huge amounts of heavenly treasures. Even all kinds of fairy treasures. In order for Taoists to have the blood of true dragons and the power of true dragons, there must be a large amount of true dragon blood.

Yi Tianxing immediately looked up in the treasure house of the demon.

It was found that the body of the true dragon really did exist, and the quantity was not a lot, but the price was not generally expensive. Generally monks can't afford it at all, because the true dragons in the treasure house of gods and demons are extremely powerful true dragons. They are powerful and natural, and the power contained in the flesh is even more powerful.

Only dragon blood is not essence blood, a catty dragon blood needs 10,000 merit points. How much a pound of dragon blood can be, you need to exchange a sufficient amount of dragon blood, and the merits of consumption can be imagined.

However, Yi Tianxing did not hesitate about this. Although more than one billion merit points were previously redeemed, the killing last night also allowed the merit points in his hand to soar again, and some of them can be redeemed first.

The meritorious points I got last night, as far as Yi Tianxing is concerned, are millions. There are too many massacres of the Eternal Night.

But now all the exchanges can only get a hundred pounds.

Not all of them were exchanged, only about fifty pounds.

Later, they exchanged various treasures of heaven and earth from the treasure house of gods and demons, all of which were prepared for the worship of Taoist soldiers. This is because he has a large number of precious elixir as a reserve. otherwise. This amount of exchange is not necessarily enough for the present.

Even so, the merits of the body are only a preliminary exchange of various treasures needed.

"Build a chaos troop pool."

Every minute of time on the battlefield of gods and demons is extremely precious, and it is only three months away from the Jane Fruit Banquet. In these three months, Yi Tianxing is prepared to transform himself into a battle force.

The mind must be, and once again immersed in cultivation.

In the sea of ​​gods, the emperor's royal dragon map has almost condensed into substance. The life chart has its own space. This is the power of the cave brought by the dragon's nest. The emperor suppresses the void. Below, there is a vast scene of the Jiangshan community. , All come to life. Seems to consolidate into substance. At all times, the power of the heaven and earth society is integrated into the life map, the life map is tempered, and the Taoism is derived.

It can be seen that the life map is not far from Dacheng.

Without hesitation, the mind moved, and began to visualize the chaos troop pool. Each rune of chaotic colors naturally condensed. It can even be said that instead of directly condensing, it was from the Chaos Dragon Pool in Shenhai that it flew directly. Runes of Chaos. Into the life map.

It's like a unique copy.

This is the same benefit.

This smooth process makes the time to condense the chaotic troop pool in the life chart faster than expected. Imperceptibly, a chaotic troop for raising soldiers has appeared in the life map, but this is not the end. Imagine the runes again. This time, instead of chaosizing the runes in Longchi, this is the training method for training soldiers who train pregnant soldiers. A troop formation can be considered a complete troop pool.

Otherwise, it is no different from Hualongchi.

In this retreat, unknowingly, in the past three days ~ ~ in the past three days, the setting sun city once again experienced three attacks of the night tide.

As soon as the night army legion arrives at night, the star gate will still open, and a large number of beasts and monsters will still be rushed out to attack the battle cities everywhere. The monster army that originally stayed on the battlefield will also be violent with the night. Once again dominated by the desire to kill.

But as soon as it gets to daytime, these violent Eternal Night Legion will be quiet again, scattered into the battlefield, so that more and more Eternal Night Monster Legion in the battlefield, more and more dangerous outside the battle city.

In these three days, Yi Tianxing did not show up. Still in retreat.

Fortunately, although the fierce killings have been damaged, the major armies of Dayi are becoming stronger every day. The fierce battlefield is undoubtedly the best place for them to practice.

Constantly there are soldiers breaking through to the destiny.

Moreover, every day when fierce fighting, one of the five major legions must go out of the city to form an array of eight door locks, facing the impact of the night army, not only killing a large number of monsters, but also swallowing up a large number of silently. Yong Ye Terra.

Was quietly sent into the tower space.

Cover the sky, when the night fades and dawn dawns. Yi Tianxing's closed eyes slowly opened.

There was a gleam in his eyes.

"Okay, the chaos troop pool is finally condensed. The next step is to put all kinds of natural treasures into this chaos troop pool."

Yi Tianxing was certain in his heart. He waved his hand, only to see that a golden dragon blood flew in the sky, was taken into the sea of ​​Shen, entered the life map, and appeared in the air above the chaotic colored ancient pond.

brush! !!

These golden dragon blood poured into the pool without mercy. As soon as dozens of catties of dragon blood fell into the troop pool, there was a burst of golden light, and Long Yin could be heard faintly.

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