Because the sword just now was so cruel , it almost penetrated his heart, and if the heart was pierced by a sword, he would now be a cold body.

Thinking that he almost died under Yunlan Wind Sword, Jiu Mingkong was completely violent while he was afraid, so he was ready to take advantage of the victory to chase Yunlan.

However, before he could act, his body trembled.

Suddenly, a terrifying Destruction Sword burst open within the body like a torrential torrent, instantly causing him to be injured, and almost all of the internal organs split open.

“Yunlanfeng, you are so cunning!”

Jiu Mingkong’s painful eyebrows stand upside down, his eyes are breathing fire, and his face looks extremely hideous.

He has not been injured since his debut, but the sneak attack by Yun Lanfeng this time was the heaviest injury in his life. I can’t wait to take Yun Lanfeng alive.

took a deep breath, he restrained his anger, the black fire shining all over his body, burning from the inside out, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood will be destroyed within the body. Destruction Sword It was exhausted, and quickly took out a strand of healing Spiritual Pill from the storage ring and took it.

On the other side, Yun Lanfeng Bloodstained Firmament, his body slammed into a mountain uncontrollably, and the huge force smashed half of the mountain to pieces. There was a loud rumbling, and rubble was flying.

“Valley Lord!”

The five Yunlan Elder Gu was shocked and worried.

“Five Elders, what are we waiting for, kill, and avenge the Lord of the Valley.”

“Kill, fight with the grandsons of Heifengzhai.”


“Yes, even if it’s dead, we have to pull a few more people back.”

The eyes of the martial artists of Yunlangu are red, and there is either you will die or in their voice. i will die resolutely.

“Impudent, didn’t you hear what I said before, don’t move.”

A weak voice from Dao Void shook the entire Yunlan Valley and all the Yunlan Gu martial artists are all surprised and happy.

It turns out that their valley owner is not dead yet.

“It’s not dead like this!”

“It’s too difficult, this Yun Lanfeng really wants to be perish together with our village master!?”

“He cultivated Space Secret Technique, appear and disappear unpredictably, if I do it again, I don’t know if the village owner can stop it.”

Many martial artists in Heifeng Village whispered and frightened.

Under their shocking gaze, a middle-aged man with messy black hair, ragged clothes and blood covered in blood rushed up from a large patch of rocks, not Yunlangu, the owner of Yunlanfeng. Who is it again?

“Jiu Mingkong, come to fight.”

Shouting loudly, Yun Lanfeng steadied his body in the sky. Although blood dripped from his body from time to time, he was indifferent and he was completely Full of crazy fighting intents.

“You, still have to fight!?”

Jiu Mingkong narrowed his eyes, and felt his voice tremble.

He is confident that he can eventually kill Yun Lanfeng, but Yun Lanfeng is obviously determined to die. If he is not good, he will have to pay a heavy price for it.

Chapter 578 Killing Machine

“haha, you are scared!”

Yun Lanfeng laughed wildly, and the voice resounded across the world, sweeping across all directions, one pair The attitude of not being mad and not becoming a devil.

A group of martial artists in Heifengzhai have numb scalp, all sucking cold breath, even the seven divine force Elders in Heifengzhai all change color.

They understand that if Yun Lanfeng attacked them at this moment, they would be killed if they couldn’t take a single move.

This is not an illusion, but an intuition, and it is extremely strong, making them panic and chills.

“It’s ridiculous, since my debut, Hao Mingkong, have you ever been afraid of anyone besides Supreme?”

Jiu Mingkong’s eyes are red and angry to the extreme.

“Since you are not afraid, why not come to fight?”

Yun Lanfeng’s wrist flicked, the golden snake sword crossed the sky, and the sword pointed to Jiu Mingkong.

Hao Mingkong eye shows the ominous light, his eyes are quite terrifying, gnashing teeth authentically: “You want to pull me back when you die, but unfortunately, your wishful thinking is wrong, according to your Status, let alone kill me, it’s hard to say whether you can stop me with three tricks.”

“What nonsense is talked about, come to a fight.”

Nine Heavens Thunder, the whole body reveals the horrible Destruction Sword meaning.

“hmph, I don’t believe that you are a dying person, but how can I get me.”

Jiu Mingkong said coldly and wanted to make a move.


Suddenly, a violent sound of breaking through the air came, attracting the attention of everyone present.

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