“Ten Destruction Sword Meaning!”

Jiu Mingkong was moved, his face could not hide his shock.

I remember that the last time I fought with Yun Lanfeng was ten years ago. At that time, Yun Lanfeng was only a comprehended Seven Destruction Sword. It means, didn’t expect that in just ten years, his own old rivals Has actually mastered the ten destruction Destruction Sword meaning.

Throughout the entire barren ancient continent, people who can comprehend the meaning of destroying Destruction Sword are extremely rare, let alone destroying the meaning of Destruction Sword to the tenth layer, and you can see Yunlan from this point alone. How high is Feng’s accomplishments on sword dao.

“very good!”

“Yes, didn’t expect the Destruction Sword of the Valley Master to be upgraded to the top ten!”

“This Next, we have rescued Yunlan Valley. Destruction Sword is meant to be supplemented by the benefit of the Golden Snake Sword. The lethality is doubled, and one blow is enough to break the divine force of Jiu Mingkong to kill it.”

Many martial artists in Yunlan Valley have high morale, and their faces are full of ecstasy.

Except for a few people, the overwhelming majority have forgotten that Yun Lanfeng is hurting.

For them, the stronger the strength of the valley owner Yun Lanfeng, the better, so that it is possible to take the opportunity to kill Jiu Mingkong, and their Yun Lan Valley can successfully turn peril into safety.

“The Lord of the Valley actually comprehended the ten destruction Destruction Sword meaning!”

A group of nearly a thousand martial artists from Yunlan Valley have cold heads and feet, and some of them have already begun to regret it. Shouldn’t take refuge in Heifengzhai, but the matter is over, he can’t switch to Yunlan Valley either.

Even if they do, Yunlanfeng and Yunlangu will not accept them. They are destined to bear the infamy of to forget favors and violate justice for their entire lives.

“No, let’s go.”

“Well, let’s go as soon as no one notices.”

In a whisper, Hundreds of martial artists in Yunlan Valley turned around and hurried away.

“courting death!”

A divine force in Heifengzhai, Elder frowned, and he was ready to pursue him.

“A group of ants that’s all, they ran away without paying attention.”

Jiu Mingkong said indifferently, he never thought about regaining Yunlan Valley martial artist , This trip came first to kill Yun Lanfeng, and the other was to plunder the cultivation resources of Yunlan Valley.

As one of the Great Influence of the Deserted State, Yunlan Valley has abundant cultivation resources. If they can be used as their own, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance the strength of their Black Wind Village.

“Let’s go, we can’t stay in this barren state anymore. It’s better to go out and wander around. I haven’t been to the Imperial City yet.”

“Walk! “

The remaining martial artists of Yunlan Valley fled after hearing what Jiu Mingkong said, completely ignoring whether Heifengzhai or Yunlan Valley will win or lose, because no matter which side wins, they will live in the future. will not be better.

“Garbage is garbage!”

A crowd of martial artists in Heifengzhai sneered and sneered. It was rare to chase them and let those martial artists from Yunlan Valley escape.

Below, Jiu Mingkong’s sharp gaze returned to Yun Lanfeng.

Yun Lanfeng’s expression is fearless, welcoming Feng Feiyang in a white robe.

He flicked his wrist and pointed his sword at Hato Akira, “Come on, after this battle, you and I can only be left alone.”

Hato Akira is not angry Not to mention, he laughed gloomily: “Destruction Sword is powerful, but it will also cause a great burden on your Divine Soul. This will only speed up your death.”

“From the moment I broke through the barrier, I never thought I could survive today.”

After a word, Yun Lan moved.

As the lord of a valley, the powerhouse in Huangzhou is extremely prestigious, and its speed is not unpleasant. His body flickers and instantly crosses the distance of several ten zhang, a sword stabs the dove with swiftness and violent electricity. Mingkong’s throat.

When you reach the realm of Divine Force Peak, you can completely condense the divine force in one point. This may not be very powerful, but the lethality has increased exponentially.

This is a sword that will kill. There is no leakage of divine force. Even the Destruction Sword will be completely compressed on the tip of the sword. Once it hits the target, the divine force and Destruction Sword will be Suddenly broke out, destructive power can be imagined.

Hato Mingkong eyes froze, he saw the power of this sword, he didn’t have time to think about it, he immediately used a great killing technique, put his hands in front of his chest, and then slammed forward. .


A burst of black flame and divine force spewed out, turning into a black storm covering the sky and the sun, rushing out with a bang, and people brought swords to suppress the wind and clouds.

Yun Lanfeng face doesn’t change, people walk with the sword, and the long sword in his hand trembles lightly, a strong and majestic divine force explodes, with a monstrous destruction Destruction Sword meaning, Rush into the black storm.


The two collided, the void collapsed, and Wan Daoguang shot.

This area is boiling, naked eye is invisible, after a series of violent sounds, the brilliance dissipated, two figures flew upside down, both wounded, blood dripping from each other.

The two are not others, it is Jiu Mingkong and Yun Lanfeng.

The former does not seem to be seriously injured, but suffers from superficial wounds.

And Yun Lanfeng is different. His Divine Soul was originally extremely weak, but now he suffered a strong impact, he vomited blood in his mouth one after another, and his white robe was almost torn and bloody.

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