He absolutely did not expect that so many rare spiritual medicine appeared in this small mountain forest around him.

As for Baicao Dew, although it is only Grade 6 Spirit Medicine, it has been extinct in Sacred Domain Great World for many years. It is the main medicine for refining Spirit Soul Pill.

Spirit Soul Pill, Grade 6 Spiritual Pill, can be used to wash Divine Soul and make Divine Soul more transparent and clear.

The transparency and clarity of Divine Soul also improves the perception of martial artist in disguise. From this we can see how powerful Spirit Soul Dan is.

It is rumored that within 10,000 years ago, a Spirit Soul pill was sold for the price of several millions of Spirit Stones, and if it was Baicaolu alone, it could only be worth two 3,000,000 Spirit Stones.

However, just in front of this mountain forest, there are seven or eight plants of Baicaolu alone.

Each plant has a height of two feet, the whole body is dark green, and the dazzling brilliance circulates in the clouds.

Yang Xuan can guarantee that if these seven or eight plants of Baicao dew are auctioned off at the Holy City Yunxuan Auction House, they will be exchanged for at least tens of millions of Spirit Stones, which is very valuable.

This is still Herbal Dew, like Tian Fairy, Ziyunteng, Dream Soul Grass, Polar Youluo Vine, Ziyun Longhuang Ginseng, etc., all of which are precious spiritual medicines of Grade 6 and above. .

These spiritual medicines are hard to find even if they are not extinct outside, and any plant can be sold at sky-high prices.


This is Yang Xuan’s first single thought. The second thought is what exactly this place is. Not only is Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth incapable of being rich, but there are so many spiritual medicines growing. It is like a natural Medicine Garden.

If you sell these spiritual medicines, you still don’t know how many Spirit Stones you can exchange.

Being surprised, Yang Xuan was not in a hurry to pick spiritual medicine.

He released his perception with all his strength, and suddenly found that his perception was suppressed.

There seems to be a mysterious power permeating between Heaven and Earth in the dark, compressing his range of perception to 500 zhang.

The law?

Or is it prohibited?

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered. Murong Fu once said that Heaven and Earth Law in the Emperor Pagoda is incomplete and different from the outside world. At the same time, there are strong prohibitions in the Emperor Pagoda. The cultivation base exceeds the divine force level. Can’t get in.

“It should be some kind of restriction imposed by the Immortal Monarch, the owner of the Emperor Tower, but the Heaven and Earth Law of this World is indeed different from the outside world.”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself Language, as he appeared here, he felt as if his body was carrying a huge boulder weighing thousands of pounds.

This is the law of gravity. Because of the tyrannical relationship of Fleshy body, it is not a threat to him. He got up and moved his lower body bones, and he was used to this gravity pressure.

Besides, what makes him stunned is that there is no danger here, at least within the range of his perception, he didn’t notice any abnormality.

“Pick the spiritual medicine first.”

How can you go home empty-handed when you enter Baoshan? Yang Xuan’s figure is shaking, and all the spiritual medicine nearby has been collected. in.

This is cheap for nothing. If you don’t need it, you can get a large amount of Spirit Stone if you don’t need it.


Suddenly, this area seemed to have a major earthquake. In The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the rocks fell, the branches and leaves flew around, and there were a lot of ancient forests. Shaking, the scene felt like the end is coming.

“What happened!?”

Yang Xuan was caught off guard and almost fell to the ground.

He followed the prestige, only to see the dust billowing in the depths of the mountain range.

“Come on, some big guys are here.”

The purgatory boy seems to have discovered something.

“Big guy!?”

“áo hǒu ……”

Just as Yang Xuan was stunned, one after another roar of beasts rang, shaking This mountain and river.

next moment, a number of giant beasts rushed into the mountains and forests far away.

hong long long! ! !

Pieces of forests collapsed, giant peaks collapsed, and a cloud of smoke was raised.

Yang Xuan raised his eyes and looked over, and suddenly he saw a few giant beasts rushing straight from a dozen or more li away.

There are seven giant beasts in total, each of which is as big as a small bag.

Some firstborn have a single horn, their eyes are like two blood moons, some are covered in black hair, showing cold fangs, and some are covered with scales, and the scales are full of numbers. The endless barbs.

Every giant beast is vicious and bloodthirsty.

However, the strange thing is that these seven giant beasts did not kill each other.


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