The other five came back to his senses and hurriedly radiated Divine Consciousness to this world.

However, no matter how strong their Divine Consciousness is, they can’t catch Yang Xuan’s trace, as if they had evaporated out of thin air.


“Leave it alone, kill six people first.”

The five Yunlan Elder Gu were equally surprised, but they were Did not return it.

Five people, the one with the highest cultivation base is in front, and the remaining four stand behind them, resembling an awl, and the fast as lightning strikes the six Elders in Heifengzhai.

“Thundercloud palm!”

“Closing the sky!”

“Destroying the world red lotus!”


The five Yunlan Elder Gu will do nothing if they do it, and they will act as a killer move, launching a fierce attack on the six Heifengzhai Elder.

“courting death.”

Six people are expressing cold and have no time to pay attention to Yang Xuan, who is hiding in hiding. They each run divine force to use the unique knowledge of Heifengzhai, and five Yunlan Elder Gu There was a fierce battle.

For a time, the void violently screamed, divine glow shot in all directions, and the two Elder Fang hit the murky heavens dark earth at the first encounter.

“Jiu Mingkong, today either you will die or i will die.”

“The kid is hiding in the dark, please don’t be careless.”

Below, Jiu Mingkong only had time to say a word to remind him, so he had to concentrate attention completely to fight Yun Lanfeng.

hong long long!

A series of deafening muffled noises continue, whether it is the martial artist of Heifengzhai or the martial artist of Yunlan Valley, they all propped up the Origin Force shield.

This is the case. Many people with a too low cultivation base are still on the verge of collapse for a while and stand unstable.

While Feitianzhou defended, Ye Feiyang and the others didn’t feel anything. Someone said, “Brother Yang has awakened the invisible Martial Spirit?”

Now they Yunlangu There was almost an all-out war with Heifengzhai, but Yang Xuan, who just punched Liu Yuan to suppress and kill Liu Yuan, disappeared, which is undoubtedly surprising.

“It shouldn’t be an invisible Martial Spirit.” Ye Feiyang shook his head.

“It’s not an invisible Martial Spirit, what is that!?”

“If I guess right, the black robe not simple on Brother Yang.”

“What, isn’t that a very ordinary black robe, can it be used for invisibility!?”

“It is possible, have you forgotten that he only put on that one on the way here Is it a black robe?”

“Yes, I didn’t think there was anything at the time. I was thinking about it. I am afraid that black robe is not an ordinary costume.”

Hearing this, the baby is light Hum: “Don’t guess, it’s the shadow cloak, it’s a treasure of my big brother.”

“Shadow cloak?”

Ye Feiyang startled, Shinobu I couldn’t help asking: “Baby, can your big brother’s shadow cloak be invisible?”

“Yes, big brother used to use this to attract yin people.” The baby has big eyes and a naive face. typical.


Ye Feiyang and the others hearing this, all didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, but they didn’t doubt the baby’s words, they knew Yang Xuan in the past Many use the cloak of shadow to cheat people.


Suddenly, there was a scream in the distance.

Ye Feiyang and the others looked through Feitianzhou and instantly saw an unforgettable scene for them. Only a dark shadow flashed away, and then a Heifengzhai Elder was the head of the body. Different place.

Yes, the head is different!

I don’t know what happened, Ye Feiyang and the others could only vaguely see a black sword light flashing by, and then the Black Wind Village Elder was beheaded.

There is no doubt that this is a masterpiece by Yang Xuan.

His killer, who has been hiding in the dark, killed an Elder in Heifengzhai with a single sword.


“What happened!?”

“This is impossible, we have another Elder dead in Heifengzhai.”


At this moment, the martial artist of Yunlan Valley and the martial artist of Heifengzhai in the distance all exclaimed.

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