Unfortunately, his words are undoubtedly humiliating to giant ape.

“Yellow-skinned monkey, you provoke me!”

Giant ape roared angrily, rushing towards Yang Xuan to vent his anger.

bang bang bang!! !

It is indeed a wild ancient beast. Stepping out in a row, the earth collapses and the smoke billows. It shows that the brute force is amazing, and the martial artist of the ordinary destiny is estimated to be crushed by such a hit.

“Nice power, but it’s useless to me.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Yang Xuan’s mouth. He stood still and didn’t move, and there was no panic on his face.

“Squash you with one foot.”

Giant ape was so angry that he suddenly rose from the ground, leaping into the sky and several meters high, and the huge feet like palm-leaf fans slammed There was a stomping down, with a wild and fierceness, as if Mount Tai was crushing the top, and he wanted to trample on Yang Xuan alive.

“Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin, when the Young Master has no temper, it鈥檚 not.”

Yang Xuan face turned cold, attacked strongly, raised his hand and shot out With one punch, the power of seven 8000 Jin suddenly exploded, and it accurately blasted the attacking big foot.

This is a pure power competition. Whoever has the most power can gain the upper hand.


giant ape screamed immediately, although its big feet skin is rough, flesh is thick, and there is a demon defense.

But because Yang Xuan’s fist power is too domineering, far surpassing its power, the moment of the collision of the fists and feet, its feet were cracked, blood flew across, and a huge body. They were all tumbling and flying out.

Yang Xuan was unforgiving, with his toes on the ground, chasing him as fast as a thunder, and directly raised his fist and hit the giant ape’s chest.


Blood spattered, bone scum flying around, giant ape suffered another trauma, but its fleshy body is indeed strong enough, and its chest is strong and strong. Xuan was not killed on the spot with one punch.

Not only that, it erupts with blood light all over its body. This is not blood energy, but dark red demon power, revealing an incomparable violent breath.

Under the support of the demon power, it went up from the sky and rushed into the sky several dozen meters.

Yang Xuan looked up, coldly said: “Go away, or die.”

“The damn is you!”

Giant ape is furious and crazy, The big mouth opened suddenly, and a blast of Celestial Demon force spewed out, turning into a huge scarlet storm, and rushing down like a mountain.

This is its Life Source Divine Ability, formidable power is terrifying.

The scarlet storm rumbling about seven or eight meters in size, with the fierce power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, wants to suppress and kill Yang Xuan in one fell swoop.

“refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit.”

Yang Xuan’s murderous intention flashed in his eyes, and he opened his hand to the sky with golden rays in an instant of light spread from the palm of the palm, enveloping him, making him like a golden armor War God, sacred and inviolable.


The scarlet storm fell and submerged him, but he couldn’t break his Origin Force shield.

This is the shield formed by the condensing of the true essence of the sun. If it were broken so easily, it would be too fragile.

Soon, the storm dissipated, and the earth was riddled with holes and devastated. There was no vegetation or rocks in the area of 鈥嬧€媡en zhang.

“Impossible, you are not dead!”

Giant ape looked down, almost staring out a pair of eyes.

“I’m not dead, you have to die.”

Yang Xuan shouted, stepping on the ground with both feet, like a big Peng spreading his wings, whistling up instantly.


Giant ape was terrified, and before he could escape, a big foot was caught by Yang Xuan.

“Get down for the Young Master.”

Yang Xuan used his arm to force the world, and with a force of strength, he smashed the big guy in his hand.

hong long!

The earth quake, flying sand running stone, a huge pit with a radius of more than ten meters and a depth of seven or eight meters appeared.

At the bottom of the pit, giant ape was limp on the ground, covered in blood, and he didn’t know how many bones had been broken. It was as miserable as it was.

Yang Xuan stood in the void, looking down at it, “Bastard, aren’t you awesome? Come up and fight again!”

“Humans, forgive me.”

Giant ape begged for mercy in pain, shaking his head laboriously, but an imperceptible light flashed in his eyes.

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