Chapter 332 Burned with anger

Five great characters, burned with anger, belonged to their private room, and could not be calm for a long time.

"Damn, damn!" In one of the private rooms, a tall, middle-aged man looked extremely cold. He was the Purple Yang Academy Inner Courtyard Elder. Normally respected, he was targeted here. .

Although it is a combination of five people, he still needs to pay a full nine thousand Spirit Jade before he can get two Spirit Pills.

This calculation is not as cost-effective as his auction alone.

However, these ten Spirit Pills are already all in his expectation. If he misses the opportunity, he will never get it again.

In fact, not only him, but the rest of the great character, and even the whole audience, think so.

After all, there are already 20 Spirit Pills, which is quite amazing, no one believes there will be more.

"The auction continues."

But, just as they thought so, the voice of Master Murong below sounded again, and with a hint of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune .

As soon as I exited, the whole audience was silent.

The five great characters are also taken aback!

The auction continues, is there any more?

They guessed right, Master Murong, once again took out the Jade Case, and ten medicine pills were once again exposed to everyone.

The brilliance of golden-bright and dazzling, the rich aroma, shockingly addictive.

Still ten!


You can hear the sound of blood spurting in a private room, and the middle-aged Elder is trembling with rage.

There seems to be a hundred thousand head fuck your mother in my heart, rushing past.

Almost directly bullshitting.

He thought that the ten previous ones were the last ones, so he would stake all on one throw and buy them at a high price.

If you know there are ten more, why bother to fight like this?

Nine thousand Spirit Jade, auctioned separately, he can buy three or even four Spirit Pills, but now only two.

Not only him, but the rest of the great characters, the same is true, burning with anger, and at the same time, a few people hate Su Hao to the extreme.

Their Spirit Jade is almost exhausted, and no one has the ability to continue buying.

"The reserve price is the same, you guys auction it."

Master Murong ignored everything and focused on auctions.

And this time, the auction has also entered a normal order, with quotations and scrambles one after another.

Finally, the old man who planned to buy before spent two thousand Spirit Jade and won one.

The old man couldn't help himself. He almost burst into tears of excitement. When this medicine pill got in his hand, his wasteful grandson, aptitude must be raised.

And this, let the great character in the private room spurt blood again, two thousand Spirit Jade one, then their nine thousand Spirit Jade, could it not be possible to buy four, and there is a surplus.


There are only these two words in everyone's hearts.

"Boy, you are dead!" The spirit of the middle-aged Elder also conveyed the meaning through the private room, in the private room where Su Hao was.

And this will not have the slightest impact on Su Hao.

He is now focusing on counting money.

The first ten, sold for 28 thousand Spirit Jade, counting the next 45,000, a full 73,000 Spirit Jade.

How much can you sell for the remaining ten? If there is a burst of money again, wouldn't it be possible to make one hundred thousand.

However, under the trend of the stands, the possibility of explosions is very low. After all, the people below are not as good as the rich and imposing in the private room, and there is not much Spirit Jade.

The auction continued, and eight Spirit Pills were sold, which only allowed Su Hao to earn 17,000 yuan in Spirit Jade, which was far short of expectations.

"Not satisfactory!" Su Hao shook his head dissatisfied.

"Boy, you have made a lot of money. According to the reserve price, your things are only worth 45,000 yuan!" Nangong Fanghan was so jealous that he was 90,000 yuan Spirit Jade. It is also greedy.

And Su Hao, even looks dissatisfied, why are you so greedy?

"Divide me a little bit." Old fogey finally couldn't help but speak.

"Why are you so faceless and skinny? You still owe me two Top Grade Divine Artifacts." Su Hao gave him a sideways look, thinking beautifully. I have already given you four Spirit Pills. .

Nangong Fanghan almost lost his beard anger.


While the auction was in full swing, outside the auction, a man strode forward with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "This time Celestial Soul Flower Young Master I want It’s settled. The Spirit Jade given to me by old fogey is enough. The kid wants to compete with me to let him know what rich and imposing is!"

"However, now is when the auction is going on, go in See, is there any treasure?"

The person here is Zhao Xingchen, who went back to get the Spirit Jade and returned again.

Originally, when the auction was in progress, outsiders were not allowed to enter, but the status of this person was not simple, even when he was given the green light.

Entered into a spare room.

At the same time as he entered, Zhao Xingchen was also overjoyed. Is there a Spirit Pill auction here?

Moreover, it's Golden Sacred Pill!

This medicine pill has extraordinary benefits to his cultivation star Body Refinement Art.

"Two thousand and three!"

The auction of the ninth medicine pill is underway.

Immediately, Zhao Xingchen was loudly shouted: "Two thousand five, I am Purple Yang Academy, grandson of Sacred Courtyard Elder, Zhao Xingchen, who dares to fight with me?"

As soon as this word came out, the people below were immediately silent.

Grandson of Purple Yang Academy Sacred Courtyard Elder.

No one dares to offend.

Even the five great characters do not want to offend.

"humph." Zhao Xingchen is proud, he declares his family, no one dares to compete with him, this is majesty!

It’s just that, just when he was so proud and thought he was bound to win, Su Hao’s private room once again heard a voice: "Five thousand!"

"Fuck! "

As the quotation sounded, there was also a faint curse in the private room.

The last time, it was Nangong Fanghan who spoke and imitated Su Hao's voice. The important thing is that he raised the price to a full five thousand!

Compared to the five great characters, the medicine pill purchased together is even higher. Who would buy it?

The second sound is Su Hao naturally. This old bastard wants to cheat him.

"Don’t you want to make up one hundred thousand, let me help you. The remaining two medicine pills, one five thousand, exactly ten thousand, count your ninety thousand, that’s one hundred thousand , You should thank me." Old fogey said confidently.

Su Hao almost took his two beards down. You did a good plot against. Which fool would dare to buy?

"Six thousand!"

However, just when Su Hao was desperate, a Dao Qi's frustrated voice sounded from Zhao Xingchen. He absolutely couldn't think of it, so he spoke. And when he reported that he was out of the house, he dared to fight for it.

It's a courting death!

However, he is the Eldest Young Master, who has always been rich and imposing, how can he be inferior to the human in Spirit Jade, immediately regardless of the actual situation, directly surpass a thousand!

"There really is a big silly hat!"

Su Hao's eyes immediately brightened, brilliant, and this time the income may be really satisfied.

Nangong Fanghan’s whole person is not good, he yells at Zhao Xingchen for being a stupid and jerk. You can buy it at such a high price. Is there something wrong with it?

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