“It shouldn’t be too late, let’s go now.”

Murong Fu wants to walk to walk, taking Yang Xuan shuttling through the void, and soon he came to a mist Diffuse stars.


Yang Xuan looked around and found that his perception was shielded by the thick fog, and he could only detect the scene inside the thousand zhang.

In the range of his perception, the jungle is dense and the mountains are overlapping, which shows that it is not desolate here.

“This is the Misty Star. There is a restriction set by the first deans of our fourth hospital, so outsiders do not know the existence of this place.”

Murong Fu while speaking, roll up Yang Xuan went deep into the mist, and came to a mountain within the valley dazzling.

The valley is very large. In the deepest place, a black tower rises from the ground. It is about hundred zhang high, simple and magnificent. I don’t know how many years it has stood there, it will be immortal. .

“Di Tower!”

Yang Xuan blurted out.

“Well, this is the Emperor Tower, a half-step Spirit Transformation device handed down from the beginning of the ancient times.”

Murong Fu nodded.

“I don’t know who is the owner of this tower?”

“Do you believe there are immortals in the world?”

“This, Junior once heard Master Feng Qingyang mentioned it Through the existence of Immortal World, I believe that there are immortals in the world.”

“It’s good to believe, the owner of the Emperor Tower is an immortal.”


“It is true that this person is called Immortal Monarch. It is rumored that he was killed by several immortals. As a result, the tower broke away from Immortal World and was left on the mist star.”

After speaking, Murong Fu motioned to Yang Xuan to step back, then waved forward with one hand, and immediately saw the Di Pagoda shake slightly.

Yang Xuan was dumbfounded, shaking the Emperor Pagoda with one hand, this Murong Fu’s strength was really strong enough.


Murongfu shouted deeply, the void under the emperor tower began to twist, and gradually a light door of several meters appeared.

Transport the light gate!

Yang Xuan eyes shined, he understands that by entering this light gate, he can enter the imperial pagoda, but what makes him frown is that the space fluctuation emanating from this light gate is extremely chaotic.

“Go in quickly, I can’t keep it for long.”

Murongfu said, sweating constantly on his forehead.

“I don’t know how Junior can come out after entering?”

“You have to keep this barrier-breaking talisman. Whenever you come up with it, use the took out talisman. You can get through a void channel, but if you want to use this talisman, you must at least reach Fate.”

Feng Qingyang’s voice is still there, and Yang Xuan has an extra non-metal or stone in his hand. Fu, the whole body is simple and majestic, you can know the age at a glance.

Yang Xuan put away the barrier-breaking talisman, bowed and said: “many thanks Mu Lao.”

After finishing speaking, without delay, he jumped into the portal of light.


In the pitch-black void channel, a terrifying Space Power surges like tornado. Fortunately, Yang Xuan is well prepared and strong-willed, so there is no fainting. In the past, otherwise it would be dangerous to wait until entering the emperor tower.

This is so, a strong sense of dizziness came, and it almost made him lose his breath.


About half a minute later, he was threw away from the void channel and fell to the ground with a plop.

Chapter 566 Ancient beast

This is a vast mountain, all around huge peaks stand, and vegetation is lush.

An old tree rises from the ground, like dragon-like vigor, it takes more than a dozen or even dozens of people to hold hands to hug it.

The canopy of the canopies soaring straight up to the top of the sky is incredibly big, and it makes people feel a heartfelt shock.

I looked up, the sky was blue, ten thousand li cloudless, and it was as clear as a huge mirror.

Although Sun, Moon and Stars are not seen, this world is not dim at all. The bright brilliance is transmitted through the gaps between the branches and leaves above, leaving spots on the wet ground.

A cool breeze is blowing, and the exotic flowers and rare herbs covering the mountains and plains are blowing in the wind, swaying and shining, and the scent of medicine is permeated, and the smell of it makes people feel refreshed. Comfortable.

“Baicao Dew, Fairy, Ziyunteng, Dream Soul Grass, Polar Youluo Veng, Ziyun Dragon Emperor Ginseng…”

Yang Xuan swept his eyes, his face The expression on the above is unspeakably wonderful, both unbelievable and shocking.

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