Chapter 572 Killing Jia Haiyun

“haha, kill him with a stab!”

“It’s so stupid, I stood still and got a stab!”

Many martial artists from Heifengzhai applauded, cheering excitedly.

The brave boy finally died. Although he still felt that he was not enough to solve his hatred, he finally avenged Li Bao, and they also breathed a little bit of evil in their hearts.

“Did it die like this!?”

The martial artist of Yunlan Valley was petrified collectively.

Since Yang Xuan can kill Li Bao, his strength should not be so weak. This is really unimaginable.

Amid the noise, only Ye Feiyang and Jia Haiyun were silent.

The two have strong perception and excellent eyesight, knowing that the moment Blade Qi is about to hit Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan’s figure is strangely missing.

Yes, it’s gone, evaporated out of thin air.

This is of course the illusion that Yang Xuan is too fast, which caused the two of them.

As for the others, each of them had poor eyesight, and their eyes were covered by dust and fog, immediately thought that Yang Xuan had died under Blade Qi.

“Pipe down, that kid is not dead yet.”

This sentence came from Jia Haiyun’s mouth.

“What, he’s not dead yet!?”

A group of martial artists in Heifengzhai are stupid.

They don’t think that Jia Haiyun is talking nonsense. Everyone quickly releases their perception, searching for the trace of Yang Xuan.

However, what is shocking is that their perception can not detect any clues and life fluctuations.

“Brother Feiyang, is he really not dead?”

Yunlangu martial artist asked in a low voice.

“Well, he is in the dust, but I can’t detect his specific location.”

“What, even Feiyang can’t detect where he is. !”

A dozen martial artists from Yunlan Valley startled and looked towards the smoke-filled area.

“Boy, what is the ability to hide your head and show your tail, get out of it quickly.”

Jia Haiyun feels fully open, and it is difficult to capture Yang Xuan’s position.

But he knows that Yang Xuan is not dead, and while speaking, he casually blows, a gust of wind blows, sweeping away the lingering smoke and dust.

“He didn’t die, that kid really didn’t die!”

Except for Ye Feiyang and Jia Haiyun, everyone present was stared wide-eyed.

In their eyes, Yang Xuan was not only dead, but there was no wound or blood on his body.

Now I am sitting on a boulder in the distance, holding a bottle gourd of wine in my hand, with my legs cocked, pouring and drinking, indescribably chic and lax.

“This kid was drinking there!”

Heifengzhai martial artist was surprised, his face was full of anger.

What kind of arrogance is this, and it doesn’t take them seriously, and it is also an indescribable ignorance of Jia Haiyun.

“Boy, your sin is unforgivable.”

Jia Haiyun only feels that he has been greatly humiliated, and his face is distorted and deformed, extremely hideous.

Yang Xuan didn’t care. He didn’t even look at Jia Haiyun. He raised his neck and drank all the wine in the bottle gourd. At the end, he smacked his mouth with great joy.

“This boy is so domineering!”

Among the martial artists of Yunlan Valley, the eyes of the only two women shined brightly.

Although Yang Xuan didn’t say a word, the pride revealed in his gestures made them dazzled.

They can’t believe that the white clothed youth who looks out of the ordinary is really only 17-18 years old.

“Good wine!”

Ye Feiyang is not old, but he is also very good wine. Smelling the strong aroma of strong wine, you know Yang Xuan’s bottle gourd. It was filled with a rare wine, and couldn’t help but praised it.

“Meeting is a fate, I will give my brother a pot.”

Yang Xuan throws a bottle gourd with a shatter void, and he comes to Ye Feiyang in an instant.

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