The crowd took a deep breath, unable to believe that he was playing just now.

“bully intolerably!”

In the distance, the six Divine Forces of Heifengzhai, Elder, were furious.

“This kid is weird, you guys go up together and get him down.”

Below, Jiu Mingkong shouted.

“If this is the case, then I will kill one person first.”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted, looked towards Liu Yuan, and said, “The warm-up is over,” The next punch will send you back to the West.”

“Beast, the old man is bound to kill you.”

Liu Yuan’s eyes are about to split, and he will kill him.

“courting death!”

Yang Xuan squeezed his fingers into a fist, and raised his hand as a blow, hitting the ancient inheritance secret technique, breaking the bones.


A golden fist burst out, with a radius of several feet, like a golden Fireball, burning with raging flames, hot and violent, The burning void made a crackle sound, which shows how high the temperature is.

“Not good!”

Jiu Mingkong changed color, and finally saw something, anxiously said: “Liu Yuan, this child comprehended Profound Truth of Fire, you are not his opponent , Retreat quickly.”

“What, he comprehended Profound Truth of Fire!”

Liu Yuan was shocked, almost not scared to death, a 17-18 years old boy That’s it, actually comprehended Profound Truth of Fire.

Martial Dao cultivation, the cultivation base is still the second, paying more attention to the perception of artistic conception.

If you can comprehend a certain mood, your strength will surely increase exponentially.

And above the artistic conception, there is Profound Truth and even Supreme Law.

If Yang Xuan only comprehend the artistic conception of fire, Liu Yuan would not be so surprised.

But this kid is not young next year, but he has mastered the Profound Truth of Fire, which makes him daunted, and he also knows why Yang Xuan could break it by throwing it out. He attacked.

“Go, or you will definitely die.”

With this thought, Liu Yuan didn’t dare to stay where he was. He lifted himself up and tried to dodge to the side.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

The golden fist cuts through the sky, with an incomparable speed, hitting his chest.


Like a meteorite falling from the sky, the sky is boiling, and a large number of brilliant golden flames are filled with the high temperature of burning the heavens extinguishing the earth, like a volcanic eruption. The continuous explosions started, setting off waves of flames in the sky, and the scene was terrifying.

“fourth child!”

In the distance, six Elders in Heifengzhai lost their voice.

Farther afield, many martial artists in Heifengzhai, such as the Ice Falling Cellar, and people were alarmed. No one knows whether Liu Yuan can survive this terrifying explosion.

“What a terrifying blow!”

Even Yun Lanfeng was shocked, and he couldn’t guarantee that he would be able to follow this attack, let alone say Only Liu Yuan of Divine Force 5 Heavenly Layer.


Suddenly, hysterical screams resounded throughout the world.

next moment, Liu Yuan rushed out of the explosion with a bang.

It’s just that, what makes people frightening is that he has completely become a fire man, his whole body is burning with golden flames, no matter how he struggles, no matter how high his cultivation base is, he cannot extinguish these golden flames.

“You don’t have to do unnecessary struggles, just go to death with peace of mind.”

Yang Xuan stands high in the sky, her black hair is flying, and her words are extremely cold.

Many people were shocked and looked at him together.

Is this really a weak boy? He was so calm when he was murdering, and he regarded human life like a grass.

“No, I am not willing to, ah…”

Liu Yuan roared and went away, but he didn’t fly far, just in the golden flames. Burned down to ashes, skeleton doesn’t exist.

“gu lu……”

The audience keep quiet out of fear, only the voice of countless people gulping.

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