Under the rampage of Feitianzhou , the screams were continuous and endless.

Even the powerhouse of the Fateful Fallen Realm was unable to contend, and was seriously injured just by being hit by a flying boat, flying all over the sky, all blood splashed.

This is still the powerhouse, the other Guiyi Realm and Celestial Realm martial artist are miserable, but almost all the people who are hit by the flying boat head-on are completely broken, die without a whole corpse.

Everyone was shocked, even Jiu Mingkong and Yun Lanfeng were stunned.

What a horrible destructive power, it killed thousands of people in just a short moment, and the wounded were countless.

“Kill, what are you doing in a daze!?”

“Kill, avenge the death of Brother!”

More and more martial in Heifengzhai The artists attacked together, but what made them horrified was that their attack still failed to break the defensive restrictions of the Flying Boat. The three silver light curtains were as hard as three sky walls, which could not be broken by humans.

What makes a large number of martial artist soul flew beyond the heaven in Heifengzhai is that this silver flying boat does not mean to stop at all, and is still launching a violent charge on them.

puff puff puff! ! !

Looking at the tragic deaths of martial artists from Heifengzhai on the top, listening to the tragic howls of countless people when they are dying, the expressions on the faces of many martial artists in Yunlan Valley are wonderful, shocking and fearful. .

In addition, there are more surprises, thick surprises.

Not long ago, they were already prepared to fight to the end. Who knew that a huge silver flying boat suddenly flew across the sky and opened a side-to-side massacre to the martial artist of Heifengzhai above. .

“Zhailor, Elder, help!”

There was a martial artist in Heifengzhai who yelled in horror. Others came back to his senses and shouted, Xiang Jiuming Kong and the seven divine force in Heifengzhai, Elder ask for help.

“No matter who you are or what background you have, anyone who dares to hurt me in Heifengzhai, this seat will want you to destroy people.”

Hmph, Heifengzhai is a force he has built up so hard, how can he let the flying ark rush on it, while speaking, the divine force blooms in his palm, and he is confident that he can destroy the flying ark with a single blow.

“If you dare to move rashly, I will kill your seven men.”

At this moment, Yun Lanfeng spoke, pointing a sword to the seven black men above. Fengzhai divine force environment Elder.

“Yun Lanfeng, you are too mad, when we are muddled, kill if you want to kill.”

The seven Elders in Heifengzhai were furious.

“Although you are not muddy, but I want to kill you, one person only needs one sword.”

tone barely fell, a voice of an immature girl from the flying boat Came out.

“Hey, it’s so fun! Kill! Go!”

hearing this, I don’t know how many Yunlan Valley martial artists have their jaw dropped.

It is impossible to imagine that the person who is controlling this huge monster to kill is a young girl.

“Damn it, this is a Divine Boat!”

Finally, Hao Mingkong recognized something, his face was full of shock and ecstasy, and he never thought about it. To avenge the dead men, just want to take this huge boat as his own.

Unfortunately, without waiting for him to take any action, the murderous intention billowed, but Yun Lanfeng rushed in and launched a fierce attack on him, waving the golden snake sword in his hand, every sword is both sides suffer’s killer move.

“Yun Lanfeng, you are killing yourself!”

Jiu Mingkong was furious, and while resisting, he coldly shouted at the seven black wind villages above Elder: “You guys A few quickly broke through the Divine Boat’s defensive ban, and took the boat for this seat.”

“Yes, the village owner.”

Seven people take the order, all together. Unfolding the body technique, rushing to the flying boat, and at the same time not forgetting to yell: “a bunch of waste, get out of it all.”

“Quickly get out of the way, this is the Divine Boat, we cannot shake it.”

Heifengzhai martial artists have stepped back.

In fact, they were scared of being killed, so they didn’t dare to approach Feitianzhou.

Because the defensive power of this huge boat is too powerful, the impact is also appalling. Unless it is the powerhouse of the divine force realm, whoever will die will be disabled even if it is not dead.

“Baby, leave the seven people alone, chase and kill the others.”

“I know, the big brother is up to mine.”

Under the control of the baby, the flying boat does not decrease in speed, but shrinks rapidly in size. With a whistling sound, it shuttles between the seven Heifengzhai Elders, and continues to kill the martial artists of Heifengzhai below the divine force. go with.

I have to say that the baby is very difficult to deal with, even better than the owner Yang Xuan.

Under her control, Feitianzhou is like a vigorous silver Divine Dragon, agile and swift. One impact can kill and injure dozens of hundreds of people, causing a flying dog to jump in the sky.


“Hurry up, if you don’t leave, it will be too late.”

“What the hell are you still stunned, stay and wait for death? ?”

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