There was a chaos in the high altitude, and many martial artists in Heifengzhai were all terrified. They were fearful from the bottom of their hearts. They were all cold heads and feet, and their clothes were all wet, looking at the flying boat like Demon coming to the world. No matter how high or low the cultivation base is, they are all running away.

Many people were terrified and even fled to the sky.

Chapter 579 is here.


The seven Heifengzhai Elder’s complexions are gloomy, and their faces are dejected.

They originally wanted to break the defensive ban on Feitianzhou and control it in one fell swoop. Who knew that the huge ship suddenly became smaller, and it flashed away from their in front of one’s eyes, and The martial artist who killed them in Heifengzhai was instantly crushed.

This is a shame for them. If they don’t take down the flying boat, it will be difficult for them to feel sick.

The seven looked at each other, and they all saw anger in their eyes.

Without any words, the seven moved together, rushing forward and attacking with anger. They are bound to break the 3rd-layer defensive ban of Feitianzhou in one fell swoop.

“bang! ”

The old man cultivation base of a divine force environment Nine Layers Heaven is the highest, and its attack cuts through the sky and comes first.

This is a palm like a mountain, with a majestic and amazing divine force, shooting down from a high altitude, fiercely smashing into the flying boat.

bang! bang! bang!

The attack of the remaining six people followed. There were sword energy and brilliant rays of light blooming with various secret skills. Boom towards Feitianzhou.


Two successive silver light curtains lit up, and Feitianzhou opened the 5th layer defense ban, and resisted the seven thunderbolt blows.

hong long!

Wan Daoguang exploded, and the two silver light curtains collapsed, but the remaining three silver light curtains were unbreakable.

“This is impossible!”

The seven Elders of Heifengzhai exclaimed in unison. Almost all of them have used powerful secret skills just now. Even if it is a powerhouse of a divine force peak, it may not be able to. The following was safe and sound, but Feitianzhou resisted it, but was breached except for the double defense ban.

“Hey, come again, why don’t you attack?”

A girl’s voice came from the flying boat, making the seven Elder faces of Heifengzhai look ugly.

Their seven divine force powerhouses joined forces in a single blow, and they failed to shake the Feitianzhou. Not to mention, they were ridiculed by a young girl. This is definitely an extraordinary shame and humiliation.

“Kill, break the defense with all your strength.”

Seven people are extremely angry and howled, all kinds of killer moves emerge in an endless stream, and they attack the flying boat.

Flying Tianzhou did not choose to resist again this time, but suddenly became smaller and then bigger. He passed through the seven attacks, and at the same time, he did not forget to chase the martial artists of Heifengzhai who escaped. .


“Spare me, I don’t want to die yet!”

“Elder, you made a mistake, ah…”

The screams all over the sky, one after another, wherever the flying boat passes, there will be a monstrous bloody storm every time.

Some of the seven most ridiculous Heifengzhai Elder attacks also caused accidental injuries. Hundreds of Heifengzhai martial artists instantly violent death, and there are countless injuries.

At this moment, the high altitude became more and more chaotic, and the still alive Heifengzhai were all shivering, and they didn’t dare to stay one by one, all of them ran away madly.

“It’s fun, it’s so fun!”

In the inner space of Feitianzhou, the baby dances with her hands and controls Feitianzhou to chase the martial artists who ran away from Heifengzhai.

On the side, Spirit Stones piled up like small hills, providing endless energy for Feitianzhou’s 3rd-layer defense prohibition.

Fei Tianzhou has a total of 9th layer defensive bans. Although only 3rd-layer defense bans have been activated nowadays, they have to consume a lot of Spirit Stone at all times. Fortunately, Yang Xuan Spirit Stone is sufficiently consumed.

At this time, Ye Feiyang and the others have been petrified.

They can clearly see everything happening outside through Feitianzhou, but compared with the bloody killing outside, they are more shocked by the baby who is controlling Feitianzhou’s mass killing.

I can’t imagine that this cute and cute little girl has such a cruel side.

“It’s so scary!”

The only two young women patted their chests, where is a little girl, she is simply a Little Demoness, who regards human life like a waste.

Ye Feiyang took a deep breath, calmed the emotions in his heart, moved towards Yang Xuan cup one fist in the other hand beside him and said: “Brother Yang, thank you very much.”

“many thanks Young Master Yang.”

Others came back to his senses and thanked them. If it weren’t for Yang Xuan’s arrival in time, he would use the flying boat to attack the martial artist in Heifengzhai and wait for them. Langu didn’t know how many casualties there would be.

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