Yang Xuan sinister vision, coldly smiled: “Let you go, and wait for your cultivation to be successful, then come to me for revenge, right?”

“No, it’s not…”

giant ape looked away, a little panicked.

It didn’t expect Yang Xuan to be so cunning, and easily guessed what it was thinking.

What frightened it the most was that Yang Xuan was obviously weak, but the power he exploded was much stronger than it. Just such a hit made it suffer severe injuries and despair.

“No need to quibble, I will give you a good time.”

Yang Xuan is a rare nonsense, with a big wave of his hand, a golden flame burst out, exuding amazing The high temperature rushed into the pit with a bang.

There was no screaming, and when the golden flames dissipated, giant ape disappeared.

No, rather than disappearing, it is better to be instantly burned to fly ash by the flame.

This is the power of the Profound Truth of Fire and the Sun’s True Essence, to stimulate the Martial Spirit of the flame, the full strength attack is enough to burn and kill the ordinary divine force powerhouse.

Even the wild ancient beast with skin is rough and flesh is thick can’t resist this kind of flame that is more terrifying than underground lava.

“Nice formidable power!”

Yang Xuan is smiling and nodded, and has a clear understanding of his own strength.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as he does not run into the supreme, he can still skip grades to kill divine force powerhouse even if he does not use Qilin Arm now.

A martial artist who is a newcomer into the realm of return can skip grades to kill divine force powerhouse. If this goes out, it will inevitably shake All Heavens Myriad Realms.

However, the person involved was not surprised. After all, he condensed the Golden Core of the sun and comprehended the Profound Truth of Fire.

Especially he has also opened up the life and injury doors, the fleshy body is stronger than the True Dragon cub, if this is not able to deal with the powerhouse of the divine force, it is too unreasonable.

With his thoughts turning, Yang Xuan lifted his breath and moved on.

Chapter 568 Ye Feiyang

The forest is not peaceful, and the roar of beasts sounds from time to time.

In the next step, Yang Xuan has never used Martial Spirit for any wild ancient beast that stands in the way.

This thing is strong, but it is thrown out in a fire, but there is no bones left.

For Yang Xuan, the flesh and blood of the wild ancient beast is the item of great nourishment, and he has to store it for emergencies.

After these two hours, Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth has become very thin, and it is difficult to see any spiritual medicine in the mountains and forests.

With a glance, covering the mountains and plains, grotesque rocks, almost barren, a desolate scene, makes Yang Xuan feel like he has come to a Savage Desolate Mountain.

“Boy, there is a battle a hundred miles ahead, you can go and take a look, it will definitely help you understand this World.”

At this moment, the purgatory boy said.

“You mean humans are fighting?” Yang Xuan was surprised and delighted.

“Not only Human Race, but also a small amount of Foreign Race people.”

“Okay, I will go over and see.”

Whatever race he cares about , As long as someone is easy to handle.

Yang Xuan was afraid that all the major races in the Emperor Pagoda would die out, leaving him alone as an outsider.

Excited, he rushed to the place where the incident happened.

Although the purgatory boy didn’t say much, he understood that the place where the battle took place should be outside this mountain range.

In the early morning of this morning, outside the Great Wilderness mountain range, inside a chaotic stone forest overgrown with weeds, the two parties were fighting fiercely.

In the sky of rays of light dancing, shouts of killing and screams one after another, rocks are flying nearby, bloody corpses can be seen everywhere, and the smell of blood permeates.

A corpse is lying on the ground, two of them are strong, with first horns, either a clansman or a strange race.

“Stand back, all back!”

Suddenly, a group of people quickly retreated under the cover of the leader, their movements were neat and uniform, and there was no mess.

“Stop, let’s take a break.”

The other party didn’t pursue it either, everyone stopped in place under the command of the leader.

For a time, the fighting ceased, and the two sides held several dozen meters apart.

“Jia Haiyun, we in Yunlan Valley and you Heifengzhai have always minds their own business. Why do you want to fight us as soon as you come?”

, Speaking is the head of the backing party.

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