If the is innate talent is not enough, you will spend your entire life until you become a pair of dead bones.

Fortunately, Yang Xuan does not seek to immediately comprehend the Profound Truth of Space and even the Space Law. Furthermore, although he got the Profound Truth of Space insight from the former owner of the Purgatory Boy, he does not think that he can do it overnight. Turn into your own.

In his opinion, the more powerful the power is, the more difficult it is to master. What he has to do now is step by step, starting from the simplest link among these insights.

I have to say that Yang Xuan has extremely high attainments in Space Domain, and soon he has completely entered the state of concentration. His face is unemotional, and I have forgotten things.


Just when Yang Xuan was unable to retreat, the news had spread like wildfire. The entire barren state and the surrounding Great Prefecture seemed to have happened. After the earthquake, it was difficult to calm everywhere and people’s hearts were turbulent.

A 17-18 years old young man named Yang Xuan shot and killed the three major divine force realms of Heifengzhai Elder and Heifengzhai master Jiu Mingkong. What a crazy thing. , How shocked.

The Elder of the three major divine forces in Heifengzhai is not mentioned yet. Jiu Mingkong is the master of the village and cultivated for a long time, but he is a long-standing murderer.

For years tyrannize, killing people like scything flax, no one can help him. Who knows that the passing years are disadvantageous, and he was assassinated by a newcomer.

Yes, assassinate, kill with one blow.

When I heard this news, many people expressed disbelief.

This is really incredible, unheard-of in their deserted ancient continent, at least it has never happened in modern times.

“Is this true!?”

“I don’t know, the news is from some martial artists in Heifengzhai. As for whether it is true or not, it is unknown. Now.”

“These martial artists in Heifengzhai wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate against that Yang Xuan, and deliberately fabricate facts?”

Huangzhou, Qiongzhou, Cangzhou, Yun Prefecture, etc. Great Prefecture is full of noise, almost everyone’s face is full of look of shock.

The reason is simple. There are many martial artists in Heifengzhai who bluntly stated that the boy named Yang Xuan owns a Divine Boat and a Divine Sword.

It is even more popular that the boy named Yang Xuan is from Outland.

Leave aside Divine Item, the birth of any one has attracted countless people to compete.

As for Outland, how familiar this name is, it shocks martial artists everywhere, because since Yang Xuan can come from Outland, there must be a way to leave.

Leaving the deserted ancient continent, leaving the world with incomplete laws and lack of avenues, is a matter of yearn for something even in dreams for many martial artists.

For a time, the powerhouses of all parties moved after hearing the news, and their brains flocked to Yunlan Valley.

This incident made Yun Lanfeng unexpected. After he received a batch of powerhouses in the deserted states, the powerhouses in the surrounding Great Prefectures also came over in the next few days. Yunlan Valley was in an uproar.

There are too many experts. There are hundreds of experts in the divine force environment, and dozens of powerhouses in the peak powerhouse of the divine force environment. This suddenly made many Yunlan Valley martial artists nervous.

After all, their valley master is injured. If these foreign powerhouses are unscrupulous, they will be raze to the ground at their fingertips.

“Everyone, Yang Xuan has really gone.”

“Valley Lord Yun doesn’t need to deceive me, I have sent someone to inquire about it, and that Yang Xuan has not left. Now it’s secluded cultivation in your Yunlan Valley.”

“Yeah, don’t dawdle, hurry up and call that kid out, we have something to ask him.”


In the early morning of this day, one after another voices one after another. Almost all the foreign powerhouses gathered in the main peak meeting hall of Yunlan Valley, and the whole hall was crowded with water. The few people were not polite in their words, all clamoring to see Yang Xuan.

As for what Yang Xuan did, it goes without saying that it was for two Divine Item and Outland matters.

Yun Lanfeng knew this well, and he also regretted not immediately ordering everyone within the valley to keep their mouths.

Of course, this is not the time to pursue this.

He sat high in the hall, pretending to be calm and authentic: “Everyone, can you be a little quiet.”

hearing this, the noise in the hall disappeared and everyone looked up Look towards Yun Lanfeng.

There are so many people, they are not afraid of any tricks Yun Lanfeng dare to play, but the young man named Yang Xuan must be careful.

Because according to the rumors, that kid seems to have a secret treasure that can be used for invisibility, if they use this to escape, wouldn’t they ran for nothing?

Therefore, many people have already ordered their subordinates to guard outside Ye Feiyang’s courtyard. If there is any trouble in the courtyard, they will be notified immediately.

In addition, in order to prevent Yang Xuan from escaping, another powerhouse named Kunwu brought the array.

This is a mobile Formation handed down in ancient times, and it can be activated only by consuming a lot of Spirit Stone.

And this formation has now evolved into a large formation, covering the Feiyang Peak where Ye Feiyang’s other courtyard is located. Outsiders can’t get in, and people inside can’t get out.

Naturally, this matter cannot be concealed from Yun Lanfeng, but other people’s strength is weak, coupled with injury, Divine Soul is weak and unable to stop it, and can only let this Kunwu do it.

Furthermore, even if he is in good health, he is not Kunwu’s opponent.

Because Kunwu has been famous for a long time, he is much older than him.

Although the cultivation base is now comparable to him, it has already been a few prototypes in the field of comprehended. He is a well-deserved half-step supreme and extremely powerful.

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