A man with a scarred face jumped out and jumped over in the air, trying to kill Yang Xuan, an arrogant kid.

Jia Haiyun stood there and didn’t stop him.

He also wanted to explore the depth of Yang Xuan with the help of his companions, but he always felt that Yang Xuan was a little weird, and he did not forget to remind him.

“Leopard, don’t be careless, this child may not be easy to deal with.”

“Big Brother Jia, don’t worry, a yellow mouth child that’s all that’s new to the world, With my cultivation base, killing him is as easy as pie.”

Li Bao has the cultivation base of 3 Heavenly Layer, and he kills people all the year round, has rich combat experience, and will be so contemptuous of Yang Xuan. Surprising.

He kept accelerating, whizzing all the way, rolling up rocks and smoke all over the floor.

Yang Xuan is fearless, just watching the other party rushing.

“Boy, you have to remember, you are dead in my hands, Li Bao.”

Li Bao saw Yang Xuan standing still and didn’t move. He thought he Frightened stupid by his imposing manner, he immediately picked up the giant axe and smashed down with a smirk.

“It’s too slow!”

Yang Xuan shook his head disdainfully, his toes touched the ground, his body drifting backward like a weightless catkin, casually avoiding This is a menacing axe.


giant axe slashed the ground, and a large amount of rubble splashed around, smashing the ground directly into a large pit with a radius of several feet. You can imagine the formidable of this blow. How big the power is, this is not only Origin Force but also tyrannical fleshly body strength.

“Did off!”

“Damn, is this kid really a martial artist who has just returned to the first place?”

Heifengzhai martial artist Not calm anymore, exclaiming again and again.

They originally thought that Yang Xuan would die under Li Bao’s giant axe in an instant. After all, Li Bao was a powerhouse in the fate of life, and Yang Xuan was just a newcomer.

Although Li Bao didn’t use any secret skills just now, a single axe supplemented by Origin Force was enough to kill an ordinary martial artist.


Ye Feiyang exclaimed. As one of the ten outstanding people in the barren state, he naturally cultivated the powerful Qi Viewing Technique. Just now, he took a closer look and found Yang Xuan within the body blood surging.

Qi and blood, this is the source of the fleshly body strength of a martial artist. The more vigorous a martial artist’s blood and energy, the more powerful the fleshly body strength.

The fleshly body strength is second, Ye Feiyang was surprised by Yang Xuan’s reaction speed and the indifference that he showed in the battle.

This mysterious white clothed youth seems to have a fighting instinct, allowing him to avoid Li Bao’s fierce axe in advance.

“Is this true!?”

“It’s incredible, he can avoid Li Bao’s fierce blow!”

A martial artist in Yunlan Valley was also startled, and everyone’s face showed incredible color.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they couldn’t believe what they saw was true.

All eyes were in full view and was avoided by a newcomer. Li Bao had an ugly face and a dull face.

He lifts the head, staring at Yang Xuan ten meters away, almost bursting into flames in his eyes.

“Your fleshly body strength is not small, Origin Force is pure and strong, but unfortunately you don’t know how to use it, resulting in too slow moves, so it is difficult to hit the target.”

Yang Xuan was calm, staring at Li Bao, and spit out a little.

Many people are dumbfounded. If Yang Xuan is a divine force powerhouse or even a supreme, it’s okay, but he is clearly a martial artist who has just entered the state of return.

But listening to his tone, he is now clearly showing Li Bao how to fight.

“Shut up, I dignified the powerhouse, I still need you, a little kid of the smell of mother’s milk not yet dried, to teach me.”

Li Bao is an angry , He stepped on the ground with both feet, and in The earth shook and the mountain quivered, his strong figure rose from the ground, like a human tyrannosaurus, and lunged fiercely.

“Leopard, this child fleshy body is powerful, and kill him with all his strength.”

Jia Haiyun hurriedly said out.

He has just used Qi Viewing Technique and has discovered what Yang Xuan is out of the ordinary. He is afraid that Li Bao, who has a simple mind and well-developed limbs, will suffer.

“No matter how strong the Fleshy body is, there is a huge gap between him and my cultivation base. I will send him back to the West with this blow.”

Li Bao yelled, but didn’t dare to be small I looked at Yang Xuan, and used his ultimate move as soon as he shot it. When the giant axe waved, a huge flame axe rushed out and slashed towards Yang Xuan.

“Nice secret technique, but it’s no use if you can’t hit someone.”

Yang Xuan moved his footsteps, the ghost-like shifted away, letting Li Bao’s killer blow instantly Fell through.

“This impossible!”

Li Bao was stunned. He did not hesitate to use the powerful secret skills of Origin Force, but in the end he did not even touch the corner of Yang Xuan’s clothes. It was undoubtedly extraordinary shame and humiliation, he just felt hot on his face.

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