Chapter 331 Fiery auction

The medicine pill came out, and the audience was silent, and the sound of holding breath cold air flooded immediately.

People who can come here and plan to buy treasure are not ordinary people. They naturally know the name of Golden Sacred Pill.

This medicine pill, although only Level 1 Spirit Pill, can be refined in the current world but very few, and this pill is enough to create a genius.

The silence on the scene lasted for a full half an hour before someone shouted: "Master Murong, which belongs to the auction of Spirit Pill alone, is not one, how many are there? Come listen to it?"

"Yes, we are very curious, how many of this rare medicine pill, five or ten?"

Inquiry People, voices are loud, this is something everyone cares about.

Master Murong stroked his beard and smiled, and said, "This matter is a secret, but I can tell you that it is more than you guessed, but if there are more than one or two, I’m not sure, everyone, If you want to buy it, it's early!"

Master Murong, who is well versed in auctions, this pill attracted everyone's attention. He deliberately played mysterious and created a sense of urgency for those people.

This will easily cause contention.

In the midst of contention, the price of medicine pill will continue to increase, and an incredible miracle will occur.

For Master Murong's answer, many people off the court were dissatisfied, but they were helpless.

"The role of the Golden Sacred Pill, I don't need to say any more. This item is auctioned. My Purple Yang auction will give you a special offer, the reserve price of 1,500 Spirit Jade."

Master Murong looked down solemnly, holding the auction hammer in his hand.

The auction has officially started!

One thousand five hundred yuan Spirit Jade, the price is definitely not small, which makes many people tremble, but thinking about the value of Golden Sacred Pill, they also have to admit in their hearts that the price is indeed fair.

"One thousand six hundred yuan!"

At the moment, someone bids loudly, and in the voice, the will to win.

"One thousand eight hundred yuan!"

Someone hurriedly followed the price and even increased it by two hundred yuan.

The fiery auction started from this moment.

The price of the first one was scrambled continuously, and finally, it reached two thousand three hundred yuan.

Be taken away by a great character in a private room.

"Boy, yes, maybe the delivery will far surpasses the imagination." Nangong Fanghan looked at the noise below and said with a smile.

"What are you giggling? The extra income is mine. What does it have to do with you? You won't get a dime." Su Hao gave him a sideways glance.

Immediately, Nangong Fanghan's whole person is not good, I am happy for you, okay, do you want to talk so badly?

Besides, can you come in so smoothly without me?

Don’t know how to divide me?

I don’t know how to be grateful!

The outside auction was in full swing. Ten Golden Sacred Pills ended in looting.

It is worth mentioning that ten Golden Sacred Pills were auctioned at a high price of 28,000 RMB Spirit Jade.

After the ten auctions, those who had never purchased medicine pill immediately felt nervous. There were ten Spirit Pills in total, much more than they guessed. Can they still have them?

Spirit Pill is rare, and there are ten, which is already surprising in people's hearts.

"Ai, it's a pity that I couldn't compete for such a rare medicine pill. If I were to give me another chance, I would not feel bad about Spirit Jade and buy it boldly!" In the heart of an old man Remorse.

But just as his voice fell, Master Murong on the auction stage spoke: "Golden Sacred Pill, I have ten more here."

Out, the whole audience is shaking up!

There are ten more?

That is 20 Spirit Pills!

Where did so many Spirit Pill come from?

But this is just a flash of suspicion in everyone's hearts. They don't care where Spirit Pill comes from. What they care about is that this thing exists and they have a chance to buy it.

"I offer three thousand Spirit Jade!"

At the moment, the old man who plans to buy with all his heart is shouting the price.

It’s just that, after his voice, in the private room, several great characters almost spoke at the same time: "Ten Golden Sacred Pills, we have packed them!"

Voice Thunder, shaking the audience!

Several great characters work together to pack ten Golden Sacred Pills!

The old man who was planning to buy immediately gritted his teeth, his face was ugly, but he didn't dare to say more. Those who can enter the private room are all great characters, and he can't afford to offend him.

And this scene also made the audience silent, no one dared to speak anymore.

"The reserve price is fifteen thousand, we have packaged it, fifteen thousand Spirit Jade!"

The great character spoke again.

In this scene, Master Murong, the color changed, the reserve price was indeed 1,500, but it was already over 2,500 when it was auctioned.

These people buy together, which is equivalent to overwhelming the lowest price.

However, this is helpless. The auction has no clear regulations and cannot be purchased together.

And this also made Su Hao curse in his heart, these bastards are simply blocking his way of making money.

"Master Murong, since no one bought it, then Spirit Pill, I'm waiting for it." No one on the court spoke for a long time, and a great character in the private room said immediately, faintly excited .

"This...well!" Master Murong was helpless.

However, when the auction hammer in his hand was about to land, a loud voice immediately sounded: "Thirty thousand! I bought it!"

As soon as the sound came out, The eyes of the audience were all attracted away.

Who dares to compete at this time?

In the private room, five great characters speak, no one here dares to offend.

At the same time, the five powerful gods swept into Su Hao's private room, with anger and warning.

"hmph, I would rather buy medicine pill by myself, and I will never allow you to buy it like this. If I block my money, I will let you bleed!"

Su Hao coldly snorted , Didn't care about the warning at all.

"Thirty-one thousand!"

The five great characters have no choice but to add another thousand. They are bound to win this medicine pill.

"Forty thousand!"

Su Hao's gaze turned and increased again. From the voices of those people, he seemed to hear that he couldn't wait.

"Boy, you are courting death?" In the private room, there was a roar. Although they couldn't see Su Hao's appearance, their voice could be heard. It was a teenager.

To dare to fight against them is simply courting death.

"The higher the price, the one who has no money to get out!" Su Hao's reply was simple.

And this, on the court like thunder, this kid is too courageous.

You can feel that in the room where the five great characters are, angry emotions are pouring out like a stormy sea.

After five full breaths of silence, there was a voice of gnashing teeth: "Forty thousand...five."

The voice exited, and the last word fell, with With a hint of tension, there is also a sense of powerlessness.

More than 40,000 pieces of Spirit Jade, this is also a huge price for anyone, enough to call it vomiting blood.


Su Hao smiled with satisfaction and stopped fighting.

Forty-five thousand Spirit Jade, ten Golden Sacred Pills, the reserve price is a full four thousand five.

Those great characters, I wanted to buy at the reserve price, but they picked up the rocks and smashed themselves in the foot.


Master Murong smiled secretly in his heart, and he naturally knew who the speaker was.

This pill is the one who exists and possesses.

And seeing those five bastards suffer a loss, he was also proud of it.

One hammer fixes the universe!

Ten Golden Sacred Pill, sold at once, far surpasses the first ten.

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