“Don’t grind, let’s do it, I’ll let you three tricks.”

Yang Xuan became impatient, his voice was not high, but let everyone present People are shocked.

It is impossible to imagine that a young man who has just entered the realm of returning to the first realm can actually release such bold words when facing Jia Haiyun of the 7 Heavenly Layer of the death realm.

What kind of pride and contempt this is, he treats Jia Haiyun like nothing.


Endless anger!

The blue veins on Jia Haiyun’s forehead jumped wildly, and his whole body was boiling intent.

He has decided that he wants to say this in his eyes, regardless of the law and of natural morality, the white clothed boy fiercely tortured to death, otherwise it will be difficult to dispel the hatred.

“Don’t stare at me with dead fish eyes, I, Yang Xuan, will do what I say. If you say three tricks, you won’t break your promise. You can just let it go.”

Yang Xuan said, as if thinking of something, he said casually: “By the way, you’d better use the most powerful Absolute Art, otherwise you can’t help me.”

“Bastard thing, you It’s forcing me to chopped you up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.”

Jia Haiyun is extremely angry, hating it.

He is also a famous madman in Huangzhou, but compared with Yang Xuan, he suddenly found that he can’t be considered mad at all.

“It’s too arrogant, Big Brother Jia quickly killed him.”

“Killing him is cheaper for him. Big Brother Jia had better capture him and then kill him. The knife stabbed him alive to comfort the spirit of Leopard Brother in the sky.”

A group of martial artists in Heifengzhai yelled again and again.

“A bunch of clowns, let’s go on with you too, lest I wait for the next one to kill and trouble.”

Yang Xuan black hair is flying and thunderous, what will it do? Zhang Kuangzhan reveals vividly and thoroughly.


More than a dozen martial artists in Yunlan Valley have a dry mouth. If Yang Xuan says that Jia Haiyun’s three moves are arrogant, then he is now There is no arrogant side.

What kind of strength he possesses that makes him so unscrupulous that he dares to challenge Jia Haiyun and other entire groups with just one person.

“bully intolerably!”

“Let’s go together and kill him!”

Many martial artists in Heifengzhai were so angry that they were ready to swarm them. With Jia Haiyun taking the lead, their fear of Yang Xuan is greatly reduced and they are confident that they can kill Yang Xuan.

“Don’t move, I will deal with this child.”

Jia Haiyun waved his hand, opened the mouth and said.

He also had to speak, because Yang Xuan was extremely strong, and besides him, many of his companions came to deliver food.

“Come to fight, and take your life after the three moves.”

Yang Xuan fearless and dauntless, fights Jia Haiyun with bare hands.

“boast shamelessly, you think you can kill me Big Brother Jia, go to cultivation for another ten years!”

Many martial artists in Heifengzhai have just been humiliated by Yang Xuan, and their hearts are doubled. Feeling angry, and Yang Xuan also killed Li Bao. At this moment, he is eager to see him being broken into pieces by Jia Haiyun.

“Go to death.”

Jia Haiyun no longer talks nonsense, no need to talk nonsense, all he has to do now is kill Yang Xuan.

A lifted body, his speed reached the extreme.

In an instant, the whole person vacated to the several meters high above Yang Xuan’s head.

Yang Xuan’s face was calm, just looking up at Jia Haiyun.

Although no words were released, Jia Haiyun saw contempt in the eyes of the white clothed boy below, undisguised contempt.

This made him out of anger, and the ghost knife in his hand immediately slashed down.


A flame, Blade Qi, suddenly appeared, cut down with a terrifying high temperature, and the flames shone.

This is a powerful secret technique. If the ordinary powerhouse of Fate is facing this move, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

However, Yang Xuan is different, especially when he condensed the Golden Core of the sun. Whether he is competing with Origin Force, Fleshy body, or competing with secret skills, he is not afraid of Jia Haiyun.

However, he had said first that he wanted to make Jia Haiyun three moves, so he didn’t do anything. He disappeared from the place while shaking, avoiding Jia Haiyun’s thunder-fast knife.


Blade Qi fiercely slashed on the ground. The ground shook for a while. Not surprisingly, a huge chasm appeared, setting off dust and smoke in the sky, which shows that this blade is formidable How terrifying power is.

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