White clothed youth needless to say is Yang Xuan, his expression is indifferent, his eyes scanned a circle, and his mouth casually spit out, “There are so many people, but unfortunately they are all a group Clay chickens and pottery dogs that can’t be on the table.”

“Little devil, you are tired of living!”

“Go on together, get him off, and break the bones.”


“It’s so irritating. If there weren’t orders from above to catch him alive, Lao Tzu would have killed him alive.”

The crowd was furious.

Although they can’t be considered any expert, the lowest cultivation base also has the 5 Heavenly Layer, and the higher cultivation base even reaches the Peak.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xuan did not open his mouth and said that they were clay chickens and pottery dogs who were not on the table. The humiliation of Chi Guoguo made them crazy.

“Don’t bark like a mad dog, you want to catch my horse and try it.”

Yang Xuan is coldly snarled, he is full of arrogance, and looks at many foreign martial artists. If nothing.

“Too arrogant!”

The crowd was filled with righteous indignation and anger.

Many of the hot-tempered people have red eyes, and they can’t wait to rush over to thwart the madman boy.

Ye Feiyang came afterwards and came to calm down beside Yang Xuan, his face calm.

Although he has not been in contact with Yang Xuan for a long time, he knows Yang Xuan’s character.

Don’t say that there are many martial artists present, but even if they swarm up, it is difficult to compete with Yang Xuan and kill these people with Yang Xuan’s strength and effortlessly.

Yang Xuan sneered and let the crowd clamor.

He has discovered that as he came out, countless Divine Consciousness focused on himself through the big array, as if he wanted to see through himself inside and out.

There is no doubt that these Divine Consciousness come from those divine force powerhouses in the reception hall.

In this regard, Yang Xuan is fearless.

“Liu Wanshan, catch this man to this seat.”

At this moment, a cold voice came, making the audience quiet.

Except for the same Yang Xuan expression, everyone else felt great power from this voice, and they all stood unsteadily and panicked.

“Follow the order of the Lord.”

A big man with a big head, a full face, a violent body, and a coat of animal skin bowed respectfully.

Obviously, this person is Liu Wanshan, and the person who gave the order must be Kunwu, and only the half-step supreme language can have such a powerful force.

However, Yang Xuan remained unmoved, his hands behind ones back, a shawl and black hair flying in the wind, his eyes were as bright as stars, and his face was not panicked from beginning to end, some were just serene calm.

This is undoubtedly shocking. Everyone knows that Yang Xuan faces hundreds of divine force powerhouses, among which Kunwu is a deep and unmeasurable half-step supreme.

But now, this new white clothed youth has no fear on the face and a calm expression.

Liu Wanshan was equally surprised when he saw this scene. He was just astonished and surprised, but he didn’t think much about it, and asked: “You brat is Yang Xuan?”

“It’s me “

Yang Xuan was slightly nodded, and Liu Wanshan was completely ignored when he raised his eyes and glanced at Liu Wanshan.

A martial artist that’s all of Fate Peak, he can suppress and kill by raising his hand.

“It’s good to be you. If you don’t want to suffer, just follow me obediently.”

Liu Wanshan’s face is gloomy and his speech is bad.

As the powerhouse of Fateful Fall Peak, his eyesight is so strong, how could he not notice Yang Xuan’s contemptuous eyes, and suddenly his lungs almost exploded, and said angrily: “I Ask me once, do you want me to do it, or follow me?”

“You count that onion, let me go with you?”

, The crowd was shocked.

They finally understood that this young man named Yang Xuan was as arrogant as the rumors were, even if he faced a powerhouse in a peak of fate, he had no scruples.

“What did you say?”

Liu Wanshan’s face was red and his ears were red, and he was shaking with anger.

With the cultivation base of Peak in his fate, he can be regarded as an expert in Southern Desolate. When has he been reprimanded like this, especially the other party is still a kid with hairs not even grown yet.

Although there are rumors that Yang Xuan killed the master of Heifengzhai Jiu Mingkong, his strength is far beyond the cultivation base, and he has two Divine Items, but it is hard to say whether the rumors are true.

“Don’t your ears work well, I said, which green onion are you, do you hear it clearly now?”

Yang Xuan sneered.

“little bastard, you are courting death.”

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