Even Jiu Mingkong and Yun Lanfeng were not in a hurry to go to war, they followed their reputations.

Others also turned their heads, and saw a silver brilliance like a meteor piercing the sky, shooting from a distance at an unimaginable speed.

“What’s that!?”

“It’s too fast, I can’t see clearly!”

Amidst exclaims, there is a martial artist in Heifengzhai complexion changed, yelling: “Damn it, that thing rushed towards us, everyone quickly get out of it.”

shua~ shua~ shua~! ! !

Many martial artists in Heifengzhai disappeared in no time.

hong long long!

At the same time, the sound of breaking through the air became louder and louder, deafening like a galloping horse.

Everyone looked intently, and then they could see that it was a gorgeous-looking silver flying boat, which was as big as a hundred zhang, and roared all the way from several dozen li away, setting off surging weather waves and momentum. vast.

“What kind of spirit boat is this!”

“Damn it, it rushed towards us and quickly avoided.”

With a burst of lose one’s With the sound of head out of fear, the speed of the silver flying boat skyrocketed, and instantly rushed into a group of martial artists in Heifengzhai.

bang bang bang!! !

It’s like a giant elephant crushing a group of ants. Hundreds of people were hit by the silver flying boat and turned into blood mist before they could avoid it. With this, half of the sky was dyed red, and the scene was so spectacular.

This scene shocked I don’t know how many martial artists in Yunlan Valley, and also frightened a large number of martial artists in Heifengzhai.

One by one, I only feel that my calf is trembling, and some people with a too low cultivation base almost can’t control their bodies to fall.

For a brief period of loss, someone yelled: “Hurry up, let’s do it together and destroy it.”


Many people Shot, one after another The secret technique bloomed out, rays of light danced out wildly, and blasted over.

The silver flying boat didn’t dodge. After hitting hundreds of people to death, it just stopped there, letting thousands of brilliance call, it also didn’t move.

“What level of spirit boat is this, dare you to resist the attack of thousands of martial artists in Heifengzhai!”

in this brief moment, Yunlan within the valley number Thousands of people looked up at the sky, their eyes fixed on the silver flying boat.

Except for the huge volume and gorgeous appearance, the silver flying boat does not emit any breath, so no one can judge its grade.

However, one thing is certain.

The material of this boat is tenacious, the speed is fast as lightning, and the impact is super strong. Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill hundreds of martial artists in Heifengzhai in one fell swoop.

shuaa~! ! !

The brilliance of the sky flickered and gathered into a monstrous torrent of energy, carrying the destructive power of incomparable, and rushing towards the silver flying boat.


“It’s strange if you don’t become a scum at this time.”

Many martial artists in Heifengzhai are grinning, they all think this The huge boat was about to explode to pieces under their joint attack and ceased to exist.

It’s just that, to their surprise, three silver light curtains, thin as silkworm wings and like water waves, suddenly rose up outside the silver flying boat, blocking all their attacks.

Yes, it’s all blocked.

Under the continuous bombardment of the endless rays of light, the three silver light curtains are brilliant, unbreakable and difficult to shake.

This is a prohibition. The prohibition has not been broken. The body of the silver flying boat is naturally undamaged. Even under a burst of indiscriminate bombing, this huge flying boat didn’t shake that much, as stable as Mount Tai.

“Damn, what the hell is this? There is such a terrible defense ban!”

“How can we fight this? We can’t break the defense at all!”

“Mom, it’s coming again!”

“Go out, go out quickly!”

bang bang bang!! !

The silver flying boat does not move, and it moves as fast as thunder. It is like a huge killing machine, constantly changing its direction, rushing back and forth among the crowd, killing and killing.

There is no doubt that this boat is Yang Xuan’s flying boat.

As a flying Divine Item, Feitianzhou certainly does not have the ultimate divine might of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, but this kind of destructive power generated at extreme speed is also terrifying.

Although I dare not say that it can deal with the powerhouse in the divine force environment, but kill the martial artists below the divine force environment such as slaughter of pigs and dogs.

aaaaaah ……

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