
Golden Fire Dragon is lifelike, as big as seventy-eighty feet, the whole body is shining with fire, shining brightly, and it swoops down as soon as it appears, baring fangs and Brandishing claws rushed towards Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan vision freezes. At the moment the golden flame appeared, he deeply realized how terrifying the temperature of this flame is. Now that the flame is condensed into Fire Dragon, the destructive power is undoubtedly even more terrifying.

Chapter 582 Burning and killing divine force

I have no time to think about it. Liu Yuan displays his secret skills. The long knife divine force in his hand spews, condensed into a shocking heavenly blade. The incoming golden Fire Dragon confronts.

hong long!

The void vibrates, and the vast brilliance rolls endlessly, which obscures the vision of all the spectators.

For a few seconds, the brilliance dissipated.

“It’s okay, no harm!”

“How is it possible, Elder Liu is the powerhouse of Divine Force 5 Heavenly Layer, he was actually injured!”

In the distance, the martial artists of Heifengzhai are all yelling.

In their eyes, Yang Xuan and Liu Yuan stand ten feet apart.

It’s just that the former looks calm and does not have a flushing face and does not breathe, while the latter looks pale, corner of the mouth flow blood, and even the gray hair is scorched.

“Is this still a human being, how can the strength be so strong!”

This is the voice of many martial artists in Yunlan Valley.

Unimaginable, Yang Xuan was able to wound Liu Yuan with one blow.

Although Liu Yuan’s injury is not too serious, he looks extremely embarrassed.

At this moment, even Jiu Mingkong and Yun Lanfeng were stunned. If they hadn’t seen them with their own eyes, they would never believe that there are such terrifying teenagers in the world.

This is a real genius!

No, he is not so much a genius as he is a monster, and only a monster can possess such terrifying battle strength.

“Brother Feiyang, Brother Yang is it possible that is from the Imperial City?”

In Feitianzhou, some people are surprised and unsure.

“I don’t know!”

Ye Feiyang shook his head and said: “Emperor City genius gathering is correct, but it can leapfrog the War God force with the cultivation base of entering the first realm. Powerhouse is definitely rare, or even not at all.”

“Not good said, after all, Feiyang is not at all to the Imperial City.”

“Yes, the heroes of the Imperial City. Many geniuses have experienced the tide of reincarnation, and the birth of a few evildoers is not impossible.”


As Ye Feiyang and the others were talking, Liu Yuan had already I fell into madness and roared: “Boy, you’d better not fall into the hands of the old man, or you must not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death.”

“Coming to fight !”

Yang Xuan spit out thunder and stood still.

Liu Yuan did not speak, nor did he need to speak, but now all he has to do is capture Yang Xuan, and then fiercely tortured him to death.

Only in this way can we be ashamed.

hong long!

A loud noise is like heaven falls and earth rends, Liu Yuan’s body is divine force surging, and the long sword in his hand dances, dozens of Blade Qi swept out in a row, Cut to Yang Xuan.


Yang Xuan calmly, with a wave of his big hand, a large cloud of golden flames that cover the sky and the sun gush out like an overwhelming, to block the incoming Blade Qi .

After a rumbling sound, all the Blade Qi was burned out, but the golden flame was also wiped out under the impact of a large number of Blade Qi.

The other party’s divine force powerhouse after all, it can’t be underestimated to attack the formidable power with anger. Yang Xuan’s ability to destroy these Blade Qi also relies on the sun’s true essence and the Profound Truth of Fire.

This is so, the people who saw this scene were still shocked.

This mysterious black robed youth is too strong, and its battle strength is against the sky. As long as it does not fall, it will be able to shake the old illuminating the new in the future and astound the world.

“This impossible, where on earth do you come from!?”

Liu Yuan was horrified and moved, with a wonderful expression, shocked, unbelievable, and even more fearful.

He almost took out the trump card’s ability just now, but he still couldn’t help Yang Xuan.

“Is there any other means, if not, then I won’t play with you.”

Yang Xuan said in a cold voice.

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