Chapter 588 Powerhouse Qizhi

“Martial Dao cultivation, can be understood, but not described, in short, There is no such thing as a free lunch.”

“Ai, I just said it casually, and I didn’t expect you to point me. I don’t care if I can’t.”

“That’s all, I want to wait for you to realize it, but even the Ancient Great Emperor All died in the ancient territory. I will pass on my former master’s perception of Space Law to you. As for how much you can learn from it and how long it will take to become Full Mastery, it all depends on your good fortune.”

“haha, thanks.”

Yang Xuan hearing this, that’s an excitement.

But then, he frowned and said, “What did you just say, even the Ancient Great Emperor died in the ancient territory?”

The so-called Ancient Great Emperor refers to the ancient times , Ancient times, or some emperor powerhouse in the ancient times.

This kind of existence is much stronger than the current emperor’s powerhouse. It truly possesses the ability of connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, which will be looked up by posterity.

However, the purgatory boy bluntly said that the Ancient Great Emperor had died in the ancient territory. How could this teach people not to be surprised?

“Boy, are you sure you are not kidding?”

Yang Xuan expression grave, this matter is very important, he must ask clearly.

“Do you think I’m joking?”

The purgatory boy was innocent.

“It’s not like, but what is going on?”

“It’s very simple, the tide of reincarnation.”

“What, is it better than Ancient The Great Emperor can’t resist the tide of reincarnation!?”

“Generally speaking, the tide of reincarnation is difficult to win the Ancient Great Emperor, but if someone tries to take the reincarnation Martial Spirit fragments as his own, then You will suffer the unimaginable Samsara Power suppress and kill.”

The purgatory boy said: “During this process, some people’s Divine Soul has not been completely lost, and many memory fragments remain. Therefore, Yun Lanfeng was able to obtain this incomplete Void Technique from the tide of reincarnation.”

“In this way, it is very likely that a small number of martial artists obtained secret skills and supernatural powers from the tide of reincarnation. From an Ancient Great Emperor?”

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, and even the Ancient Great Emperor was suppressed and killed by the tide of reincarnation. How could he, a martial artist who had just returned to the realm, withstand it? ?

“This statement is inaccurate. After some ancient supreme and heavenly powers die, there may be a small amount of memory fragments remaining.”

“Well, I took it for granted. , Your analysis is right.”

Yang Xuan agrees with the purgatory boy’s speculation. After all, even if the Ancient Great Emperor has fallen in the ancient territory, there are too many impossible.

“Okay, let go of your spirits, and I will tell you the feelings of my former master about Space Law.”


Yang Xuan did what he said, his spirit was undefended, and immediately felt that a memory message flooded into his Divine Soul like a flood.


Yang Xuan staggered in his brain and almost fainted on the spot.

This is the memory of an Ancient Great Emperor, the former owner of the Purgatory Boy. It is full of understanding and experience of Space Law.

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth, concentrating, and constantly absorbing these memories, trying to comprehend so little or two from them.

Don’t underestimate such a little bit, if he can apply what he has learned, he can understand the artistic conception of space, and he can barely master the fur of Space Law.


The chaos is first opened, and the law is derived. The law is the origin of heaven and earth, which is Heavenly Dao.

A martial artist wants to be detached, and at least some kind of Law Comprehension must be maximized.

In this way, there is an opportunity to sublimate to the fullest, breaking free from the shackles of Heavenly Dao in one fell swoop, and surpassing Heavenly Dao.

However, Martial Dao cultivation is to walk the heavens-defying road. It is extremely difficult to comprehend any one Law to the extreme, and the degree of difficulty varies.

The most difficult of them are Space Law and Time Law, because Two Great Laws are invisible and intangible, unlike Five Elements Law which can be referenced in kind.

If the martial artist who can comprehend the Five Elements Law is in ten-thousand does not have one, then the martial artist who can comprehend Space Law and Time Law is no one in a billion.

Let’s talk about Time Law, it’s difficult for ordinary people to imagine Space Law.

All Heavens Myriad Realms is immense, with a population of billions and billions.

Since ancient times, I don’t know how many shocking and stunning have ever appeared. The genius of the past and present, but few people can understand Space Law, as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Don’t look at the powerhouse’s strong fields, but in fact it only contains a little space artistic conception. It is hard to see people who can truly break through the space artistic conception to reach the Profound Truth of Space and even master Space Law.

Take the former owner of the Purgatory Boy, this is definitely a uniquely talented and peerless evildoer, but to death it is not enough to master the Profound Truth of Space.

From here, we can see how difficult it is to comprehend Space Law. This is not something that can be compensated for by the length of time. What is needed is a very high talent in Space Domain.

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