“Valley Master !”

Many Yunlan Valley martial artists exclaimed, their faces full of worry.

“Kill, live and die with the owner of the valley, coexist and die.”

Someone shouted.

“Kill, kill, kill!”

Everyone echoed, shouting to kill the sky.

Through the fight just now, everyone understands that the valley owner Yun Lanfeng may not be able to deal with Jiu Mingkong. Sooner or later, they will have to hand in hand with the martial artist of Heifengzhai. Right now, they just want to die. Before killing a few more enemies, there is no regret for such a death.

“Don’t move rashly, the offender kill without mercy.”

shouting loudly shakes the world and quiets the audience. All the martial artists in Yunlan Valley looked up towards the sky The wind on the cloud.

“When he dies, he will still be there to be majestic.”

Jiu Mingkong coldly smiled, black flames gushing all over his body, fast as lightning rushing towards the wind and clouds.

He is best at close hand-to-hand combat, and with the help of Dahi Heiyan, every blow of his can burst out incomparable destructive power.


Yun Lanfeng didn’t know what secret technique he used, and his figure swayed, but suddenly disappeared.

“What’s going on!?”

Jiu Mingkong was shocked. Now he not only naked eye can’t see Yun Lanfeng, but even his perception can’t capture where Yun Lanfeng is. .

Yun Lanfeng suddenly disappeared from this world without leaving any breath fluctuations.

“What happened, Yunlanfengren!?”

Up in the sky, the atmosphere is depressed. All martial artists in Heifengzhai are scalp scalp. Disappeared, no matter how strong they perceive, they can’t notice the slightest trace.

Chapter 577 Space Secret Technique

“Damn it, Yun Lanfeng must have escaped!”

“Impossible, with Yun Lanfeng’s temperament, even if it is Even if you die in battle, you won’t abandon the Yunlan Valley built with one hand.”

“What about others?”

“He must have cultivated some kind of Space Secret Technique, which can temporarily escape the body. Enter the void, so that our Divine Consciousness can’t detect where he is.”

Seven Heifengzhai divine force realm Elder talked in a low voice, quickly gathered together, and kept on guard.

Yun Lanfeng suddenly went into hiding, invisibly shocking them.

The reason is very simple. With Yun Lanfeng’s cultivation base and strength, if a sneak attack is launched against them, none of them can survive.

“Space Secret Technique, you actually cultivated legendary Space Secret Technique!”

Jiu Mingkong complexion changed, as if he had thought of something, he cried out.

He absolutely didn’t expect, Yun Lanfeng hid so deeply, not only comprehended Destruction Sword meaning, but also cultivated a Space Secret Technique.

Space Secret Technique is extremely rare in the entire deserted ancient continent.

The Space Secret Technique specially used for escape and assassination like Yun Lanfeng is unique, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Once the news spreads, the world will be shaken by it.

Jiu Mingkong really couldn’t figure out where Yun Lanfeng got this weird and tyrannical secret technique.

“Is it an ancient territory?”

Jiu Mingkong suddenly woke up and thought of ancient territory.

It is said that the ancient territory, vast and boundless, is full of unknown dangers and endless opportunities. As long as they can come out of it alive, the overwhelming majority will have a good harvest.

Furthermore, the wave of reincarnation occasionally erupts in the ancient territory, and a large number of memory fragments will also gush out of the brain while experiencing the impact of the wave of reincarnation.

These memory fragments are disordered and in a mess, and occasionally there will be more complete ones. Someone once obtained a strong secret skill and greatly increased their strength to dominate one party.

The thought flickered in his mind, and Jiu Mingkong shouted and asked: “Yun Lanfeng, you can honestly explain, but your Space Secret Technique is obtained from the ancient territory?”

“Yes, positive It is from the ancient territory. In order to obtain this skill, I have endured the tide of reincarnation six times in my life, and then I managed to gather this secret skill.”

An indifferent voice came, Yun Lanfeng’s body The form appeared in the distance, but it was only a flash, and the body disappeared again in an instant.

This is the Space Secret Technique he obtained from Ancient Territory, a strong secret technique created by no one.

No, it’s not so much a secret technique, it’s a Divine Ability.

This is still the incompleteness of this magical power, otherwise, even if he speaks, his figure will not flash from in the sky.

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