This is also incredible, it is a divine force powerhouse, so it was assassinated by lightning.

“Bastard, get out of here.”

“Everyone get close together, be careful not to miss the boy’s way.”

“Damn, the old man is dead. , We didn’t even react.”

The remaining five Elders in Heifengzhai were both shocked and angry, and they gathered together back to back while resisting the bows of the five Yunlan Elder Gu.

They never dared to separate again, fearing that Yang Xuan would launch a sneak attack on them.

The most disturbing thing for them is that Yang Xuan didn’t know what Divine Weapon was used, as if he could easily break the divine force on them.

“haha, many thanks Young Master Yang.”

“Now the number of people is equal, we have to work harder.”

Five Yunlan Elder Gu was shocked, and the offensive became more and more frantic, and he was bound to take advantage of the situation to kill the five Elders in the Black Wind Village.


Jiu Mingkong’s face was ugly, and he even felt a little scared inexplicably.

Because it is as powerful as him, he has not been able to detect the location of Yang Xuan when he fully releases Divine Consciousness.

“hmph, dare to distract me after a fight.”

coldly snorted, Yun Lanfeng used the Space Secret Technique, and his body instantly escaped into the void and disappeared invisible.

“Damn it, you can still use Space Secret Technique now!”

Jiu Mingkong eyes shrank, with a high concentration of energy, secretly guarding.

The no stronghold one cannot overcome the Golden Snake Sword in Yun Lanfeng’s hands, let alone Yun Lanfeng’s Space Secret Technique.

At this moment, a sharp murderous intention burst out.

Next moment, Yun Lanfeng body flashed, suddenly appeared behind Jiu Mingkong, pierced with a fierce sword.

Jiu Mingkong reacted extremely fast, and his backhand was a palm.

Chapter 584 Lore to Kill Hao Mingkong


Heaven falls and earth rends-like rumbling sound came, causing everyone’s hearts to shrink. I don’t know which one will win or lose between Jiu Mingkong and Yun Lanfeng.

After all, these two talents are the most powerful existence in this world.

Anyone’s defeat means that the forces behind him will be destroyed.

As the brilliance of the sky dissipated, the crowd suddenly found that Jiu Mingkong and Yun Lanfeng had fought hard, and both flew out, each vomiting blood, and blood stained the sky.

However, Yun Lanfeng just stabilized his body and threw himself at Jiu Mingkong.

“Yun Lanfeng, are you really afraid of death!?”

“How happy to live, and how to fear death!”

Short words, There is a kind of fearless heroism.

“Crazy man, you crazy man!”

Jiu Mingkong cursed. He has been dealing with Yun Lanfeng for many years, and he has always thought that Yun Lanfeng is a hypocrite.

Who knows that this guy is so hard-wired that he will give up his life and forget his death, as if he wants to exchange his life with himself.

No one is afraid of death, especially his martial artist who has been cultivating for a long time.

While he was horrified, the fierceness in the bones was also aroused, and all kinds of killer moves came out to fight Yun Lanfeng life and death.

He doesn’t want to fight now, but Yun Lanfeng overbearing and refuse to yield an inch.

If he does not fight with all his strength, he will only die in the end.

Just as the two fiercely confronted each other in bloody battles, the high-altitude battle had already entered a fever pitch.

Five Yunlan Elder Gu formed a large formation, with well-founded advances and retreats, and continued to attack and kill, and the five Elders in Heifengzhai retreated steadily, corner of the mouth flow blood.

This is also because Yang Xuan, the killer holding Divine Weapon, is shocked, which greatly reduces their strength. I am afraid that if they relax, they will be assassinated by Yang Xuan.

“haha, happy!”

“Kill, kill these five old fogey in one go.”

Great Elder the more fights the more brave is, chasing the five Elders in Heifengzhai.

“I can’t take care of that many, first try to kill the five people opposite.”

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