
The crampons fell across the sky, covering a sky, making Yang Xuan inevitable.

In fact, Yang Xuan didn’t even think about hiding. He raised right hand and threw his fist up to the sky.

This is the collapse of the nine extremes!

With a punch, the power is like a torrential torrent, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to crush the crampons.

In this situation, everyone is startled.

Liu Wanshan’s attack has obviously used secret skills, but he still can’t shake Yang Xuan, a young man who has just entered the realm.

Don’t talk about shaking. People stood there and didn’t move at all. They just raised their fists and beat the crampons with one blow. It felt as simple as breaking a rock.

“This is impossible!”

Liu Wanshan was so terrified that he almost fell from the sky.

“you are too weak.”

Yang Xuan raised his head, indifferently said.

Although there are not many words, there are only short four characters, but it shocked everyone watching the game.

The strength of this white clothed youth is too strong. At a young age, it will be able to leapfrog the peak powerhouse of the Fallen Realm. It will take time to run amuck throughout the world.

“Boy, you are too mad!”

Liu Wanshan roared, but didn’t do it anymore. Yang Xuan had such battle strength without even using Origin Force, he has lost it Fighting spirit.

“Kunwu, this subordinate of yours does not seem to be strong enough, you should stop sending a stronger one, or you can do it yourself.”

Yang Xuan said, The sound was not loud, but it made many people frightened.

What’s this? I challenged Supreme’s half-step supreme in the air. This kid is also more timid, regardless of the law and of natural morality.

Except for Ye Feiyang and Liu Wanshan, who is angry, everyone has ups and downs, and they don’t know what else this white clothed youth dare not do.

“You have a lot of courage, but those who dare to speak harshly to this seat will not end well.”

This is Kunwu’s voice, which is full of monstrous anger.

“Really, Jiu Mingkong also said similar things to me before his death, but what happened in the end? I was alive and kicking, but he died and died.”

Yang Xuan smiled lightly.

“What is Jiu Mingkong, a bandit leader who occupies the mountain, that’s all, don’t take this seat with him mention on equal terms, he is not worthy.”

hearing this , Yang Xuan rarely answered, his eyes fell on Liu Wanshan, and said: “Your master is already impatient. If you are a dog, if you take me down quickly, you must return to your master. Let me explain.”

“Quit has the advantage of your tongue, the old man will break your legs and drag you to my lord.”

Liu Wanshan opens his mouth. a long whistle, directly use the trump card to learn.

hong long!

A large wave of cold air rushed out and turned into countless ice air blades, like a tornado storm, rushing towards Yang Xuan with a deafening sound.

Yang Xuan expression remained the same, right hand stretched forward, palm golden light flashed, a golden flame spewed out, and the ice blades that would hit in the future burned clean in an instant.

“Golden flame, is this the flame Martial Spirit!?”

“It is not only the flame Martial Spirit, but also contains the true essence of the sun!”

“What, Sun Zhenyuan, it seems that he really came from Outland!”

The crowd exploded. They were still suspicious of the rumors, but as the Sun Zhenyuan came out, they knew that Yang Xuan was indeed It’s from a foreign domain.

Only in Outland can there be Sun, Moon and Stars in order to cultivation the unparalleled Sun Zhenyuan.


Liu Wanshan trembled all over, his face was shocked.

This is his most powerful trick. It was burned to fly ash like this.

The most frightening thing for him is that the rumors are true that this young man named Yang Xuan is really from Outland. From this, there may be Divine Item on him.

Liu Wanshan became more afraid as he thought about it, his head and feet were cold, and even his mouth was shaking.

He is just a martial artist of the Peak of Fate. If Yang Xuan uses Divine Item, he will be violent death with one blow.

No one is afraid of death, especially someone like him who has been cultivated for hundreds of years. For a while, he dare not act blindly without thinking.

“Why, the Guizhou donkey’s skills are poor?”

A sneer appeared at the corner of Yang Xuan’s mouth, and his figure flickered, disappearing from the same place.

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