Liu Wanshan jumped like thunder, and his killing intent was soaring. There was an impulse to kill Yang Xuan desperately.

“You think you can kill me, it depends on whether you have that ability.”

Yang Xuan disdain, it’s not that he is boasting. It only needs to kill Liu Wanshan such martial artist with his current strength. one move.

“Okay, okay, okay, I will meet you now and see what arrogant capital you have.”

Liu Wanshan is extremely angry.

“What nonsense with him, quickly take him down.”

Kunwu was coldly snorted, let Liu Wanshan complexion changed, and immediately did not dare to neglect, and stepped out While releasing the imposing manner, fiercely pressed against Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan didn’t move, his face wasn’t red or panting, but Ye Feiyang couldn’t bear it, he was sweating profusely.

“Brother Ye step back, so as not to be accidentally injured.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand to signal side Ye Feiyang to step back.

What Ye Feiyang can say, he can only smile and walk away.

He has already seen that Yang Xuan is really not ready to escape, but what makes him wonder is whether Yang Xuan really has the strength to deal with Kunwu.

“Boy, you should feel fortunate, if it weren’t for you, you would have been smashed into pieces by Laozi.”

Liu Wanshan keeps walking, approaching step by step , The whole body imposing manner rushes to Yang Xuan like a tide.

Yang Xuan stood still and said with a smile: “You are a Peak expert at any rate, so you are willing to be someone else’s running dog?”

“Bastard thing, Lao Tzu Or give you some color to see if you are not a man.”

Liu Wanshan couldn’t bear it, and when he explored with his big hands, a Cold Attribute Origin Force turned into a giant hand with several feet, and every finger was like an eagle claw. , Caught him as fast as a thunder, trying to capture Yang Xuan alive.


Yang Xuan spit out thunder and raised his right arm. The muscles of an arm that didn’t look sturdy were bulging, the muscles and bones screamed, and there was a vibrating void. The sound is endless.

He made a simple but violent move, hitting him with a punch and hitting the giant hand.


The giant hand froze in the air for an instant, and then all collapsed, turning into a large scattered cold air, passing away with the wind.

“What happened!?”

A group of nearly a thousand foreign martial artists open eyes in surprise, all shocked.

Although Liu Wanshan didn’t use any secrets in this attack, the powerful Origin Force turned into a giant hand of ice is enough to suppress an ordinary martial artist in the fate of life. Who knows that Yang Xuan was casually used. It blasted with a punch.

Especially Yang Xuan clearly didn’t use Origin Force just now!

What does this mean?

Meaning that Yang Xuan fleshy body is powerful, and only with fleshly body strength can fight the powerhouse of Fate.

“Is this still a human being? He has just entered the cultivation base of Returning One Realm. How can he cultivate the Fleshy body like this!?”

Someone couldn’t help but screamed .

This is incredible. A 17-18 years old boy is just a teenager. Even if he starts cultivation in his mother’s womb, he shouldn’t have such a fleshy body.

Chapter 591 says to kill and kill

“Are you a man or a ghost, at a young age, you have such a fleshy body!”

Liu Wanshan Surprised and angry on his face, although how powerful he can’t be considered with a single blow, he is more than enough to deal with Yang Xuan, a young man with a low cultivation base.

However, what he didn’t expect was that Yang Xuan could easily resolve his attack only with fleshly body strength.

“There is a lot of nonsense, is there any other means, please use it quickly, Young Master will follow it all.”

Yang Xuan glanced at Liu Wanshan, showing no contempt on his face Cover up.

Liu Wanshan fly into a rage out of humiliation, without any words, he once again raises troubles, and he is bound to take down Yang Xuan in one fell swoop, otherwise he will lose face from now on.


In The earth shook and the mountain quivered, he jumped up, his right hand turned into claws, and a cold Attribute divine force gushed out and turned into A crampon that was more than ten feet in size smashed down with lightning speed.

This looks exactly the same as the previous move, but there are obvious differences. First of all, the crampons are larger and the divine force contained is stronger.

The most important thing is that this is evolved from a powerful secret technique, the formidable power is amazing.

The martial artist of the ordinary fate is absolutely dead without life.

Many people changed their colors in horror. This Liu Wanshan was really furious. If Yang Xuan was beaten to death all at once, I still don’t know how he would deal with Kunwu.

Everyone knows that Yang Xuan is from Outland, and if he dies, no one will want to leave the deserted ancient continent.

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