Although the others didn’t speak, everyone was full of surprise and uncertainty. I don’t know where Yang Xuan came from, and I don’t even know the desert state.

The barren state, located in the extreme south of the barren ancient continent, has an area of ​​only several tens of thousands of li, and lacks cultivation resources.

In the past, few people knew about them and their reputation was not obvious.

But 10,000 years ago, a Supreme Realm powerhouse appeared in their this area, which caused a sensation in the entire deserted ancient continent. Since then, it has become famous. It stands to reason that it is impossible. The state is.

But the blank expression on the face of the white clothed youth in the distance did not look like a disguise. He really didn’t know where the barren state was.

Chapter 570 Little Demonstration

Ye Feiyang’s eyes flickered, and he looked at Yang Xuan carefully.

This white clothed youth has never heard of Huangzhou and Heifengzhai, let alone say that he can survive the great wilderness mountain range and it is enough to surprise people.

Ye Feiyang is very familiar with Dahuang mountain range.

Not long ago, a total of thirty people went deep into it to pick dragon scales grass, but in the end only a dozen people including him came out.

As for the others, they all died in the mountain range. From here, we can see the dangers of the Great Wilderness mountain range.

But now, a young man who had just entered the realm of return came out of it alone.

“Have you never heard of our barren state?”

Jia Haiyun asked again.

“Are your deserted states well-known?”

Yang Xuan touched his nose. The area outside this wild mountain range has scarce vegetation, which is desolate. It is worthy of the name Desolate State.

“Interesting, it seems that you really don’t know our barren state!”

Jia Haiyun faint smile, guessing the origin of Yang Xuan in his mind.

A young man with a low cultivation base came out of the Great Wilderness mountain range alone but was not injured, and he didn’t know that this was the deserted state and their Black Wind Village. It seemed weird.

“Big Brother Jia was talking nonsense with him, so I just grabbed it and questioned him, maybe he could get some treasures from him.”

“Yes, This child came out of the Great Wilderness mountain range, and I must have picked a lot of spiritual medicine on the road.”

“Boy, consciously hand over the spiritual medicine in him, otherwise don’t blame us for being rude to you.”

A group of martial artists from Heifengzhai clamored.

Since the establishment of their Black Wind Village, they can continue to grow and develop, relying on looting and bloody plunder.

This trip was originally for the dragon scales of Ye Feiyang and the others, but with the appearance of the Outsider Yang Xuan, they all regarded Yang Xuan as their prey.

Regardless of where Yang Xuan came from, if he can come out of the Great Wilderness mountain range, he must pick spiritual medicine.

If you want to say where the treasures are the most in Huangzhou, it is undoubtedly the Great Huang mountain range.

Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth inside is rich, spiritual medicine is everywhere, even if it is a three Grade 4 Spirit Medicine, you can get a large amount of Spirit Stone when you take it out, which is very valuable.

It’s just that the wild ancient beasts are rampant in the great wilderness mountain range. Without a certain cultivation base and strength, no one dares to rush into it.

Jia Haiyun also thinks that Yang Xuan should have good things on him, coldly said: “Boy, I don’t care where you are from, throw the storage ring in your hand.”

He has sinister vision and locked the storage ring on the index finger of Yang Xuan right hand at a glance. It can be seen that it is a top grade spiritual ring, and a top grade spiritual ring is naturally impossible with garbage.

“If you want my storage ring, you should come and get it yourself.”

Yang Xuan couldn’t help but smile, and his laughter was full of ridicule.

It’s just a young genius that’s all from 7 Heavenly Layer. Even though his strength is far beyond the cultivation base, he will not take seriously.

Because, with his current strength, he is not afraid of any martial artist below Supreme Realm.

Even if hundreds of martial artists gang up to attack, he is confident to kill him without leaving a piece.

“courting death!”

“Damn it, my hair hasn’t grown up yet, so I’m crazy to talk.”

Heifengzhai The martial artists are all furious, each eye shows the ominous light, and the whole body is baleful qi.

“Don’t bark in there, you think you can kill me, let the horse come and try.”

Yang Xuan blurted out, showing his dominance in one word, looking at the many black winds The martial artist is like nothing.

“It’s crazy!”

A dozen of Yunlan Valley martial artists have their eyelids jumping wildly. I can’t believe that this white clothed youth in my eyes is really just a martial who has just returned to the world. artist.

Even Ye Feiyang was secretly frightened. He really didn’t know what Yang Xuan had to rely on to be so unscrupulous.

“Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, Big Brother Jia, let me go and kill him, and get his storage ring for you.”

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